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Larry_OHF 02-05-2007 01:54 PM

<font color=skyblue><font size=4>There's no action as likely to get you killed as inaction.</font></font> ~Legolas

================================================== ============================

<font size=5><font color=lightgreen>*</font> <font color=skyblue>Gaming Rules<font color=lightgreen> *</font></font></font>

Adapted from the original set of rules found in the previous LoF chapter.
<font color=skyblue>
<font color=lightgreen>
Time in AD&D:</font>
1. During combat, the basic unit is the round which is 1 minute long.
2. The basic unit of time outside of combat is the turn which is 10 minuites long. 1 turn = 10 rounds.
3. Casting times for spells are generally given in terms of segments, i.e., a casting time of 6 means the spell requires 6 segments to cast. 10 segments = 1 round (segments are 6 seconds long) - this provides a means of figuring out when in a round a spell can take effect.

There is no need to worry about getting these things exactly right in terms of time keeping - that's more book keeping than any of us would likely want. Think of the values as helpful benchmarks for how long things will last, however. For example a 3 turn spell will last 30 minutes - thus, once the DM decides that half an hour has passed the spell expires.
<font color=lightgreen>
Bonded Mounts for Paladins and other characters:</font>
A bonded mount will be able to acquire no more than 10 hit dice. It will make saving throws as monster of its present number of hit dice and will receive no bonuses from the character who rides it. Saving throws for the bonded mount and its rider are always to be made separately, thus the mount can be fully affected by an attack even if its rider successfully saves. In the event of the death of the mount, nothing short of a full Wish Spell will restore the creature to life.

Note - I still find this overpowered and would be inclined to modify this even further.
<font color=lightgreen>
Recovery of Spells:</font>
Spells are not automatically recovered or memorized on resting [this holds for clerics and sorcerers as well]. Time needs to be spent in memorizing them and preparing material components [Mages]; in prayer and communion with one's deity [clerics and druids]; or simply allowing one's magical energy and ability to focus and control it to recover after having been spent [sorcerers]. Depending on the number and level of spells involved, this can take as long as a couple days. Note that rangers and paladins would be handled the same way with regard to their spellcasting abilities.
<font color=lightgreen>
Missile Weapons:</font>
The use of archery in the tunnels will be difficult as it will be nearly impossible to ‘arch’ an arrow’s flight. Thus the range of bows, especially longbows, will be greatly decreased while the group is underground. Crossbows will suffer no real penalties.
<font color=lightgreen>
Critical Hits:</font>
This game does not make use of critical hit tables, nor are massive criticals allowed. A roll of a ‘natural 20’ to hit will automatically result in a critical hit and a critical hit will do maximum damage +3 to the target. Weapons or abilities that might allow a critical hit on something other than a natural 20 are possible in the game but need to be negotiated with the DM.
<font color=lightgreen>
Bladesinger spell casting:</font>
Bladesingers do not receive any level related bonus to their armor class when attempting to cast spells in combat. They may, however, make full use of their dexterity bonus when spellcasting, an AC benefit which is not available to most other spellcasters.

<font color=lightgreen>
The Stoneskin Spell:</font>
This spell will function to block one melee attack per skin against normal opponents. However, against creatures of great physical power such as the Shadow Giants it will not absorb more than one or two blows before crumbling completely to pieces. Duration of spell will be 1 turn (10 minutes)/level.

<font color=lightgreen>
The Dispel Magic Spell:</font>
Rather than defining Dispel Magic as a 3rd level spell, it will be understood as a spell of variable level depending upon at what level the caster chooses to memorize it [i.e., 3rd to 9th]. This is important as in this game 2 factors are important in determining the success of a casting of Dispel Magic:

1. The difference in level between the one casting Dispel Magic and the caster of the original enchantment. There is a 5% penalty for each level the one trying to Dispel an enchantment is below that of the one who originally cast it. Should the caster of the Dispel magic be higher in level, he receives a 5% bonus for each level higher than the caster of the enchantment.

2. The difference in level between the Dispel itself and that of the enchantment. A Dispel Magic that has been memorized as a lower level spell than the enchantment it is directed against receives a 10% penalty for each level it is below the that of the enchantment. Conversely, a Dispel Magic of higher level than a given enchantment receives a 10% bonus for each level of difference. For example a spellcaster who has memorized Dispel Magic as a 3rd level spell suffers a penalty of 60% to his chance of success should he attempt to dispel a 9th level enchantment.

