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bocajab 12-12-2000 06:34 AM

I was wondering what people read. like Memnoch he said he got his name from a book but I can't remember the title. so I will start, shannara trilogy by Terry Brooks is good what els is good??

Zoratorak 12-12-2000 07:15 AM

i got my name from the Sword of Truth Series... Shannara Series is good... how bout Wheel of TIme? Mercedes Lacky (i think that is her name) has nice names in the herald series. My name Zoratorak came as a goofy inspiration that it was suppose to be Zeddious Zorander 1st Wizard in the book... but Zoratorak sounds better for me =)

MidNightForce 12-12-2000 07:46 AM

My name is in no book so far i know. I thought a little bit about. And then it just came into my mind. Im a person who likes the night, because it has something really peacefull. The moon, the stars, the fresh air, quiet atmosphere and so on... Force? hmm, well in the night, i feel protected from anything, sounds weird, but it is so. Im nearly invincible Ok, this is foolish. Let say, only midnight is a little bit too simple.

bilqis 12-12-2000 07:51 AM

Am I reading your question right? You want to know what books are good? Here are a few of my most recent favorites:

* Assassin's Apprentice Series by Robin Hobb
* Witches of Eileanon (sp?) series by Kate Forsythe
* The Baker's Boy series by J.V. Jones
* Raymond E. Feist's Series ... almost all of them

All are chock-full of fun names if that's also what you're looking for.

So many books, so many games, so little time!

Armisael 12-12-2000 07:51 AM

My name's in the bible. Beat that. : )

Armisael 12-12-2000 07:55 AM

Also, if you're looking for a funny read, as I so often am, get a couple of Terry Pratchett's Discworld books. Been reading them for ten years, and they still make me fall off my chair. The counting tree / mayfly bit from Reaper Man remains my all-time favourite.

Larr2 12-12-2000 08:07 AM

Memnoch gets his name from the Anne Rice "Vampire Chronicles", more specifically, "Memnoch the Devil."

Memnoch 12-12-2000 08:20 AM

You bet. The Vampire Chronicles are a really good read. There's an actual forum for books by the way, you guys should check it out.

BTW did anyone read Baldurs Gate the novel and did it suck!!!!!!!!!!

bocajab 12-13-2000 03:34 AM

thanks for the replies I will read them.
the reason why I posted it here and not a book forum was to find out what kind of books RPG players read.


Mandrake 12-13-2000 03:37 AM

Any of R.A.Salvatore's Forgotten realms books!

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