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Valkyr 11-07-2000 07:45 AM

1. Ok, I have found that the Horse is really incredible way to travel. You can swim under water with it, climb hills, jump, run etc. Covers ground alot quicker than without the horse. I rode my horse from Valeia to the Oracles of Ishad Na (sp?). Then I attacked them. They didn't do anything, quite a disappointment. They didn't even attack back, and I couldnt even injure them. (needless to say I saved the game before attempting such a thing).

2. Climbing. Its amazing how many things you can climb up in this game and how the developers allowed for it. Yesterday I climbed up onto the top of the serpent temple. Can you believe that. I walked around up there and then jumped off onto the tops of the "trees" (more like cement with trees painted on, but thats another story). I walked around up there for a while (but you have to hold down the jump key and keep pressing the right mouse button to move).
Then I jumped down behind the temple and couldn't get out. Bad idea. Thank goodness I had saved before I did that. It would have been cool to include an entrance on the top of the temple though. Theres also what looks like a wooden door on the back of the temple but there is no way to open it. Maybe the designer forgot to put the wall textures there, I am not sure....

Anyway, has anyone else done anything similar?

Wyvern 11-07-2000 09:33 AM

Yes, I've done some similar things! I also like picking up and moving things around too. Of course you need to do so now and then just to find a lever hidden behind some crates but I liked being able to move things and stack them and trying to climb them. While a lot of this isn't necessarily productive, it's fun!


Vincewind 11-07-2000 10:38 AM

Ok, theres a hint that says to move a box, to hold open the porticulus, but how do you drag a box, or pick it up, or whatever?

Eldurin 11-07-2000 01:34 PM

-I climbed over the Valeia town wall once and a spider spawned there in the alley." It a narrow space, and you can get out by clicking the door to the town.

-Like I posted earlier on the Heuristic board, I was able to restart the game with a powerful character and get from Valeia to Brimloch Roon in a couple of hours using climbing and the Vanish spell.

-You can make loads of money in Brimloch Roon thanks to a friendly Scourge 'o the Sea. If you encounter one that throws a knife at you (knife +1), turn the game to real-time and dodge each blade as he throws it. I've seen them throw over 80 knives before, which are worth around 25,000 gold or so. (I don't use any gold or character cheats). This is working for your money, at least.

-You can steal from elementals that you conjure via Summon Fiend. Ice Elementals are the best, because they usually have an Ankh and about 2000 gold on them. They also sometimes have scrolls or special items. As you know, they don't drop these when they die, but if your Pickpocket skill is high enough, you can get all your attributes to 24 this way using the Ankhs. The fire fiends have Ankhs sometimes and less money, and the Earth Elementals only have an Anhk rarely, and never money that I have seen. Oh, and the Swamp Mucks and Fire Hounds don't carry anything either.

-You can turn monsters to stone and then pick them up and move them around like they are objects. For example, you can turn a tough monster, such as Crab of the Sea, to stone and then kill it using Burning Haze. (Stoned monsters are impervious to most spells such as Flame Strike and physical attacks while stoned, but a few spells work, such as Lighting and gas clouds. If you are in a dungeon, you can turn a monster to stone and then carry it to an automatic door and back away. They will die from crushing damage (but you won't get exp that way.) An interesting side note: attempting to turn a monster to stone does not seem to be considered a hostile action!

Well, that's a few off the top of my head. Have fun being weird!

analander 11-07-2000 02:28 PM

I've yet to find any true Easter Eggs in the game, but slightly neat was attacking the genie, and using the evil element that she gives you on the Vampiress in the castle. There's also a few hidden areas with paltry chests, but that's all I've found. You would think that over the course of four years development they would add something special in the game, though....

- John

Wyvern 11-07-2000 05:03 PM

VINCEWIND - use CARRY to pick up a crate or chest to block the gate in the crypt wiz/war path area. Remember to have your LEADER doing the carrying or it will not work.

Another neat thing that I did was in S. Castle. Up by D'Soto there is a gate you can open and a ledge that overlooks the outerwalls. I (saved my game) and did a giant leap for the wall and managed to walk all sorts of new places! It was fun!


Lily the Ranger 11-07-2000 08:36 PM

You guys are awesome! Valkyr - did I understand you got your horse thru the tunnels to Ish'nad????? HOW? My filly is parked outside of Valeia sulking with her head stuck in the wall and I would like to bring her with but can't get over the boardwalk. Did you swim her under? I am going to go try it as soon as I get out of the Snake Temple elevator hell. I refuse to generate characters simply to get their gold (doesn't feel like winning). BUT I WILL take Eldurin's suggestion for Scourge of the Sea . . . who am I to stop the fellow from throwing away his money?! I haven't done too much pickpocketing, kind of forgot about it . . . I can see now I WILL be playing this game again. The most amusing thing I have seen was after a few days of trying to figure out the coin operated cell doors and find the *&%%## fourth monkey, I achieved my goal. Tra-la I skip off to the library and engage the lift. Critters spewing poison and me without my a cure spell and miserably short on cure poison potions. I am trying to skuttle onto the lift and when what to my wondering eyes should conspire but an inquisitor and vipers. I jumped on to the lift but this fellow came too, and we went up, no down, no up, no down til his head was goo! Sorry, but for some reason it tickled me pink. Thanks for the ideas. And I can't wait to progress to turn to stone spells. Luck!

Ld Random Blacknail 11-07-2000 08:41 PM

yep, just mount up, swim under water, go to wherever your going. My horse is parked outside the Snake temple.

alzagor 11-07-2000 09:13 PM

RE: easter eggs.

A lot of easter eggs were planned, but none made it in Just too much of a bottle neck in the development cycle.

There were some other interesting things that never quite made it in, like the Arena Building in town -- you were going to be able to fight several different types of monsters one on one to get a feel for what they could do.

KnifeHand 11-07-2000 09:50 PM

Ohh, I was wondering what that round, straw-colored building was in town! I bet that was supposed to be the arena. I was wondering why they put such a large, prominent building in town and not have it do anything.

that would be cool, especially if you got experiece points!

And not only is using the Element of Lust on Lysandra the Vampire funny, but the, uh, shape of the element is suggestive in itself

And a million curses on her head, for turning my lead/Mavin character into a Vampire!

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