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/)eathKiller 05-14-2003 10:06 PM

They entered the store and managed to pool 1000 Mesta between them

The store sold: (ooc: *rolls dice* )

Health Items:

Monomate : 50 Mesta
Dimate : 500 Mesta
Monofluid : 100 Mesta
Difluid : 1000 M


handgun : 156 M
saber : 300 M
Sword : 1500 M


Frame : 500 M
Barrier : 700 M

Your Bank Clerk Informs you that You have now joined the guild bank and can trust your items with them ^_^

T/-/alali 05-15-2003 03:06 PM

"I'll Take four monomates please," Thalali told the shop keeper. Thalali turned to Talin "I'll be waiting for you by the teleporter to the pricipal." Thalali turned on his heel and walked out in the direction of the teleporter.

the sauceman 05-15-2003 03:31 PM

Nodding in reply to Thalali as the hunter left the store, Talin turned back to the store owner. "I'll take six Monomates, thanks." As he gathered his supplies, the young ranger headed for the teleporter to meet up with Thalali. Then, they would go to see the Principal.

/)eathKiller 05-15-2003 09:05 PM

Energy washed around the two of them as they felt the sensation of rising into the air. Suddenly the appeared under a gigantic rotating transparent dome, the floor around them was spinning at a slow rate. Everyone inside the rotating structure was stanging about observing their holographic monitors. An elderly man dressed in a peacoc-colored tunic with many medals along his chest sat in the center surrounded by thousands of monitors. "Come Forth, Hunters" he said... The Hunter and Ranger stepped forward.

"as you know it is a usual term to refer to all mercenaries, such as yourselves, as Hunters, even though some of you may be forces and rangers. It's simply easier to keep track of you all that way" he chocked a bit.

A tear was slowly streaking down his face, but he remained stern in his expression.

"What is it you came here for? Do you want your section ID's?"

His other eye was growing watery as well...


I've decided to add in the following spells just to add "Flavor" to the game:

Summon Forest Creature, Summon Altered Creature, Summon Machine Creature, Summon Dark Creature

For right now they are FORCE-ONLY spells.

/)eathKiller 05-16-2003 07:52 AM

---- Meanwhile... ---

*32 Vectors +32, -24, +87 dogrees of Pioneer 2, A small science vessel scans ragol with a beacon of photon light and a telescope.

Inside a group of scientists wearing large orange translucent helmets, with bird-like appearance to their shape, and blue body armor walk about, scanning, manipulating, studying their observance of the planet and its inhabitants.

"We have concluded," one speaks in a meeting, "That the life forms of ragol are composed of Photon DNA, thanks to the work of pioneer scientsits like DR. Montague, the Island science facilitator, and Ms. Rico, and Mr. Chavez, we can conclude the following: this ship's prime directive has now been changed. We are no longer Observation beacon 106.7... We are now MORGUE."
Everyone around the long tabled applauds, the tiny round-bodied robotic workers even put their tiny hands together in appreciation before resuming their daily tasks.

"let the first hunter willing to join our special research team... ENTER!"

A blast of light radiates from a teleporter at the end of a long hallway that extends to the room. The catwalk illuminates with moving parts and photon energies traveling about the ship.

"We have chosen this hunter after years of research and have decided that he is in his prime for being assigned these new duties... He will also be accompanied by an android of our choice..."

The teleporter illuminated with differint colored streaking lights, and a silouete appeared as if from out of nowhere, it started walking forward, metalic boots clamoring against the floor with each step he took forward.

"Welcome... Valinian!"

A gold-eyed ranger wearing medium-class armor with nothing in his pocket but a handgun stood before the comitee of sientists.

"His stats are as follows" an android read out:
"STR 110
DEX 200
EVP 200
MIND 200
DEF 190

He wears a Body Plate, a Yellow Earing, A Hairclip, a Digger/hp booster, giving him 20 HP, and a TP of 15

He weights in at 240 LBs fully clothed, and stand 5'9.

He is especially tall for his race: Being a Newman, and as you know, his class is ranger.

Full name: Valinian Fikhana

May I be the first to welcome you on board MORGUE?"

The ranger shook the tiny robots hand, and then proceeded to walk down the catwalk to a scientist who had come out to greet him.

