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Morninglord 11-24-2000 02:48 PM

Well, I have a question, and seeing as how I have had my previous 4-5 questions answered, where better to ask than here? You are all very helpful, and that is appreciated indeed. Anyway, to the point. In the spellhold dungeons where one is put by Bodhi, there is an apparation, a ghost, of a man called "Dace". First when I met him, this Dace, he rambled something and then attacked me. He was a vampire, and it says that if I had a stake I could kill him in his coffin. However, I find no stake whatsoever anywhere. So, my questions are, what am I supposed to do with his apparation, and where can I find a stake to kill him in his coffin?

Also, if anyone could give me a clue as to where I can find someone who will give me a quest about those golden lich-parts, would be great.

Last question: Does Viconia and Jan Jansen have any fun/good/rewarding quests when one has then in the party?

Thanks in advance.

/Morninglord of Sweden

Morninglord 11-24-2000 03:00 PM

Just answer the first one if you don't want to/care to answer all the other questions =)

/Morninglord of Sweden

Jerome2k 11-24-2000 03:18 PM

Well my swedish friend, as far as i can remeber you can find a stake in the dungeon where you came in.....sorry no specifics havent played in there in ages.

You can sorta initiate the golden-lich quest by going into a building at the docks. (to the left hand side of Ma'var's guildhouse)

I dont know about rewarding but i would take Jan just for the laughs. The wee Guys Hilarious!!!!!

Archmagi Wah 11-24-2000 03:25 PM


I can help you on those lich parts morninglord because I was just as helpless as you were
When I first started BG2. Thankfully this forum is very good at helping and I will be glad to help you just as they did to me.

Where are the three parts?

Get the one in the sewers by doing the "destroy the eyeless cult quest" (temple)

Another one is in a trapped house in the bridge district

Lastly a well locked house in the docks contains the final piece as well as the boss Kangaxx himself. The first form can be killed like any other lich but the second form requires a +4 weapon to harm him and some prot. from undead / magic or spell immunity: abjuration, to avoid being imprisoned by this demi-lich.

Morninglord 11-24-2000 04:07 PM

Thanks to both of you, but gaaaaaaaaaaaaaah I am totally unable to find the damn darn dang stake needed to kill the vampire!!! I have no clue where it is whatsoever, but I have ransacked the whole dungeon 4 times now and I haven't found it =(
I've heard something about a ShadowMaster trainer or something. Can one use that one to create specific items? And where can I find that trainer if so? I simply MUST have a stake!

/Morninglord of Sweden

omegadawn 11-24-2000 09:10 PM

The kolbolds dancing around the krystal on the same level as Dace. Kill'em and search.

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