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Bungleau 10-25-2003 10:51 PM


Welcome to the Boogre Bar, where you can share your humiliating, astounding, stupid, or just mundane experiences within the Gael Serran! There is a full service bar with elven wines, dwarven ale, and of course BOOGRE BREW! Please, all come and join, we'll have lots of fun!


*B* As our long-lost proprietor hasn't been seen in months, we can only fear that he's returned to Skeser Da's old haunt, where rumour has it that her older sister, Zippit Deedoo-Da, has taken residence with a vengeance. In the meantime, I've opened up this franchise of the Boogre Bar... same great drinks, same *ahem* stimulating conversation, but fewer dents in the walls and less unidentifiable stuff stuck to the tables and floor.

So come one and all, belly up to the bar, and have a round of the Gael Serran's finest liqueurs and lagers, from a good Stout ale to a zingy spider cider and everything inbetween. And of course, the Gael Serran's only legal distributors of Boogre Brew, the finest hops- and barley-based comestible in the land.

So step up, help yourself to some pixie chips, and make yourselves at home. Just be sure to put the lid down when you're done [img]smile.gif[/img]

*pours himself a spider cider and relaxes onto a bar stool, waiting for company*

The original thread can be found here:;f=4;t=005919

The previous thread can be found here:;f=4;t=008022

Morguemaus 10-26-2003 02:38 AM

Hmmmmmm, is this a new place?

WOW, love the new style dart board. I never thought of using skelton parts as darts, but then agaon, i have been lost in the wilderness for soooo long, that i dont remember the old bar too much.

-Goes and sits at a table near the fire and contemplates ZEN-

WillowIX 10-26-2003 10:53 AM

Good call Bungleau. Should we appoint you temporary manager of the bar? All in favor say aye!


OK you have my vote. ;) :D

bsftcs 10-26-2003 12:40 PM

A sceptic look was what met the assembled bar guests from the person who had just stepped in. It was Stackman's alter ego, Bsftcs. Being a law student, he had, as it happens to all people in that trade, become somewhat conservative and very wary towards changes.

For what seemed hours the bar was under scrutiny from his ever watchful eyes. If the changes could stand up to his hard judgement it could stand up to anything.

Finally he looked up after having made sure that the amount of dirt and dust was roughly the same, that the boogre snooker table had not been tampered with, and that no improvements had been made on the lavatory facilities, and he nodded appreciatively.

This is the good old Boogre Bar, and it goes to show that it is always most preferable to have one of the regulars take over the bar.

To follow up on WillowIX's vote, you have my aye, Bungleau.

Two questions though:

1) What is your policy towards having pixies in the bar? I know that has been a problem in the past.

2) What about Jafin's bouncer, the chief mischief preventer, Bob? Have you leased him from Jafin? I cannot see him anywhere. We were scheduled to meet in the boogre snooker tournament.

[ 10-26-2003, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: bsftcs ]

sultan 10-26-2003 09:27 PM

sultan looks skeptically around the newest pub in town, wondering if they have good strong cider. following him in is his companion (not pet, companion) rabbit, mischief. they stride over to the bar, sultan politely ordering a cider, mischief hops energetically onto the bar demanding willowbark tea, hold the water.

they grab a seat in the draughty corner by the door ("these fur coats are hot", mentions mischief to no one in particular), where sultan lights up a pipe and contemplates life.

edit: typo, and new avatar! wooohooo! :D

[ 10-26-2003, 09:31 PM: Message edited by: sultan ]

Bungleau 10-26-2003 10:28 PM

Welcome to the bar, all. I trust the day's been going well, and the night even better.

I do need to point out that this is a franchise... all the good ideas, innovations, and aspects of a winning idea, brought to you by someone else. I own and manage this one, but Jafin gets royalties on it as the franchisor. Little lesson in entrepreneurialism... [img]graemlins/twocents.gif[/img]

Glad you like the dartboard, Morguemaus. One of the few things worgurs are good for... their front paw carpal and metacarpal bones, when sharpened, make excellent darts. Fletch 'em with a bit of something, be it glowfly or griffin feathers, and they fly quite nicely. You'll notice the reinforced wall behind the dartboards; unfortunately, if you miss the boards with 'em, they do tend to do a fair amount of damage... :(

And bsftcs, pixies are welcome in this bar, provided they cause no trouble. If they do... *munches on a pixie chip* ... we have ways of taking care of that... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

As for Bob, I haven't seen him around in quite some time. You may be stuck on that match, bsftcs. If it's any consolation, I'll honor the tournament ladder from the last bar, and if there's no play in a week, you can move up the next rung.

BTW, if stackman ever makes his way in here, I've got a couple of stacked drinks that just might bring tears to his eyes... [img]graemlins/drinkup.gif[/img]

Sultan, Mischief... pleasure to see you both. Spider cider, willowbark tea, hold the water... been doin' that for a while, now. Mischief, I hope you don't live fully up to your name. Excess raisins in the bar will put another entree onto the menu, for at least a day... ;)

Hmmm... makes me think of an old special from days gone by. Okay, here's how it goes: pass along an old or bad joke, and get a one-gold discount on your next drink here at the bar. I'll start...

Sven Hoppenklomper pulls out his money clip to pay his tab and a rabbit's foot comes out with it. Seeing Olie Eisenbright watching, Sven remarks that it's his lucky rabbit's foot. Olie smirks and says, "Lucky, eh? The rabbit had four of 'em... how'd they work out?"

sultan 10-26-2003 11:35 PM

considering the amount of mischief he eponymously gets into, it's best we keep him sedated with willowbark. so, for the discount...

What's the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Anyone can roast beef.

:D [img]tongue.gif[/img]

and thanks for the raisins, Bungleau, but it's best we keep his blood sugar low... unless we're expecting any fights [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

[ 10-26-2003, 11:42 PM: Message edited by: sultan ]

moiraine sedai 10-27-2003 06:53 AM

~A vertical slash of light appears within the bar, and then moves downward, slicing a chair perfectly in half. Through the portal one can see a city of gleaming white towers, shining in the sunlight. In but a moment, Moiraine Sedai steps through, smooths her dress, and looks at the broken chair on the floor.
"The wheel weaves as the wheel wills..." she mutters under her breath.
Slowly she walks over to a a table in the corner of the room, and, setting her staff down, sniffs as she pulls out a chair.~

One spider cider, please Bungleau. Oh, and I agree with the idea of making you the temporary manager of the bar. :D

Hmm... Jokes...

A guy walks into a bar. Ouch.

That's as much as my brain is willing to work right now... It feels like it gonna explode... [img]graemlins/microwave.gif[/img]

Moiraine Sedai

Bungleau 10-27-2003 09:00 AM

:mad: One spider cider, Moiraine... but the discount is offset by the cost of a new chair. If everyone goes around slicing chairs when they feel like it, you'll be sitting on your tuckus on the floor before long...

And sultan, here's a bowl of willowbark chips for Mischief. I'll do my part to keep the problems to a minimum...

Glorious day, nice and chipper out here in the western wilds. Supposed to rain almost all week, though, which will make Halloween a bit interesting.

bsftcs 10-27-2003 01:50 PM

*Stackman peers inside*

"Did anybody mention stacked drikns?"

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