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John D Harris 06-09-2004 09:34 PM

People who live in glass houses should make love in the basement.

Never read the fine print. There ain't no way you're going to like

The only two things we do with greater frequency in middle age are urinate and attend funerals.

The trouble with bucket seats is that not everybody has the same
size bucket.

To err is human, to forgive - highly unlikely.

Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of old
ladies running around with tattoos?

Money can't buy happiness -- but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a Porsche than in a Hyundai.

Drinking makes some husbands see double and feel single.

Living in a nudist colony takes all the fun out of Halloween.

After a certain age, if you don't wake up aching in every joint, you are probably dead.

shadowhound 06-09-2004 09:49 PM

Friends don't let friend's drive home drunk with an ugly girl

If you love something set it free. If it doesn't come back to you, chase it down and kill it

Even if you're on the right track, someone will eventually run you over

Ladyzekke 06-09-2004 09:58 PM


Do you realize that in about 40 years, we'll have thousands of old
ladies running around with tattoos?
Men too LOL. Wonder if the tattoos change shape with the wrinkling? Or fade in color?

*Grandpa you have "Love You" on your arm I think*

"Umm, yes that is what is says sonnyboy, Love You, heh. No that's not an 'F' " :D

Lauren 06-09-2004 11:24 PM

War only brings pain and anger; each person will be consumed by it, and the human race will be destroyed by it.

A person's soul is not physical or spiritual, it is something that makes someone who they are.

To be awakened into darkness, is to live for eternity.

Human life is a plague to this fragile planet. If god did create us quickly, then he will destroy us slowly.

Death is only a game, not an existing being. There are ways to cheat and there are ways to end. You only die when you make a wrong move and you have no lives to spare.

The kingdom of god is inside you and all around you, not in buildings made of wood and stone. Break a piece of wood and I am there; lift a stone and you will find me.

Eagle eye 06-10-2004 05:30 AM

Here's an oldie - Easier said than done.

Bloom where you planted.

One generation plants trees, and the next enjoys the shade.

Fail to plan, plan to fail.

Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.

Happiness comes through dorrs you
didn't even know you left open.

Stormymystic 06-10-2004 05:32 AM

never count your chickens before they hatch ;)

never put all your eggs in one basket

don't cry over spilt milk

never wish upon a falling star

don't push the cart before the horse
and so on and so on, blah blah blah

Dirty Meg 06-10-2004 05:55 AM

Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much. - Oscar Wilde

The hardest years of life are those between 10 and 70. - Anon.

Those who can do. Those who can't teach. Those who can't teach teach gym. - Woodey Allen

Beware the Anglo-Catholics. They are all sodomites with unpleasant accents. - Evelyn Waugh

He's not the messiah. He's a very naughty boy. - Terry Jones.

Ending a sentence with a preposition is something up with which I will not put. - Winston Churchill

bjorn 06-10-2004 06:13 AM

The risk of your sandwich landing marmalade down is relative to the price of your carpet. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Lauren 06-14-2004 10:36 PM

Don't be fooled by a person's image

Wutchamakalit 06-14-2004 10:54 PM

"A lot of kids think smoking cigarettes makes them cool.
Smoking cigarettes doesn't make you cool. Guns make you cool."
-- Jon Stewart

"Nnnng nng nnnnnnnnnnnng nng nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng"
-- Helen Keller

"A cat will look down to a man. A dog will look up to a man. But a pig
will look you straight in the eye and see his equal."
-- Winston Churchill

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