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Diogenes Of Pumpkintown 10-08-2001 01:14 PM

The idea for this thread arose from Donut's question regarding what would Jesus do in the HOW DO YOU LIKE US NOW thread.

Anybody care to try to rationalize how America can claim to be a predominantly Christian country at the same time it worships capitalism? How do you reconcile the apparent glaring contradiction between Jesus' positions regarding worldly wealth with the attitude of capitalism of amassing as much worldly wealth as possible?

I am interested in seeing if anybody CAN reconcile those two things. For my own part, I don't think they can be. It's just another example of how many people who claim to be Christians today really don't follow Jesus' teachings at all. Hell, in this case, they follow the OPPOSITE of what he taught.

Thoughts, comments, flames?

Elif Godson 10-08-2001 01:25 PM

I think some people read a little too much into certain topic's.
When it comes to Religon you are talking about somthing with
many facets(sp). Religon is supposed to be cut and dry but with
the many demographics in today's day and age it get's washed out in all
that is going on. 100 yrs ago the boogie man was still a very prevalent
monster, now today it is a joke. Life changes, people change, the whole
rotten thing changes. It is hard to turn the proverbial cheeck
when a little child that you know is molested/raped and then left for
dead and the S.O.B. that did get's let off with probation. To many people
let's rehabilitate him. He need's therapy. I say he need's a 45 to the
Sorry if this seem's like a rant or is going no place at all. I'm not a graet communicator when it comes to typeing.

DragonMage 10-08-2001 01:29 PM

I'm sure someone will come up with a way to explain it, but I, personally, cannot. It has been a major stumbling block in my personal spiritual struggle: the desire to cast it all away while at the same time wanting and/or needing so many things that require money.

Even to go live in the world without home, money, etc. you still have to have money to survive. If I were to sell all I own and walk away now - even knowing how to survive in the wilderness - how can I? The government owns the only land that I would be able to live on and they wouldn't allow it. I'd have to buy (with MONEY) some land to live off of. And it wouldn't stop after I'd purchased the land. I'd still have taxes to pay on it annually, etc. So even on the simplistic level, it does seem impossible to achieve.

The day we stop learning is the day we start dying!(c)

Co-Owner/Operator of the Evil Petting Zoo and devout member of the HADB clan.
Commander of the Dragon Fleet, IW Peacekeeping Force
Sublime Sister of the Illuminati - may the Light shine forever!
Second Historian and Scribe of IW. Mother Hen of IW.
Mage extraordinair, Pin-Up Girl for the OLD-COOTS
Magey-Wagey: performer in the Nekked Dancing Trio of the ORT.

Hopeless Romantic *sigh*

Diogenes Of Pumpkintown 10-08-2001 01:30 PM


Originally posted by Elif Godson:
I think some people read a little too much into certain topic's.
When it comes to Religon you are talking about somthing with
many facets(sp). Religon is supposed to be cut and dry but with
the many demographics in today's day and age it get's washed out in all
that is going on. 100 yrs ago the boogie man was still a very prevalent
monster, now today it is a joke. Life changes, people change, the whole
rotten thing changes. It is hard to turn the proverbial cheeck
when a little child that you know is molested/raped and then left for
dead and the S.O.B. that did get's let off with probation. To many people
let's rehabilitate him. He need's therapy. I say he need's a 45 to the
Sorry if this seem's like a rant or is going no place at all. I'm not a graet communicator when it comes to typeing.

That's okay, no problem with the mini-rant. But do you have any thoughts on the actual topic of this thread, which is reconciling Christianity with Capitalism?

Elif Godson 10-08-2001 01:57 PM

No unfortuntly. As DM said it is much harder then it would
seem. After all we are no longer trading shell's and pelt's
to get by.

Larry_OHF 10-08-2001 02:05 PM

<font color="white">When a nation follows God's rule, they prosper.
They are blessed with imaginitive ideas on how to improve their living conditions.
They come out of poverty.
They are given comforts to make them happier.
But it is greed, selfishness, and class distinction that ruins the plan.
Pride in one's self is dangerous, because to have self pride, you are putting others below you.
Soon, those that do not have as much as you are looked upon as trash, uneducated, and worthless.
When that happens, then we are taking for granted all the rich blessings bestowed upon us.
We were not meant to live in a poverty-stricken world, but to have what was needed to make it though life in happiness.
When we abuse that right, then we are in the wrong.
It is not wrong to have possessions, and feel comfortable in life.
Our Heavenly Father wants us to be happy, just like my dad tries to help us out by buying Marybeth new clothes and such almost every other week.
What we do with that gift is determined whether we are good Christian people.
I guess I don't have to say any more, because I can assume that you see my perspective...

