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Archmagi Wah 11-19-2000 08:37 PM

Hey everybody, I just wanted to know - how many of you accidently casted a spell in Athkatla and ended up being hunted by cowled wizards? Its just so annoying!! And since I am a mage it really sends me crazy when I accidently try to set a sequencer spell and a group of wizards start attacking. (which meant I had to WASTE THE SEQUENCER afterwards!!)

In the end I used CLUAConsole to create loads and loads of 'Wail Of The Banshee' scrolls so that I could kill them off quicker, its cheating I know but what else can I do?

Oh Mystra, has anyone got a good tactic to kill these morons so that a mage can cast his spell in peace?

Ribs 11-19-2000 08:57 PM

You can always buy a magic license from the Cowled Wizards and not have to worry about killing them. It costs 5k in the main government building.

Archmagi Wah 11-19-2000 09:12 PM

Sorry Ribs, but I'm not paying any lousy wizard 5000 gold pieces for a license - mage or no mage. In fact I prefer killing them since they have rather nice items on their bodies such as Abi Dalzim's Horrid Wilting or a Lacral Tear Necklace. (worth 2000 gold!!) I bet they got all that good stuff from other mage's licence money anyway!! - that's why I'm not paying.

Armisael 11-19-2000 09:19 PM

Uh... well, that rather defeats the purpose of the thread, but personally I prefer being able to disintegrate a mugger without having to go through an irritating battle with the cowled fools.

omegadawn 11-19-2000 11:14 PM

Heres a tactic I tried that worked most the time( quicksave anyone?) against them cowled power-mongers.( pickin fights with them is fun and rewarding and hard!) Your lvl and available spells will inevitably effect some of your tactics, though having inviso 10' rad. and/or Mass inviso is a must for this to work. Prepare inside a building(where they wont beam in on you. any inn will work.) with the usual haste, chant,spell turning, whatever, ect. Have breach, ruby ray and other anti-mage spells ready. dont forget miscast magic and insect summons as well. Make your whole party invisible and step outside.Cast summons like nirishu and call woodland being while a mage casts The group inviso simultaneously. When the spells go off and those ego freaked cowlds show up run before their true sight can go into effect in the area then return at your leisure to pick them off with quick fighters and priest/druid spells(which wont attract more) My Chaotic Party loved dicin up them cowls! especially when it became easier as I lvl'd up!

BaatoRyan 11-19-2000 11:55 PM

Do you fight infinite wizards? How many are they exactly? Man, this doesn't decrease in reputation right? might as well kill 'em!!!! HAHA!

_max_RUSSKIE 11-20-2000 04:52 AM

The first time they beam in you get a lousy 120 xp points each.

Later one they get to 6000 points i think

Archmagi Wah 11-20-2000 09:25 AM

Great you guys!!! There're dying off like goblins! Thanks for the invisible trick omegadawn, it really helped. I didn't know I could get a whole bunch of nice stuff just by standing there!!

I love nymphs because they manage to hold one or two sometimes (before getting vapourized by Abi Dalzim's). The poor invisible stalker had to take 78hp once for one of those.

They don't cast spells but they use something called a 'magic tattoo' or a 'tattoo of power' - Wonder if I can get one of those?

Memnoch 11-20-2000 11:18 AM

You will get to a point where they will have had enough of you culling their ranks and then they won't bother you anymore.

Armisael 11-20-2000 05:52 PM

The NPC mages in this game use some really funky stuff. Those contingencies you see going off whenever you come across one aren't really contingencies, they're something built into their script. Cheating bastards.

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