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SpiritWarrior 05-28-2003 06:26 PM

Please hit this site people it is truly insane.

Most importanly scroll down to the list of 'Discoveries/Findings'. My favourite 'Offence to God' is the horrible mention of 'Many mystic voices'.
I know the site's purpose but oh my god people, come on. If this shit actually disturbs people they have a problem.

I feel so full of sin now that I'm burning my LOTR's DVD's [img]smile.gif[/img] .

Luvian 05-28-2003 06:43 PM

No offense intended to anyone here, but the guy who wrote this is deluded.

Here's a funny quote:


There are inevitable comparisons being drawn between Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone and The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring by the secular worldview and the Christian faith. Comparisons are not being drawn between the two movies under any other "religion" I am aware of, not the Muslim or Tao or Jewish faiths or any other faith, just the Christian faith which is under more attack than any other faith. Maybe the Christian faith is under more attack [by the adversary through the unbelievers] than any other faith because it is the "right one": the one faith that poses the greatest and maybe the only real threat to the adversary
I find it so funny when humm... strange people... consider the Harry Potter movie to be evil and satanic because the characters use magic in them...

Honestly, I think if the Christian religion does not adapt to today's world soon, they will die out in 50 years max when all the current priests all die of old age.

[ 05-28-2003, 06:49 PM: Message edited by: Luvian ]

Horatio 05-28-2003 06:48 PM

I highly doubt that, Luvian. The Christian Faith is very much alive, and isn't going anywhere for at least a few hundred years. It is the number one religion in the world, and has a growing popularity among young people. I think we can safely say that Christianity is staying put ;)

SomeGuy 05-28-2003 06:52 PM

*rolls eyes* a very graphic hand-to-hand combat sequence with a hideous demon? Since when did that fire demon look hideous? Life has never been life without fighting and combat. There was fighting in the bible was there not? There was murder in the bible. There were demons in the bible that were fought in the bible. People take things like this a little to seriously.

PS: No offense to anyone even though Im not sure how I could do it.

Spade 05-28-2003 06:53 PM

Yeah. I've seen this site before. I usually visit it when I'm bored. A lot of the stuff on it is unintentionally hilarious.

Here's some things from the Matrix Reloaded that's "offensive to God"

13 uses of God's name in vain, five with the four letter expletive and eight without
flying/levitation, repeatedly
"the One" mockery of Christ
unholy/demonic shape shifting, repeatedly
miraculous, twice
magic to destroy


Luvian 05-28-2003 06:54 PM


Originally posted by Horatio:
I highly doubt that, Luvian. The Christian Faith is very much alive, and isn't going anywhere for at least a few hundred years. It is the number one religion in the world, and has a growing popularity among young people. I think we can safely say that Christianity is staying put ;)
Not here anyway. There is very few people interested in religion where I live, or at least, the religion according to the kind of people who wrote the article.

My theory is that people will ignore the Catholic church more and more and simply follow their own religious opinions. Here already, lots of churches have closed down.

Here's another funny quote:


I am not going to try to debate the claims that Tolkien's Rings trilogy parallels shards of the Truth shattered from the Bible. Satan is very good at making the truth into a lie through the most innocent vehicles and by the least obvious methods.
[ 05-28-2003, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Luvian ]

SpiritWarrior 05-28-2003 06:58 PM

LMAO. If you read the one for American Pie the person didn't actually complete the movie so did not review it fully lol!

I can picture the guy running away crying!

Tancred 05-28-2003 07:03 PM

'Murder/Suicide (M)(3):

impalement then drowning murder'

Well, that's certainly the lamest description of the Death of Boromir I've EVER read. Nul points in the convincing argument stakes, but the pick-at-straws-ometer is off the scale.

SpiritWarrior 05-28-2003 07:08 PM

Mary Poppins was the only one that got a good review lol.


Mary Poppins was a delightful romp for children and the young at heart through a make-believe world of frolic and fantasy. There were no instances of offensive material throughout the movie. While there were several occurences of "magic," there was nothing evil or sinister about any of the "magic." Mary could have been angelic. While some might consider the "We won't go to sleep!" from Michael to Mary Poppins to be arrogance and/or impudence, the obstinence was NOT at his parents. All instances of Jane and Michael taking issue with parental authority (e.g., the song) were with respect and even apology. I cannot find in the Bible anywhere God has a problem with children disagreeing with their parents but I can find a LOT of warnings against arrogance toward and rebellion against parents -- a LOT -- and with severe consequences ... and even more severe consequences for parents who abuse the authority and position He gave them.

Chewbacca 05-28-2003 07:23 PM

American Psycho got a perfect zero.The only one I noticed on the list.


There is no listing of Chapter and Verse references for this movie. There is not enough room.
Now that's a pretty offensive movie not to warrant disection!

[ 05-28-2003, 07:32 PM: Message edited by: Chewbacca ]

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