3rd Member of the Ancient OHF and Diamond Ranger of the ALSB (secretarial position & Ambassador)
Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

Silver Cheetah 10-08-2001 02:08 PM


Originally posted by DragonMage:
I'm sure someone will come up with a way to explain it, but I, personally, cannot. It has been a major stumbling block in my personal spiritual struggle: the desire to cast it all away while at the same time wanting and/or needing so many things that require money.

Money yes, definitely. But I reckon most of us could live more simply than we do now, thus needing less. Two years ago, I was earning mega bucks as a contractor in Holland. I spent money on a lot of crap I didn't need. Even with the amount I was earning, I was still in debt, as I spent money to compensate. Now I work part time, writing, and paint. I spend about 1/4 of the time working that I used to. I get less money, but I don't have a problem with that.

Generally, I only buy what I need, mostly I buy second hand. I don't maintain a car. My recreational pursuits have changed - whereas I used to spend maybe 50 to 100 pounds for an evenings entertainment, nowadays I get change out of a fiver. (I don't drink alcohol any more, in case anyone's wondering how I do that )

But yes, downsizing is definetly an option. Work out what you NEED and what you only think you want. You'll cut your costs mega, and be able to spend more time doing what you love doing.
(By the way, I'm still in debt, but I think that's more to do with my character than anything else Also, I have an expensive dance workshop habit to maintain!! )


Most Ecstatic and Exotic Mistress of the Illuminati

Silver Cheetah 10-08-2001 02:15 PM

Er, yes, following on from what I just said. Christianity and capitalism. I don't see anything wrong with making a profit, whilst there is still money in the world, that is what we live on. Making huge obcene, fat profits at other people's expense, no, I can't reconcile that with Christianity, or any other 'ism' or 'ity'. And that's what a lot of corporations do. Profit yes, pay your workers and yourself. Huge profits which are made at the expense of the environment, and of those same workers, no. Profit made by selling products which are damaging to people and the earth's health, equally, no. I'd like to see the end of that too. (Not a popular view with most, I guess..... that'd be the end of cigarettes, coca cola, hamburgers, angel delight ....


Most Ecstatic and Exotic Mistress of the Illuminati

domingo 10-08-2001 02:23 PM


Originally posted by DragonMage:
I'm sure someone will come up with a way to explain it, but I, personally, cannot. It has been a major stumbling block in my personal spiritual struggle: the desire to cast it all away while at the same time wanting and/or needing so many things that require money.

Even to go live in the world without home, money, etc. you still have to have money to survive. If I were to sell all I own and walk away now - even knowing how to survive in the wilderness - how can I? The government owns the only land that I would be able to live on and they wouldn't allow it. I'd have to buy (with MONEY) some land to live off of. And it wouldn't stop after I'd purchased the land. I'd still have taxes to pay on it annually, etc. So even on the simplistic level, it does seem impossible to achieve.

Too many people get caught up in just trying to focus on religous aspects of life and just letting the other parts of their life go. As a christian I have been brought up to believe that our purpose here on earth is to be tested and to grow ..... how can you be expected to grow if you just give up on some of the most important things in life ( providing for family - charity - doing your best at everything you do) and decide that nothing else matters if you don't sin and just live out your life not living up to your full potential ....... think of it this way ..... when we come face to face with God he will say O.k you lived without sin so your not disqualified BUT now what did you do to earn a spot in heaven .... just my 2 cents

------------------ You can only call someone something so many times before they become that which you did not wish them to be!
Bad things happen to bad people!

Dramnek_Ulk 10-08-2001 03:16 PM

relgions reward comes after your dead, The rewards of capitilism are extremly now. Christianity and capitilism cannot be reconcilied on a literal level however theres always some one who "interprets" the bible to give their blessing to Any form of injustice or opression. and most religions are extremly flexible.


In nomine Imperatis, guard our armour and our gaze; lubricate our projectile weapons that they do not jam. Bless and brighten the beams of our lasers; fiat lux in tenebris.

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