"We are very anxiouse to get you down to the surface... But we must test your abilities first... As you know we do not utelize Mags here with our research, We feel that they corrupt the hunter, so instead, we are giving you a support android. His name is D-3-4-7-H, and is a PINKAL ID... We belive he was used as a service droid back when the pioneer 1 colony dropped, we aren't sure of what his purpose was during the pioneer 1 disaster, only that we found his husk among thousands of bones. We haven't activated him since then, as we haven't had a need for a tank-like war machine like him... But we're sure he'll work just fine, acoording to his Neural network, everything is nomal. We'll introduce you to him after we get to a more pressing matter. You can keep your handgun, but you won't be needing it. We are going to give you the power to utelize all the photon energy in the world... gentlement... show him the deck..."

A metalic case was layed out onto a table before Valinian.

"Here we have 10 photon cards, ready for use, and 20 blank cards. When you encounter a specie of monster that you do not have in your deck, place a DNA sample onto the blank photon card, and it will bond with the DNA, creating a summoning spell."

"These cards have been magiked by our most powerfull forces..."
"They have also been enhanced by our greatest sciences..."

"We hope you are able to use them well, to activate the spell bound to the special card, simply hold it in the palm of your hand and call the spell placed onto the thin object. We refer to these as cards because they are so thin, but what they really are is hand-held genetic cloning device able to replicate, or summon, beasts at your will. Two of these beasts are off-world life forms, if you decide to utelize them, well... Be cautiouse... One is a G-NELL the other a BARUBARY WORM. The other cards in your deck are: Rappy, Booma, Shark, Shark, Shark, Lilly, Lilly, Grass Assasin."

"We have also programed your armed droid with 3 cards, which we have programmed him to be able to use..."

"Ah yes the droid.. let's go get him shall we?"

The armored ranger is then lead into a room by three scientists, there is a large vault of frozen and suspended androids, they are on a rotating conveyor belt, the sounds of them resonating, "awaiting... instructions..." can be heard all around the room, though very quiet, it is quite apparent that all of the androids in the room are fully active. THe scientist presses a button on his wrist and the rotation stops, two-by-two the cases are stacked on top of eachother, one is then pressed forward and lowers to the ground level with the scientists and ranger. Cold gasses leak out of the sides of the container, as it's lid then folds upward with a turbine sound, inside a solid black android is sitting, it has a set of mags and a gigantic cannon-looking item to its side, its eyes begin to glow and it looks up at the ranger.

"hell- o..." It speaks emmotionally

Its massive, lumbering body then steps out of the container and stands up, almost 12 feet tall!

"Awaiting... Instructions..." it says emmotionlessly, yet again...

"Go on," a scientist says to Valinian, "Command it!"

SomeGuy 05-16-2003 08:20 AM

Valinian blinked. He looked up and down examining the huge robot. He knew this was going to be an awesome adventure with this thing. "Hmm... Robot.." there was a long silence. "Robot, do stand up comedy!"

[ 05-16-2003, 08:20 AM: Message edited by: SomeGuy ]

/)eathKiller 05-16-2003 08:32 AM

The robot opened a chest pannel and pulle dout a microphone.

"Check one check one..." it spoke with a bit of emmotion...

"What is it with pineapples these days? I mean... come on... Has anyone actually seen where they GROW from? Do they grow out of the ground like potatoes or do they come from trees? You knwo what.. I don't think anyone REALLY knows... that's why i've concluded that Pineapples are actually synthetically created, homogonized... thing that were a top-secret experinment by the hostess company that went terribly... teribly wrong... oh and while we're at it... let's talk about IDs for a minute here... alright... alright... WHY! of all the IDs the principal can hand out... WHY is this PINK ONE the best? I mean COME ON! you'd think of all the Section IDs in the WORLD you'd have like.. RED... or... BLACK... or maybe even WHITE or anything would be good! but NO! Red means you just find good armor, Black: Rifles, and heck... even other colors like yellow, all you find with YELLOW is MONEY! it takes a PINK id to actually find Chainsaws and Death Spells! Is there a bit of IRONY here? I do belive so ! Actually It's not Irony at work at all! ITS THE PRINCIPAL'S FASION SENCE! Just look at the guy! He wears a freaking Liotard that's had paint spill on it or something! He looks like a Parrot! i thought Ship captains were supposed to have the parrot on their shoulder, not kill and make a uniform out of them! Sheesh! And he's always CRYING even when he's happy! What kind of a leader crys all the time? How can he even see all those freaking monitors if all he dos is get teary eyed! And that's about all I've got to conclude on the matter... Tell Thanks 'yall I hope you liked the show, now if you don't mind i'm going to go slam my **** into a drawre now..." It put the mic back, made a comedic gesture and then stumbled away as if it realy had slammed its **** in a drawre... It then resumed an upright position and looked down at is master.

