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sylent 09-06-2001 06:01 AM

Weird question... ok, well an explanation will follow.
When you talk to someone on the internet, what do you see... what do you imagine, or picture. Someone just asked me what I got out of the board lately, as in why did I keep revisiting it, this led to the question, when you reply to someone, or converse with them, what do you invisage...?

I found it a little difficult to respond. I guess the signitures help to identify with a certain person, but a lot of it comes down to personality. It's not so much a mental picture for me, but rather just a general series of things which I think of when I see a persons messages...

What about everyone else (If ye bothered to read this)

------------------ "Watch your back"

Memnoch 09-06-2001 11:54 AM

I'm a very empathic person, so I go by the tone of their posts and the posting style.


Avatar 09-06-2001 11:59 AM

I don't actually see anything. Blind as my teddy bear.


Kaz 09-06-2001 11:59 AM

Hello sylent! Don't think I've met you yet. I start out identifying a person by his or her signature and then add on bits and pieces, like a picture of what I could figure out about his or her personality from what s/he has been posting. Occasionally that picture is somewhat confused and contradictory, but in other cases I get a pretty clear picture very quickly. Even when I see a person's photo on Stealthy's Site afterwards, I will not associate that picture with the person.


I am the great Kazara

WOLFGIR 09-06-2001 02:53 PM

Hmm, interesting, explain.. as my english teacher always said
Well I try to reead the conversation in my limited mind and try to find out wehter a joke or a mean thing has been said. The smilies helps alot to. About the persons, I just don´t have any real pictures determined for each persons. I guess I try to hear it like a conversation over the phone. Which is pretty stupid since I hate to talk over the phone I prefer internet or raher RL envounters..

But with you Sylent I see a backstabbing shady creature lurking in the darknes.. Hehe kidding!
NAh, no real picture but sometimes I can picture a person fron the Stealthy site.. but knowing how my photos turned out I don´t take them for carved in the stones so to speak..

Be vevvy qwiet..I´m hunting wabbits...
Wolfgirs lair

Cloudbringer 09-06-2001 03:01 PM

Hi Sylent! Thoughtful as always! You know, I tend to feel posting style and maybe think of sigs and pics from Stealthy's site for most. Some are people I have contact with beyond the board too so there's a feeling that this is a friend who is part of my everyday existence for those. Hmmm... guess it's more a feeling than a picture/something envisaged.


Raindancer of the Laughing Hyenas Clan
Raven's Cloud
StormCloud of the Black Knight: Heart Mind Soul Forever
"To sleep, perchance to dream..."

SSJ4Sephiroth 09-06-2001 04:44 PM

i usually use a persons sig... much like kaz, i dont usually associate the persons pic on Stealthy's Site with the poster. i also go by posting style, and the length of the posts... and the tone of them, of course. i can usually tell a tone from puncuation and capitalization, as im sure most of you others do.

curious, and im sorry if this takes it off topic, but what do you people think i look like? im rather self-conscious of things like that, if i like the person.

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.

Diplomacy is all and well, but HADB is better!

Melusine 09-06-2001 04:50 PM

Sylent, not a weird question at all!
If you mean what constitutes my mental image of a member here... it is often a sig, but also many times I find my imagination provides me with an image from scratch, so to speak, and there are also a lot of people of whom I don't really have a mental picture: I read their words without picturing a person. A few people who I know very well I see as their pics on Stealthy's Site.

Melusine, High Queen of Fluffies, Archbabe of the OHF, the LH
and the HADB &
Sultry Elflet
Your voice is ambrosia
Amy Brown Fantasy Art

Elif Godson 09-06-2001 04:55 PM

In general, I think it is a vibe that you get from the persons
writing. Read a few threads and get an idea, then make a post and
see who and hhow they respond. or something along those lines

If you dont know where you are going, stop spin around three times and then your home.

Absynthe 09-06-2001 04:55 PM

Good one Sylent. I have some mental pictures of people as I read their posts, sometimes influenced by their pictures. Interesting thing there, Kazara, how you don't replace your mental picture with the image from Stealthy's site. Good on you for having a strong imagination.

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