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Cloudbringer 01-28-2004 07:22 PM

the original thread is here

the previous thread is here:

<H2><font color="plum">Cloudy's Cafe</font></H2>

Come in, be welcome, be comfortable, be yourself

Welcome to Cloudy's Cafe, a place to have a cup of coffee or a good
darjeeling and the finest in conversation and camaraderie.

The proprietor asks that you follow a few simple guidelines:

<H3>this is a real conversation zone, not a role-play zone</H3>

* no flaming; if you disagree with a viewpoint expressed by any patron, please do so in a civil manner

* any topic is fair game, but keep posts to the standards that Ziroc has set for the entire forum, please (ie: foul language is not appropriate and things should be suitable for all audiences)
-a side note from Cloudy: I see this as a place for those short
conversations about a new baby or the latest soccer fiasco, not for things that are big enough to warrant their own threads, by all means give those things the space they need and post separately!

* Please, no one word or smiley posts (Ziroc has declared them 'real spam' and the proprietor doesn't want the reputuation of "good spam" to suffer!)

* do feel free to be serious or silly and enjoy the company of others while you are here. By all means POST if you have something to say, even to start another topic , we can handle multiple chats, we're a CAFE!!! But be courteous and don't disrupt a conversation just to disrupt it.

Come on in! The bar is stocked with coffees, teas, juices and waters from around the world. And purple napkins, of course!

<font color="pink">The lighting is low, the golden oak counters and tables glow with inviting warmth. Near the window, the lighting is brighter, as comfy, plush leather armchairs wait for those who'd like to read a book while relaxing to music or just lazily watch the world go by.</font>

Cloudbringer 01-28-2004 07:22 PM

<H1> <font color="plum"> PLEASE NOTE </font></H1>

This is a modified reminder that I've posted before in reply to someone asking "can we spam the cafe". It still holds true, so I'm going to repeat it periodically for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Read the first post of the thread, it's NOT a spam zone. If you want to discuss you grades, a problem with a teacher,the weather, your neighbor's new car etc.....etc.. (real life conversations) this is the place. I don't mind a SMALL amount of spam but when the Cafe gets to be 8 pages in one day and it's all one liner pure spam, I have to ask people not to do it because most of the members who would come to talk about their day or things that they want advice or sympathy or cheers on, will not post in that atmosphere. I want you to be comfy here, but not at the expense of other members.

So the answer is NO, I don't want to see page after page of roleplay spam or one liner spamfests that could be done on msn or aim etc. because our goal is to TALK WITH one another , not fill up a cafe in five hours. ;)

Cloudbringer 01-28-2004 07:25 PM


Originally posted by T-D-C:
Hey Cloudy! You will need to make the trip down to OZto get sun during your Winter months, Sydney is great for the weather. Though we do get our fair share of rain and wicked thunder storms.

Thank god the working day is almost over for me. if I hear one more person complain about a virus I will scream!!!

Ohh looks like the clouds are comming over. hopefully a nice thunder storm tonight!

Rats! I wanted some sun up here! LOL Well, it's not like Sydney and just about any other city in Oz isn't on my 'wish I could visit' list! One of these days I'll make it downunder!

Calaethis Dragonsbane 01-28-2004 09:06 PM

*pokes head in and pokes about* quiet in here. So how is everyone? been a while since I was last here. I'll have a coffee please! [img]tongue.gif[/img] *wanders out again*

johnny 01-28-2004 09:14 PM

So you order coffee and then you wander out the door again, so that the waitress brings the cup to an empty table ?

Weird sense of humor you got. :D

Bungleau 01-28-2004 09:41 PM

And he does that on a first non-cloudy post, too? Some people wait all their lives to make one of those, and then they soak up the accolades and adoration afterwards...

Okay, they just hope someone will buy them a beer, but still...

On a different topic, out here the only thing worse than 8 inches of snow is the pile the snowplow leaves at the bottom of the driveway... cause that's deeper and heavier... :(

Hot chocolate here, with marshmallows, please. Gotta get this chill out...

Dron_Cah 01-28-2004 09:58 PM

Hey, all. Been busy lately, and haven't stopped in recently. How's everyone? I'm good, though I wish "spam" from the Navy would stop! [img]tongue.gif[/img] well, more work to be done, and little sleep to be had. Later! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Illumina Drathiran'ar 01-28-2004 10:10 PM

I go back to school on Sunday, I'm so very very happy... Oh, and the military was after a friend of mine quite recently. I encouraged him to talk to a recruiter and be himself. So he did. He talked about how he's so lithe and flexible because he's a dancer, how he wants to be in musical theatre, and his dream is to play Miss Adelaide in a Village production of Guys and Guys.
That's one boy who won't be pestered by the military any time soon...
We'll also be starting a new DnD campaign, I'm excited about that... even if we're starting at first level. It's been so long!
Hm... ::looks around:: Lovely decor! I love the purple napkins, too. Very charming, indeed!

Cristian 01-29-2004 09:51 AM

gday everyone! anyone who has mIRC please idle in #|eopards on quakenet. Thank you

Intrepid 01-29-2004 10:29 AM

Didn't i say i'd never leave assignments this late again?
bah! well i did :(
anyway at least i will get it over and done with and it is a friday, and on saturday i'm going to get an upgrade for my computer (long overdue). Hey actually that doesn't sound to bad and i'm nearly finished the anyway.
so how is everyone else? personally i'm tired.

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