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Loumistro 04-20-2002 03:35 PM

Well I have been looking for a while and couldn't find my favorite part of this forum and that was the boogre bar so I decided to make another one

For those of you who never went in the boogre bar it is a place where you can tell your interesting stories thourghout the Geal Serran and get drinks and hang out and all kinds of stuff kinda like an oline bar so I hope to here your stories soon

Loumistro 04-20-2002 04:06 PM

Well I have been playing since i got the game off and on and today I finally got all my charectors to every role and all the traits and skills and every thing maxed out my favorite one is at level 990 and right now he is a monk he is very strong he has the vampire trait which is my favorite but it won't strike any more i can't find out why but oh well no one can hit him he is immune to all magic I killed every charector that can be killed including both Cet and Anphas in the same game almost got rid of kerah but I don't think it is possible.

Well here is my story I was starting with a new charector and I was doing okay (by the way I only use 1 person at a time no more)I got to the crypt never have trouble there so didn't expect anything to happen but something weird happened two crypt lords showed up no problem but where the showed up was the problem in the middle of my fight with scabban being used to stuff happening I keep some good scrolls on me with all the new charectors this one had no spells and no good abilites I got out of that alive but it took all my potions and broke my weapon normally I don't have any trouble after scabban even when I have little trouble so after that I am down one the ground open the area to go to the spirit of nivius and guess who is in there two easy zombies so I kill them talk to nivius and turn around this time three crypt lords and it sucked a level 12 barbarian against three crypt lords who compare to level level eight summoning crypt skeleton I made it out of that mess with 10 life points left so I felt proud but it was weird I never have any trouble going through the crypt now I have him as that monk you read about above the only traits he doesn't have are the traits that only a certain race gets but he does have snakeskin and he is an elf

D*one 04-22-2002 04:23 AM

*listens to tale as she sits down at the bar*

Sounds like a bit of trouble you got yourself into.....Glad to see you made it back to the bar. BTW Love what you did with the place. *places sword on bar as her crew sits down at a near by table*

I'll have the next closest thing to an mgd....

Loumistro 04-23-2002 10:29 PM

Well it is time for another story and story time here it goes and this one is a neat one.

We were just getting ready to leave the surgeon ruins after opening the gate but a Amazon mantrap I thought no problem I have my mage (this was when I was not that great but now well different story different time) well the Mantrap took aim and spit and there went the mage I forgot he was almost dead so I ran around and they followed me and the next thing I know he is surronded well I don't know what happened but it was the first and only time I woke up somewhere that I don't remeber being so I thought I had a dream but the smell was bad

Bungleau 04-24-2002 01:40 AM

*Walks in, looks around, and sends an ice-cold MGD (that's Miner's Gold Draught) over to D*one. Or at least the table where D*one was at...*

Ahh... a good place to rest after a night of gaming. Now, if only there were some fresh lily salad available... I've got a hankering for ending my hungerin'.

*sits back and nods off on the chair for a bit*

*or at least seems to...*

Loumistro 05-02-2002 05:22 PM

Its me again and I have a story for all you new comers.

I was helping a freind play the game and get used to it so he could borrow a copy of it and man did he have fun for a first time play. He new the basics from the gameboy game because he owns that.

So he was creating a new character he was doing all fine but he only made one and it was a theif he said he wanted to see how hard the game was. So he walked out no armor no nothing but guess what he went to the side of the gates where you go to lake nymph and he meet all the trolls no weapon and nothing so he ran away meet up with some spiders wougars and all kinds of other creatures. finally he got stuck in toad village and made war with them tring to leave the other monster got a hold of him and he all of a sudden show back up at the gates battered and basicly dead so I healed him and told him never to do that again you are stupid for that.


Noble Wolf 05-02-2002 06:43 PM

*carefully leaning ordinary looking staff against the bar*

-middle aged mage(with grey streak running left to right across his hair) wearing beshevelled doublet, trousers, and suede boots - sits on the bar stool close to the door.-

I'm new to these parts. But I do love hunting those mantraps!
Barkeep could you pour me a cold MGD thanks?

[ 05-02-2002, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: Noble Wolf ]

Korvican 05-02-2002 07:54 PM

*placing bow and sword next to door*

Greetings! Thought I might drop in and relax for a bit. My priest might be along shortly, she seems to be having trouble with her monk training. You can't miss her, really, she's rather *ahem* naked....

D*one 05-03-2002 01:51 AM

*Just to test reflexes in the bar, grabs sword and stands with one long swoop and turns to face door*.....hmmmmm he he he

False alarm....

*sits back down with sword layin on table*
I killed a few mongruels out back and if you want you can have a leg off of one of them....they taste great....Bar Be Qued em myself.....
A*1 anyone???

Thanks bung for the miners brew...appreciate it much...Nothing is new with me, having a hard time to motivate myself to go back to the shrine....alot of creepy things pop up outta nowhere....but i guess when my party is feeling better, we'll make our way back....

Noble Wolf 05-03-2002 04:00 AM

*Startled by D*one's move against the door, mage rises; and with a jesture of left hand casts merlin's shield upon himself whilst letting fly with several incenerate and a magma bomb from the right hand.*

*mage looks at barkeep, and places 24kt gold bullion onto bar*

Perhaps this will help pay for a new wall?? Sorry!

[ 05-03-2002, 08:24 AM: Message edited by: Noble Wolf ]

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