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Big Dave 06-01-2001 01:09 AM

I went in and can't get past the door. It looks like I'm missing something. I was going to leave the mine entrance to go look for that something but the doorway to the outside is blocked by two Mantraps. I can kill one but I haven't been able to kill both of them.

There are six in my party. I have a wizzard with foruth level spells. But he uses up his magic on the first mantrap. Does anyone have any suggestions? I could probably revert the game. It would cost me about four hours of game time. I'd rather not have to do that.

Sazerac 06-01-2001 01:13 AM

Looks like you're the victim of a "Random Spawn", Big Dave!

Kill one mantrap, then wait it out until your wizard gets his mana back up, then kill the other one. The mantraps can't get their big green butts down the tunnel, so you'll be okay, just stay out of range.

Do you have any mana potions or mana more, mana max potions? Now's the time to use them!

Might that "something" you're looking for be a writ, perhaps? Here's a map where you can find one:

Jafin 06-01-2001 01:14 AM

Hmmmm.... Did you ever get the miner's writ? Use that on the drawer to enter the Stout Mines. If not you're in for one heckava fight. If you have some very nice blessed weapons you MIGHT be able to beat them in melee combat when your wizard runs out of magic. If you can't beat them after a few tries, you might just have to revert game.... I killed the mantraps almost first thing after exiting Ishad N'ha on the west. Try using spells like Flamedrop or Burning Haze if you have it. That is very effective (plants, fire, plants burn)

Good Luck! You're gonna need it!


Jafin 06-01-2001 01:16 AM

Sazerac's advice was better than mine. My solution to everything is to hack it to pieces. I guess I'm a barbarian at heart BUT, if his plan doesn't work, mine could be a fallback


Big Dave 06-01-2001 01:17 AM

Thanks for the quick response Sazerac. I'll try your suggestion. And yes, I believe it is a writ I need. I'll let you know how it turns out.

Sazerac 06-01-2001 01:19 AM

LOL Jafin! I guess I'm a spellcaster at heart. Almost everything I do in the game, I use magic on, and only resort to the hack method when I'm at close range. It gets to be that I hate the Gwylls/Nymphs so (that baby doll voice makes me want to KILL, KILL, KILL!!) that I Flamestrike them as soon as I see them on the horizon.


Jafin 06-01-2001 01:24 AM

We'd probably be a pretty good team in a live rpg like AD&D. A spellcaster and a berserk warrior.... Possibilities, no? LOL, I only resort to magic when there are very powerful enemies, such as those dreaded mantraps. I took out some of the jungle lilies in the Boogre Prison by attacking them right up close!

It also provides some balance to this board!


Sazerac 06-01-2001 01:26 AM

That would be a LOAD of fun, Jafin! I never considered multiplayer before because I've heard of so many horror stories about p-killing, but I've met so many cool people here on the forum, there's several I'd be proud to play online with.

Yes, we would make a great taking out the up-close monsters while I target the distant ones. Nope, not much could stand in the way of that! I like the prospects!


Wyvern 06-01-2001 09:14 AM

Big Dave - did you find the writ??

(Saz and Jafin - With your different approaches, you would make a great team!)


Big Dave 06-01-2001 08:54 PM

I tried Sazeric's advice and it worked, although it did take a while. Then as I was leaving I was ambushed by a third Mantrap. It destroyed my party. Fortunately I had just saved. So I reloaded and lured him to the bottom and disposed of him with flamestrike. Then as I was leaving again I was attacked yet again, this time by a flying griffin. It killed my lead guy but I made it back to town and paid to have him revived.

As for the writ, I picked up a scroll along the way and when I had it identified at the Smith Shop in town, it was a writ. I don't know if that writ will work or not. I decided to put off going back to the mines for now because I wan't to get my fighter advanced to Samarai before I do.

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