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Xanthul 03-15-2001 05:35 PM

I hope this time the post´s title is attractive enough

Check it and tell me what do you think.
In the members section, I intend to post whatever you want in your profiles, under your photos. I havent posted any personal info (like real name, email address, icq number etc), but if you want to post it or anything else (like a little biography or whatever you want), send me it and i will do it.

Also, those members that are working in their own websites please tell me when you finish so i can add a link in your profiles ok ??

PS: Please keep this bumped ok ? THANKS

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

Raistlin 03-15-2001 05:49 PM

Ohh let me be first for the free sex. Ahh shit missed the girls again, but
the web site looks great. Nice job



Xanthul 03-15-2001 05:54 PM

charisma up or down ??

no seriously, i want the people to tell me the truth. If anybody thinks its shit, or that there is something i should change, feel free to say it ok ??

thanks raistlin !!

------------------ "Let my spells do the dirty work" Ertai, High Sorceror of the Holy Flame

WOLFGIR 03-15-2001 07:07 PM

Ertai, please understand this, Imean only this as critisiscm to develope your site, Im no master but:
Loose the frame borders, work more on an impressive start page, an insignia or something, and please change host! The commercial shit destroys the respectable name OHF, I could try to convince my friend to host you so yopu could get an advertisment free place..

OK, I´m seriously drunk, but also seriously true, so please do not take this rantings to serious, but I think you should have a great starting page, loose all the bla´ck and go for more vivid colors.. This is only ideas due to my humble opinion, If I were to be constructive in my rantings I would give you more creative stuff to go with and perhaps I will try one day, but I´m burning inside as it is.. Make something of it man, be proud, dont´dwell on it, be proud. Be f***ing proud man, you want something said in this cruel world you have to scream it out to them, and stand for it! No one can take that from you, so please! Make something you feel for, you don´t want to have a site saying the order of the holy flame dah dah dha

You wnat:
Or something like that, stnd for it, be proud friend, stand tall and shout it out, no one will herar you otherwise..
Excuse the rantings of a wild,untamed howling drunk wolf but please, I knoe you have another idea deep inside!!!

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Vicotnik 03-15-2001 07:14 PM

nice! Still waiting for the sex though.
I'm not wasted like Wolfie but a few ideas:
-a backround story, just a short info on how and when this all got started and a regularly updated history
-A sort of Codex Cardinalis, ie. the code of the OHF. Like: "Unit, core, god, country". Although not that line. What it stands for.

Otherwise really cool.

------------------ Vicotnik, archmage of the Holy Flame - Challenge me... and die.

WOLFGIR 03-15-2001 07:27 PM

Sorry OHF, I just feel like I am standing at the front of nothing, tell me instaed tell me I´m standing in front of the Order Of The Holy Flame..

Make me impressed friend, show me what you got, more balls less me that the flame is ther, burning bright??

K, heehe well Vicotnik, damn long time since I was this wasted, it´s quite a relief you know.. like when you were young and saw butteflies the first time in spring, knowingsummer wasn´t far away, then that gave you relief, now, nothing..

Ehh sorry about the spelling OK, I just wish you to be more... and well alt of beer and GT and whiskey do make sorrows swim-..
Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

[This message has been edited by WOLFGIR (edited 03-15-2001).]

Raistlin 03-15-2001 08:46 PM

Charisma +3, Intelligence+2 and constituion+4. I like it as is except the
add covers up the first few profiles on the member info page. Maybe an email function? ( If you figure it out let me know, I have been going through hell trying to get an email me function on my site, some crap about opening a socket on the server).

But really hats off for your effort. Unless you are really talented I know even the simple things of getting your site to work properly can be a pain. everyone should be grateful for your efforts.



Gray Mage 03-15-2001 08:59 PM

Ertai, I think you did a great job, I do think Wolfgir has a good point. How about a splash page to start the site. A history, or short story would be cool, kind of how we started. Sort of like the meeting sextet of Dragon Lance but shorter.

It says Memnoch is the custodian, does that mean he cleans up after all of us, you know like in school, the janitor. kidding of course, that kinda caught me when I was reading through.

It's a great site!!!! Nice Job

Feel My Power

Arcane Adept of the OHF, "So let it be written, So let it be done"

[This message has been edited by Gray Mage (edited 03-15-2001).]

Bahamut 03-16-2001 01:53 AM

i want the sex part!


Memnoch 03-16-2001 03:31 AM


Originally posted by Gray Mage:

It says Memnoch is the custodian, does that mean he cleans up after all of us, you know like in school, the janitor. kidding of course, that kinda caught me when I was reading through.

It's a great site!!!! Nice Job

Janitor? Ertai, that wasn't in the original contract...!

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

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