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TheDutkanator 08-24-2001 06:35 AM

<Table><TR><TD Style=Filter:glow(Color=blue, strength=3)><h1><Font Size=2, Color="white">I am absolutely sure I want to go to college. I need to start ASAP because I have a 10 month old boy and will have another in 3 months. I have absolutely no idea what I want to go for. I have entertained many ideas and have even told friends/family that that's what I'm going for. A couple months later, I pick something else and tell them that's what I'm going to do. In the past year, I've wanted to do the following: Doctor, Nurse, Pilot, Carpenter, Computer Science Major, Computer Programmer (Video Games), Computer Graphics and Animation (Video Games/Movies). How do I decide??? What do I do??? <font size=6, color="red">HELP!!</font></font></h1></TD></Table>


Let's get'em guen!


"I'm sorry, did I kill you?" -TheDutkanator

WOLFGIR 08-24-2001 08:12 AM

Go for something with a future that you think you can stand in ten years. A job that lets you develope yourself and your skills and no shirt term job.

To me, if you have what is needed computer graphics and animation sounds fun. Even the booring stuff is ok to do, and the pay is decent.

Other than that, only you can decide what you want to do!

Best of luck!

Yawning lazywolf dreaming about nice little fairies...zzzzz
Wolfgirs lair

Epona 08-24-2001 09:07 AM

I'm going to give the opposite advice to Wolfgir! (no offence!
Having just got my degree (archaeology, with no career prospects), I would say do something you enjoy. It's the enjoyment that keeps you going at the end of the day. No way could I have stuck out 4 years of accountancy.
And if you can have both prospects and enjoyment, you're lucky indeed!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas

Redblueflare 08-24-2001 09:11 AM

I'm going with Epona too. (Sorry Wolfie!) Go with something you'll enjoy for the rest of your days. If you like videogames so much be a programmer. (And no i'm not saying that cause that's what i'm going to do.) If you enjoy helping people be a doctor. As long as you can enjoy your job it's fine.

Sazerac 08-24-2001 10:15 AM

Um, I'm not sure, but I think that is what Wolfgir was meaning, guys. Find something that's both fun AND has good job stability.

Yes, do not bury yourself in something you HATE, even though the pay may be good. I don't think there's many people who, on their deathbeds, say "I wish I had made more money."

A suggestion: since you obviously are interested in medical (Doctor, Nurse) and computers, have you thought about maybe a career in 3D Medical Imaging systems? More and more medical is going computerized nowadays. Might be worth a look.

Cheers, and best wishes to you on your upcoming decision. Oh, and BTW: you really don't have to nail down anything until your 3rd year. That's what the first 2 years of college are about; getting the core courses out of the way and letting you take electives to find out what you really want to do. Go in as an "undecided" and shop around in your areas of interest until you find something that really grabs you.


adam warlock 08-24-2001 10:24 AM

get as much financial and support information as you can

first I would recommend for you to create a list of the positions you are eying on....

next/under each position, write pros and cons about it, if there will be continuing demand for that position up to 10 years, and what you like about it.

I would narrow it down to two positions to study for in case.


get away from my homepage

Rikard 08-24-2001 10:28 AM

Dutk As they keep on telling me (over and over again)
You cannot let others decide what is the best study for you
It is you who has to do it
And it is you who has to like it
I personally would say go Study Quantum Fysics but that'just me
Get a lot of information and make you desition based on that
not on advice from others


The Rocks show the way

WOLFGIR 08-24-2001 10:29 AM


Originally posted by Epona:
I'm going to give the opposite advice to Wolfgir! (no offence!
Having just got my degree (archaeology, with no career prospects), I would say do something you enjoy. It's the enjoyment that keeps you going at the end of the day. No way could I have stuck out 4 years of accountancy.
And if you can have both prospects and enjoyment, you're lucky indeed!

Hmm, well Sazerac understood me at least!! (Freindly bearhug! ) hehe, What I meant with stand for ten years is something that cn be fun or tolerable for ten years. IE fun!

Yawning lazywolf dreaming about nice little fairies...zzzzz
Wolfgirs lair

Moridin 08-24-2001 10:52 AM


You have to pick one thing (ok maybe two for a double major and make it something you will enjoy.

I studied Chemistry for 4 years and was only 20 credits shy of my degree, but after much thought I decided it was not what I wanted to do. So I took 3 years off and finally went back and got my Econ degree. It is something I enjoyed studying...I might not use it for much (pretty worthless w/out at least an MS or PhD) but I enjoyed it and it does come in handy for other things (finance, accounting...)

Only you can choose what you wish to pursue, but you have to pick something and just run with it, otherwise you will drive yourself nuts trying to decide, b/c no matter what you will always feel that there might be something better. Trust me on this, been there done that

BTW what school(s) are you looking at? As you can see from my profile I live in the Cities and attended Metro wife went to the U, and I also have friends that attend St. Thomas...let me know and perhaps I can help in someway.


Never try to teach a pig to sing; it wastes your time and it annoys the pig
I've got to admit it's getting better, it's getting better all the time

DEADMAN 08-24-2001 12:57 PM

I know this may sound strange but go see the career councilor and take the tests. With a good councilor you can find something you'll enjoy and be suited for. Besides the average college student changes there major 4 times ! I meandered through most of my college career, and its better to be focused.

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