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Sazerac 08-20-2001 04:23 PM

For a large portion of the United States, as well as many other parts of the world, school starts this month (in fact, many are starting back this week.) For our HS and college members here, how do you feel about this? Are you excited/happy/sad/nervous/all of the above? Which classes are you looking forward to taking? Which ones are you least looking foward to attending? Are you looking forward to seeing your old friends once again, or meeting new ones?

Tell us about it here!


trux 08-20-2001 04:30 PM

My classes start next Monday, for my fourth year in college (but not a senior yet...I'm grooming to become the ultimate professional student.)

I'm not really looking forward to classes starting because I have a bunch of kinda lame ones - you know, the ones you have to take for some reason but really won't be interesting. I'm going to try and drop some of these for more classes in my field of study.

a bunch of long hairs.

Lioness 08-20-2001 04:47 PM

Well, I guess I am probably the only one here still in junior high, except maybe Grand Ranger, and I am going into 8th grade.

I am pretty much looking forwrd to school, I think it will be a fun year, but busy of course, with applying for high school. I however am NOT looking forward to getting up at 7. seeing as I wole up today at 11.

Sword Saint of the HADB Clan
Waitress and entertainer at Cloudy's Cafe
Lil' Angel :angelwings:

SSJ4Sephiroth 08-20-2001 04:56 PM

no lioness, you arent the only one still in JH here. im going into 8th grade too, but im 14 (b@$tard OK school systems and transitional... i should be a sophmore in HS by now!). this is my third day back, and i already hate some of my teachers, and some of my teachers already like me. of course, im a bit disappointed that i cant stay up and be on the comp all night and then sleep all day... but then again, phooey on that cuz i get to be in jazz band!

With each kill, I grow wiser, and with added wisdom, I grow stronger. Does anybody have any idea what this means?

Lifetime 08-21-2001 04:04 AM

I'm in Singapore, I've been having school for about 2 months now and I'm still in a Daze..
I've got finals in a few months that will decide the rest of my potential life

Resident Lurker Guy

Redblueflare 08-21-2001 09:59 AM

Next Monday I go back to school. I'll be a senior in HS, and I am definitely *not* looking forward to it. My classes are cool. Algebra 2, AP English, Guitar,(My second year!) Physics, Drivers Ed, and two others. (I have no idea what they are as I still haven't gotten my schedule.) It's just the fact that the first few weeks of school are going to be HE*L. I've already told you guys about the sophmores who are skipping their junior year. There's definitely going to be some hostility, and I don't want to be involved!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, I just don't have to listen.

Father Bronze 08-21-2001 06:19 PM

If it's any cosolation to all of you students out there, teachers also wish summer wasn't over. I have so many things that I wanted to get done and didn't that I can't even begin thinking about what to plan for lessons. I guess I'll come up with something . . . After all, I have to assign homework by the second day or I'll be a disgrace to my profession.

Most Subtle Official Straightman of the Laughing Hyenas -- Grammarian Brigade.

Kaz 08-21-2001 06:26 PM

Lower Saxony has had school since 2 weeks already and I have formed a theory: the teachers are trying to kill us. I mean, FOUR long term homework assignments in the first week? 35 periods a week when all the other classses have 31? Good God! And everybody told me 10th grade wasnt any harder than 9th grade... *sigh* well only 3 years to go (Germany gets 13 years of school) and Id better get started on that homework for tomorrow - or is that today oops half past twelve oh well ill do it before school. THAT should tell you everything about my attitude towards school. Only good thing - it was so hot (for German standars, around 28 degrees celsius but humid)that we got free because of heat twice. HA HA HA!!! (of cours most of you dont have school yet )

trux 08-21-2001 06:29 PM


Originally posted by Father Bronze:
If it's any cosolation to all of you students out there, teachers also wish summer wasn't over. I have so many things that I wanted to get done and didn't that I can't even begin thinking about what to plan for lessons. I guess I'll come up with something . . . After all, I have to assign homework by the second day or I'll be a disgrace to my profession.

Nah! Teachers aren't supposed to assign homework 'til the beginning of the third month.

What do you teach?

a bunch of long hairs.

Sazerac 08-21-2001 07:24 PM


Originally posted by Kaz:
Lower Saxony has had school since 2 weeks already and I have formed a theory: the teachers are trying to kill us. I mean, FOUR long term homework assignments in the first week? 35 periods a week when all the other classses have 31? Good God! And everybody told me 10th grade wasnt any harder than 9th grade... *sigh* well only 3 years to go (Germany gets 13 years of school) and Id better get started on that homework for tomorrow - or is that today oops half past twelve oh well ill do it before school. THAT should tell you everything about my attitude towards school. Only good thing - it was so hot (for German standars, around 28 degrees celsius but humid)that we got free because of heat twice. HA HA HA!!! (of cours most of you dont have school yet )
28 degrees Celsius = 83 degrees're KIDDING!!!

Wow, that's a cool spell in Texas in the Summer. We topped out today at 101 degrees (about 38 Celsius).

But you'll probably laugh when I tell you that all schools in Denton close down when we get 1/2 inch (a little over 1 cm) of snowfall!


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