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Timber Loftis 05-07-2003 08:23 PM

It's late and I'm on my way home, but I've wanted to [img]graemlins/rant.gif[/img] about this for three days now. NYC banned all cigerettes in bars and restaurants, as did California, and now so has Boston. Bar owners in Chicago are quaking in their boots as the City Council considers doing it here.

I'm sorry, but cigs are about HALF of what a bar is for. Plus, I'm tired of explaining to people from other countries why you can't light a f-ing cigarette in public in "the land of the free." I mean, if there is a market for non-smoking bars, that's fine -- let people go there and have a great time. But, as with many people, the only time I do smoke is when I'm drinking, and it's part of the experience for me.

I'll try to post more serious thoughts later, but if you hear about a city building suddenly imploding in the middle of the night in Chicago, rest assured that ol' Timber finally got wind that the smoking ban had passed into law.

johnny 05-07-2003 08:31 PM

I couldn't agree more, banning smoking from bars will be a major blowout for the owners. I can't imagine going to a bar or a club, and not being allowed to smoke. I'd rather drink my beer in the street then. I can understand why they would ban smoking from restaurants, but bars and clubs.... that sucks big time.

ocelot 05-07-2003 08:35 PM

Hello Timber!
Your line of work expose's you to alot of downsides in environmental issues but tabacco fields and freedom in smoking, in smoking area's, should be fought for also. I like a smoke after a drink in many case's. </p> Let's take a close look at Mt. Vernon, home of our first President. Some of the best writings, plans, and idea's came from that creative thinking environment. Yea! you tell them Timber!

Stormymystic 05-07-2003 08:49 PM

here in AR it is still optinal for buissness owners, but i smoke all the time, and alot of ppeople will not go to a resturant where we can notsmoke after eating, what is the point?...because if you are a "true" smoker, you always like to light on up and enjoy it before going back into traficc, or while you are having a conversation, it is annoying to set in a placeand talk, while you are wantng a cig

Charean 05-07-2003 08:53 PM

They just passed the smoking ban in Dallas.

I figure if they can do it here, of all places, Chicago would be a cakewalk.

I am allergic to smoke, so I stopped going out to places because I couldn't handle it. Now I can go to a resturaunt again.

There really aren't good compromises for this issue. I wish there were.

Gangrell 05-07-2003 08:57 PM

I really don't like smoke, I even bug my dad when he does it around me, but they think they should know their limitations. Banning it froms bars and such is going overboard a bit, but I agree with them about the restaruants. Even if you're in a non smoking section, it still hovers over by you and quite honestly I don't want that near me when I eat.

Arvon 05-07-2003 09:03 PM

As an ex smoker I'm the worst about smoking...But in the bar,or lounge I have not ptoblems with smokers. In the eating part of the establishment I hate smoking. Remember that all taste is aroma. When I order a nice wine, I don't want it to taste like a camel, or whatever is popular. I don't want my filet to taste like a cigar. So smokers take it to the lounge. As for me I think it stupid to put burning leaves in your mouth...

/)eathKiller 05-07-2003 09:56 PM

I wonder if this will turn out just like the 1920's ban on alchohol... Perhaps in a few years we'll see Tobacco Barons and then the Mob will come back wiht imported products from cuba ( *cha-ching* ) and then after enough people die (from shootings not melanoma) They might re-think the whole ban thing and in 2013 we'll all be smoking again... then again the Mayans predict hte world will end in 2012 so maybe by then the No-Smoking situation will have gone nuclear? [img]tongue.gif[/img]

TheCrimsomBlade 05-07-2003 10:39 PM

I smoked for 30 years and 7 years ago I guit and not because sombody told me I had to, I quit because I didn't want to wake up and cough for 25 min. any more. I'm Not one for letting people tell me what to do and I always smoked when and where I wanted up until the last 3 years that I did smoke. I realized that other people around me didn't like the smell or the smoke its self so, I made a point not to smoke around people that didn't like it unless I was the first one to the spot I happend to have started smoking and then I'd tell them to get lost. All I can say about the Laws in New york is they should rename the place New Natzi land and declare open target shooting on the govener and mayor of the state. then throw the rest of the natzies in the government and their laws and there new taxes packing.

WillowIX 05-08-2003 07:16 AM

Well I agree about restaurants. There is no place for smokers in there IMO. But banning smokers from bars will probably just slap the non-smokers in the face, since most bars probably will face economic hardship.


Originally posted by Timber Loftis:
I'm sorry, but cigs are about HALF of what a bar is for. Plus, I'm tired of explaining to people from other countries why you can't light a f-ing cigarette in public in "the land of the free."
Direct them to a gun shop instead. At least guns don´t harm other people. Or wait? ;)

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