The base chance of success for Dispel Magic is 50%. This base chance is modified by the penalties and bonuses outlined above.
<font color=lightgreen>


[ 02-16-2007, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]

Larry_OHF 02-05-2007 08:57 PM

<font size=4>Membership Record for Awakenings</font>

<font color=peru>Anarrima
Female Elf
Level 14 Cleric
Devoted worship = Ahurani Fairhand (invoked for health, healing, prosperity, and growth)
Domains: Heal, Sun
HP: 63/67</font>

Male Half-elf
Level 7 Thief / Level 6 Ranger
HP : 91/98

<font color=seagreen>Yevaud
Male Elf
Level 6 Fighter / Level 7 Mage
HP: 42/45</font>

<font color=lightblue>TAOWolf
1/2 human, 1/2 wolf
Level 15 Druid, Level 7 Ranger
HP: <font color=red>Injured, and mentally fatigued</font></font>

<font color=silver>Xaver
Male Dwarf
Cleric of Clangeddin
Domains: War, Heal
Level 5 Cleric
HP: 36/54</font>

<font color=66CC00>Pandaros
Male Human
Level 6 Scout
HP: 41/51</font>

<font color=orange>Gillian
Male Human
Level 3 Thief / Level 6 Illusionist
HP: (Full)</font>

<font color=beige>Kuankreid
Male Elf
Level * Envoker / Level * Sorcerer
HP: (Full)</font>

<font color=9370DB>Ainyra (Familiar to Kuankreid)
Female Sprite
Level *
HP: 12</font>

<font color=gold>Sever
Human male
Level 6 Thief
HP: 19/31</font>

[ 05-18-2007, 02:21 PM: Message edited by: Larry_OHF ]

Cyril Darkcloud 02-06-2007 10:17 PM

<font color=silver>With the starting of the new thread an over due official statement of welcome is also in order.

<font color=white>ZFR, Kazilan and Sever (when you get back [img]graemlins/blueblink.gif[/img] ):</font>
<font color=turquoise size=+2>Welcome to the Lord of the Forums!

I've been looking forward to seeing you guys in the main thread and I'm glad it's finally happening. Just don't take it personally if large drolling critters of my creation look to have you for breakfast .... or lunch ..... or dinner ..... or for a between meal snack for that matter.

We do have one house rule that has gone unwritten until now, and that's if your character gets killed it's probably Larry who did it, but if your character gets eaten, well, that's likely my fault.

At any rate, welcome aboard.</font>

TAOWolf 02-07-2007 12:12 AM


[ 02-07-2007, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: TAOWolf ]

TAOWolf 02-07-2007 12:41 AM

ya know.. I just noticed I've been here 5 years.. :D .. wow....
and Cyril too!!! congrats! lol

[ 02-07-2007, 12:43 AM: Message edited by: TAOWolf ]

Cyril Darkcloud 02-07-2007 12:50 AM

<font color=silver>You're scaring me, TAO. [img]graemlins/blueblink.gif[/img]

Larry and I were just talking about how we've been trying to kill each other for 5 years now and you up and post this. I hope this doesn't mean (for your sake) that you're starting to think like us.

Of course, this also means it's been 5 years since a certain rain-soaked traveler wandered into a certain druid's favorite tavern. Pretty cool, that.</font>

TAOWolf 02-07-2007 01:02 AM

LOL!!! [img]graemlins/wink10.gif[/img] after all, I am a druid...

Great minds *SLASH* Evil minds *SLASH* Wind-blown minds think alike, eh? *ROFL* :D

hehe... oh boy... this is gonna be a good next chapter already...

And I most gratefully appreciate the day that rain-soaked traveler wandered into my tavern..
he has greatly enhanced my imagination and story-telling to new levels.. [img]graemlins/wink10.gif[/img]

And as for that old, worn-out evil mind.. well LOL.. he has greatly enhanced my skill ability at dodging words!! LOL...

I am verra grateful to both of you for allowing me to be in this story!

[ 02-07-2007, 01:03 AM: Message edited by: TAOWolf ]

ZFR 02-07-2007 11:37 AM

Ok, I know I said ready before, but tommorow I'm finishing my last test so I will be really really ready ready and make a post.

Morgeruat 02-07-2007 12:04 PM

Working on a post now. Hopefully it will be a satisfactory reentry into the game.

Larry_OHF 02-11-2007 11:02 PM

<font color=skyblue>Well...let's see if some blood will draw you gamers out from your hiding places.

As always, when there is need to make somebody bleed, at least one of us bares the burden of being the bleeder.

Cyril and I put all your names into a roulette game and spun.

Who came out as the "lucky victim" ????</font>

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