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Lady Avalon 03-16-2001 08:09 AM

Can Yoshimo not wear a helmet? And is he restricted to only wearing a certain class of armor? What about Jaheira? Is she restricted because she is dual-classed?

Seeker of Truth

Memnoch 03-16-2001 08:21 AM


Originally posted by Lady Avalon:
Can Yoshimo not wear a helmet? And is he restricted to only wearing a certain class of armor? What about Jaheira? Is she restricted because she is dual-classed?

Yoshimo can't wear a helmet because thieves can't wear helmets (except for one helmet which is a cosmetic helmet only). This is also the reason why he can't wear armor of a class greater than studded leather. How do you expect him to hide in shadows in full plate? Jaheira on the other hand is not restricted by armor restrictions, but can only use druid weapons.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Throntar 03-16-2001 08:38 AM

If you put thieves in any sort of armor other than leather, you begin accruing penalties to your thieving abilities. If you look in the back of the BG2 manual, there is a chart that shows the penalities depending on what type of armor you are wearing. I don't recommend using studded leather with thieves as it incurs these penalties.

Jaheira is not restricted to certain armors *because* she is multi-classed. If she were a Druid only, she would only be able to wear leather armor (I think...). Because she is a fighter however, she can wear whatever armor she wants to.

You can find one helmet that Yoshimo(or any thief) can wear in the Windspear Hills. It will protect from critical hits like a normal helmet would.

Fljotsdale 03-16-2001 10:15 AM

I ALWAYS go on about this on game boards - but does ANYONE but me actually READ the Manual? This sort of info is easily available in there... grouse, grouse, mutter, mutter.... (Miserable old moaner walks off into the distance, muttering darkly....)

Yeah, I know, I know - the Manual is the last thing anyone reads, lol!

Yorick 03-16-2001 11:05 AM

Who is Manuel?


Moiraine 03-16-2001 11:08 AM

Thank you, Fljotsdale ! Part of my job is actually to make manuals - and make sure that people read them !


white heron 03-16-2001 11:17 AM

Well,it seems to me that the manual(or at least my one)has plenty of errors in it anyway and perhaps more accurate information could be found in user created walkthroughs ect.
For instance: I'm an Elf Fighter/mage/thief....the manual says only half-elves can be this class.
BTW, That King Strom III mask in the Windspear hills't it give you some kind of True Sight ability? I have read that if you put it on you can see the (invisible)Fire elemental which is nearby.I have not tested this though....

[This message has been edited by white heron (edited 03-16-2001).]

Moiraine 03-16-2001 12:13 PM

Hi Heron,
I never wrote games manuals - I guess it is because I have played a lot of games (with sometimes very bad manuals) that mine are so appreciated ...


Throntar 03-16-2001 12:21 PM


Originally posted by white heron:
Well,it seems to me that the manual(or at least my one)has plenty of errors in it anyway and perhaps more accurate information could be found in user created walkthroughs ect.
For instance: I'm an Elf Fighter/mage/thief....the manual says only half-elves can be this class.
BTW, That King Strom III mask in the Windspear hills't it give you some kind of True Sight ability? I have read that if you put it on you can see the (invisible)Fire elemental which is nearby.I have not tested this though....

[This message has been edited by white heron (edited 03-16-2001).]

Nope. The mask lets you see the elemental for just that quest. The only thing that it does for you after that quest is protect you from critical hits...and thieves can wear it. Magic-users might be able to also???

Raistlin 03-16-2001 06:29 PM

Manuals are writen exclusively for women since we all know that men don't read directions.



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