"... I remember..." it spoke... then looked at the scientists... "thank you for reviving me... what year is it?"

"It's 2205"

"2205... 7 years..."

"yes it's been 7 years since pioneer 1 landed..."

"wow... Well i suppose it coudl be worse! last time I woke up in a cryo chamer 90 years had passed" The andoid guffawed



"you Exhibit emmotions!"

"of course I do! I constantly do my Microsoft Updates! Unlike some droids I know..."

One of the scientists chuckled and after a stern look form his companions fell silent...

"My Name isn't D-3-4-7-H... that's L33t for Death! my Name's Death! Pleased to meet you... OH WHOOPS forgot my boquet!" The android reached back and pulled out his gigantic cannon, it struck the floor as he whipped out out and it dented the floor


"whoops sorry, I hope your insurance covers that..."


"... doesn't look like that to me Doc... alright letsee i've got these here cards, got my big gun.. anything I'm missing? AH RIGHT! "

he placed the tapas on his shoulders, they shivered a bit and shook off the ice compacted around them, still dripping cooland, they chirped and whirled about casting Shifa/Deband "Aww you guys still remember me..."

He then latched on a large sheild and looked back at the ranger...


He then walked up to the teleporter...

"Our first quest will take us to the forest to test our your weapon, there's a particular section where the monsters are behaving odly..."

The scientsits spoke up "HOW DO YOU KNOW HIS MISSION?"

"live-updates remember?"

"Oh right..."

another chuckle...

"Right Let's go little guy!... can I call you rusty?"

[ 05-16-2003, 08:36 AM: Message edited by: /)eathKiller ]

SomeGuy 05-16-2003 08:39 AM

Valinian chuckled at the robot's jokes and followed him to the teleporter. "Don't call me rusty, please. Call me Valinian or Val for short.It's what my old friend's used to call me." He looked up at the robot. "I'm ready when you are Death."

[ 05-16-2003, 08:40 AM: Message edited by: SomeGuy ]

/)eathKiller 05-16-2003 08:47 AM

"away we go then..."

light washed around the large android and his ranger acomplice...

"i'm a ranger too you know" he spoke while they were warping... Speaking during transport is in-fact theoretically impossible, but he somehow managed to blurt something out which echoed all the way downt he teleporter, it was as if he'd practiced long enough to know the timings of everything. They appeared on the planet and stepped out onto the fresh grass.

"I can't belive its been so long since my feet have been planted in soil.."

the horizon extended outward and on forever, they were standing on a hillside overlooking a vast feild of trees, streams, rivers, valleyes, canyons, birds flying in the air, a beautifull pair of suns in the sky, and in the distance a few lumbering beasts traveled amonsgst the trees...

"So what exactly are we looking for here?"

Suddenly the ground below them began rumbling, "OK! If you want to use one of those cards this might be the time!"

-------BATTLE BEGINS---------

The soil bursts open and some snarling beasts appear, BOOMAS, these ground-hog like beasts like to bite and slash their oponents, they also have a terrifying roar which doesn't actually do any harm. Their bite is alot worse than their bark. Thought hey are relativley weak.

"Back up now!" the two rangers stepped back until they met a large door behind them "alright... on the count of 3 we do it... One... two.."

the sauceman 05-16-2003 03:29 PM

Glancing at his partner, Talin shrugged, then turned to the old man. "Actually sir, we need to get clearance from the Principal to head over to Rogal, we've been given a mission from our guild. If these Section IDs will allow us entrance to Rogal, then by all means, I would like to apply for one."

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