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Jorath Calar 03-21-2003 03:29 AM

Well, some of you may remember I posted about the girl of my dreams some
time ago, she is from germany, very beautyful, smart, funny and just one of
the best person I've ever met. Anyway she went back to Germany last
January and was going to come back in august, we had made big plans, we
were going to rent a flat together and the list of things we were going to
do was getting veeery long. I was looking so much forward to this and
thought I've finaly found my one and true love.
But (there is always a but... or butter) then last week after not hearing from her for some time, I got a phone call from her and she sounded very sad, she told me that she was sorry but she needed time to be alone, its hard to explain and I don't really understand it, but she is a very spiritual person and she said she was going through something that was changing her a lot, and she was not sure what was going to happen but she was sorry to make all these big plans with me because she wasn't sure if she would be able to fulfill them... so she hoped we would be able to be just friends.

Well it made me sad, it seems very important to her so I can't blame her, I blame myself however for once again building up my hopes and dreams around one person when I know its just useless. And I should have known that this was just to good to be true. Great things like that don't happen to me and I should know it by now...

Epona 03-21-2003 04:43 AM


It is never wrong to build up hopes. It is never wrong to give your love. It is only by giving love and hope that we will one day see the same returned in full. Maybe this was just not meant to be.

I personally don't believe that there is 'the one' person who is right for you - there are loads of people out there that each one of us could be compatible and happy with, hundreds of people who can be 'the one'.

Don't ever stop hoping, and be strong. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Cloudbringer 03-21-2003 08:33 AM

Jorath, I'm sorry to see you so disappointed, but I am pretty sure you'll feel better after some time has passed. I'm with Epona here- I think you'll find someone again, and who knows? She may turn out to be the dreamgirl you're looking for. I don't know if I believe there's only 'one' person for us all but I do know that if it doesn't work out, you can't beat yourself up over it!

Heck, I didn't meet the man I am going to spend my life with til I was much older than you are! Hang in there and remember the GOOD things from your relationship. I'm sure happiness will find you again, when you least expect it. [img]smile.gif[/img]

realbinky 03-21-2003 08:51 AM

Dreaming is quite alright, but remember, they always get replaced by reality, sometimes better and sometimes worse. Pushing, forcing, or expecting dreams to come true doesn't work - I think you were expecting, not too much, but to strongly (you were too *sure* of it) and maybe trying to structure/force it a little extra. Let it flow, guide it gently. This may not be over, and it may be, or it may end up in the middle, with you as friends - that won't be so bad, everyone can use 1 more friend. Keep your dream alive of finding that special someone, don't give it a time frame, don't expect it today, just let it come. Believe that, in time, the reality that replaces your dream will be so much better than the dream was.

PS, If Cloudy can find someone, anyone can [img]tongue.gif[/img] (Just kidding Cloudy, I'm surprised it took as long as it did, you are A-OK! [img]smile.gif[/img] )

Cloudbringer 03-21-2003 09:37 AM


Originally posted by realbinky:

PS, If Cloudy can find someone, anyone can [img]tongue.gif[/img] (Just kidding Cloudy, I'm surprised it took as long as it did, you are A-OK! [img]smile.gif[/img] )

[img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img] LOLOL! Ok, I set myself up for that one. ;) *giggle*

Jorath, you shouldn't give up but then again, you don't have to spend all your time actively looking for someone special, either. I'm sure things will work out ok- you found this girl and if things can't work out, you'll move on and who knows what the future has in store? [img]smile.gif[/img]

Jorath Calar 03-21-2003 09:39 AM

Well you are right guys (as always... [img]smile.gif[/img] ), I shouldn't give up hope, just felt very depressed when I woke up this morning... and Binky you are right, I guess I tried to push it to much, we talked so much about this that I guess I built up too big expectations in my mind. And that was my point in the first post, I've done it so often that you'd think I should have learned by now...
I guess I got a teflon-head... no hint will stick... [img]smile.gif[/img]

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