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Suul-Yinn 11-16-2000 06:21 AM

OK I thought I'd start the ball-rolling on a new topic because of a comment from Armisael and something that happened to me last-night. How many red herrings have you found? Are they deliberate, easter eggs or cock-ups? Last night I was just leaving Spellhold and I wondered if there was anything in the areas not visible by walking around. I cast Farsight(not sure that is the right name) and whilst moving my mouse I noticed that a box on the planking below the second bridge was highlighted. However you can't walk over as the lower bridge's span is broken and I don't think that teleport is available as a user spell. IT IS DRIVING ME MAD!!! What's in it, if anything, any ideas before I tear the last few strands of hair out

Armisael 11-16-2000 07:23 AM

First and foremost, I'd like to point out that the guy in Trademeet inn who gets hit by lightning is, to me, the single most annoying thing in the game. I've scoured the entire game for any reference to him, and found nothing. What the hell is he for? Anyone?
Oh, and to anyone contemplating searching every one of the hundred or so containers around Waukeen's Promenade, don't bother. Each and every one of them is empty. Argh.

Memnoch 11-16-2000 07:50 AM

Armisael you have a hell of a lot of patience to go through all of those containers! Maybe the guy is some kind of teaser for BG3. Remember BG1, walking to Nashkel, you met Lord Foreshadow who made reference to Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Amn and Icewind Dale?
Anyway here's a weird one - in the Sahuagin City, when you are talking to the Rebel Prince (or fighting him) you see a message which says that Royal High Priestess Senitilliyti (or whatever) has died when this is the Royal Priestess of the Sahuagin King. Does she just commit suicide randomly or what?

Mortis Metacarpus 11-16-2000 01:19 PM

I *think* that the guy in the inn in Trademeet is part of a competition I saw on Blackisle's site ages ago- write about your AD&D character and the best ones get put into the game.

Suul-Yinn 11-16-2000 04:44 PM

An exploding character was the winner? Jeez, must have been the only entry. Can't have accumulated much experience either as Spontaneous Combustibles lvl 2 tend to be rarer than honest politicians . I agree, he was incredibly frustrating. I was hoping he would be referred to later in the game , but obviously not. Memnoch, if you think Armisael is patient, I pickpocket everybody I meet as well as checking all the boxes. Maybe I had a deprived/depraved childhood or I am incredibly anal(DON'T answer that ). NB I am glad I did pickpocket the genie outside the Dao-Djinn's tent, as the efreeti summoning bottle is very useful. I still haven't opened that DAMM box outside Spellhold and if I find that it was an Easter egg after I leave the island, I will turn into the Stalker and rip Black Isle's heads off! (I REALLY need to get out more)

Suul-Yinn 11-16-2000 04:49 PM

An exploding character was the winner? Jeez, must have been the only entry. Can't have accumulated much experience either as Spontaneous Combustibles lvl 2 tend to be rarer than honest politicians . I agree, he was incredibly frustrating. I was hoping he would be referred to later in the game , but obviously not. Memnoch, if you think Armisael is patient, I pickpocket everybody I meet as well as checking all the boxes. Maybe I had a deprived/depraved childhood or I am incredibly anal(DON'T answer that ). NB I am glad I did pickpocket the genie outside the Dao-Djinn's tent, as the efreeti summoning bottle is very useful. I still haven't opened that DAMM box outside Spellhold and if I find that it was an Easter egg after I leave the island, I will turn into the Stalker and rip Black Isle's heads off! (I REALLY need to get out more)

Suul-Yinn 11-16-2000 04:49 PM

An exploding character was the winner? Jeez, must have been the only entry. Can't have accumulated much experience either as Spontaneous Combustibles lvl 2 tend to be rarer than honest politicians . I agree, he was incredibly frustrating. I was hoping he would be referred to later in the game , but obviously not. Memnoch, if you think Armisael is patient, I pickpocket everybody I meet as well as checking all the boxes. Maybe I had a deprived/depraved childhood or I am incredibly anal(DON'T answer that ). NB I am glad I did pickpocket the genie outside the Dao-Djinn's tent, as the efreeti summoning bottle is very useful. I still haven't opened that DAMM box outside Spellhold and if I find that it was an Easter egg after I leave the island, I will turn into the Stalker and rip Black Isle's heads off! (I REALLY need to get out more)

Suul-Yinn 11-16-2000 04:49 PM

An exploding character was the winner? Jeez, must have been the only entry. Can't have accumulated much experience either as Spontaneous Combustibles lvl 2 tend to be rarer than honest politicians . I agree, he was incredibly frustrating. I was hoping he would be referred to later in the game , but obviously not. Memnoch, if you think Armisael is patient, I pickpocket everybody I meet as well as checking all the boxes. Maybe I had a deprived/depraved childhood or I am incredibly anal(DON'T answer that ). NB I am glad I did pickpocket the genie outside the Dao-Djinn's tent, as the efreeti summoning bottle is very useful. I still haven't opened that DAMM box outside Spellhold and if I find that it was an Easter egg after I leave the island, I will turn into the Stalker and rip Black Isle's heads off! (I REALLY need to get out more)

Suul-Yinn 11-17-2000 05:33 PM

OOPS!!! Slight problem with the board last night methinks!

Sabre 11-19-2000 01:25 AM

I think Red Herrings are great to be added to a game! I used to write adventure games in basic eon's ago and even won a competition. They loved all the plot twists/ red herrings etc. Saying that who'd think I would have figured out those Myconoid dudes earlier! They had me for a while!

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