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tehmpus 10-23-2001 06:22 AM

This post goes out to all my fellow guardsmen, and prior service guardsmen.

I have a personal question.

In your opinion, what separates yourself from the regular, hum drum, run-of-the-mill guardsmen that you see wandering around Waterdeep.

I mean ... how damn Elite are you?

And make sure to speak up, soldier!

Tehmpus Thales the permanently InSaNe

daan 10-23-2001 06:27 AM

Go polish my boots or something, guardie-boy
I mean, dont you have some meager thief to arrest, instead of asking your fellow below-me-creatures st00pid questions >:)
>:) >:) >:) >:) >:)

JR Jansen 10-23-2001 07:50 AM

I agree, so watch out before i cast a spell on you that turns you into a chicken and you have to ask some rag-tag band of adventurers to go fetch you a skull so you can get dechickenised


Damned i lost cousin Jan's techno gloves

starloc 10-23-2001 08:34 AM

Fools! Do you really think that just because we have only posted a few times that we are less than such as you? I myself have beaten the game twice, once with a good party and once with an evil party. I quite often offer advice to new players on the board, but I only answer questions which are interesting to me. Perhaps you would be interested in meeting my maxed out sorceror sometime?

"Cry Havok, and let loose the dogs of war!"
Julius Caesar, William Shakespeare

Byronas 10-23-2001 08:36 AM

*Byronas enters the room and see daan and JR Jansen laughing at tehmpus*
Stop daan and JR Jansen!
We are all the same in IW! It is not the class that makes member but it is the member that deserves the class!


Where there are monsters and barbarians there will be Byronas fighting against them.

[This message has been edited by Byronas (edited 10-23-2001).]

Dundee Slaytern 10-23-2001 08:36 AM

Only twice? I beaten the game several times already with several classes. Interested in giving some comments on my Sorcerer Spell List? I want feedback.

If not a Sorcerer casting total oblivion, then a Cavalier meting out justice. Otherwise, I think I will just be a Blade and torture my enemies with, "My Heart Will Go On".

Platinium Sorcerer of ALSB, Aerie Loving Sacred Band! She's MeowRrrr, and more!
Sorcerer Spell List
Dragon Slaying Tips

JR Jansen 10-23-2001 08:44 AM

Oooookkkkaaaayyyy. To everybody that might not have noticed, it was inteded as a joke. Maybe i wasn't to clearly in my use of smileys or anything else but it was just that, a joke. I didn't want to put him down. Damn, why is everybody so edgy lately ? And anybody who has played BG1 will understand this one.
And to Starloc : lets not get into the "i have completed the game more then you" thing, Because i have beaten it some x odd times now and i don't even consider myself an expert. I still sometimes have questions and i try to help where i can.


Damned i lost cousin Jan's techno gloves

[This message has been edited by JR Jansen (edited 10-23-2001).]

tusitha 10-23-2001 08:46 AM


Originally posted by tehmpus:

I mean ... how damn Elite are you?

Ummm lets see.... does killing kobolds and the occasional xvart qualify as being Elite? Just a thought.....

tehmpus 10-23-2001 10:45 AM

Huzzah, the God of War hath returned. I had originally posted this thread while sitting in that arcane lair known as work, and thus was unable to defend myself for some time. I would say "luckily for me", but luck had nothing to do with it; some of my fellow alert Waterdeep Guards defended our honor when some snide, sniveling egoists attempted to break into our conversation and ruin this momentous moment! To those of you who stuck your feet in your mouths, you are under arrest! The charge: stupidity. Now if you would kindly put this rope of ensnaring around your own hands, and step into the town dragon's mouth... your trial will be complete. For only such as you would be stupid enough to do such a thing, or be stupid enough to challenge the Elite Order of Waterdeep Guards!



Tehmpus Thales the permanently InSaNe

daan 10-23-2001 10:51 AM

I love you all !!!!
Spread LoVe EvrYone !!!!!!!!!

It doesnt matter how many times you've posted, its indeed not the title that counts ..

*cough cough- quite obviously it takes a man of great title and experience to teach these pesky micro-elites a lesson of great wisdom, but I'll leave them in their fals illusion of deficiency-complexed-happines- cough cough*
Good luck to all you super-elites, where would us powerfull beings be if you whateveryoucallyourselves wouldnt fight all those .. idunno .. flees and rats and other O so mighty foes for us, lets give a nice cheer for the guards and then give them time to prepare for their next EPIC fight with the fly-squatter

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