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Azreall, Master of War 03-21-2001 07:38 AM

Well, Last time I posted this topic about Minsc (Subject : Minsc ---> Overdone ???) and I got some good replies, but I forgot to reply myself so...
But I did read it, and while doing this, it actually made me think a bit further (sidevoice : Oh my god, make him stop !!! This is going 2 be a Disaster)

You know, In BG1, Minsc had SO MUCH charisma. When they used this in BG2 for a sort of... comercial purpose... I think this made him lose his "Magic Touch".

But back 2 my question : Is BG2 so much better then BG1 ???
I think it sounds very stupid to write it, but I do have this feeling somehow...
I cant really put my finger what was better in BG1 compared to 2;
BG2 has better Graphics, Sound Effects, Voice Casting, Visuall effects, more Options and a Better Gameplay...
The Story of BG2 was good, better then I'd expected from a sequel...

Though, I think it was 2 long... after a while it just couldnt keep my atention annymore at some points. The Music was good, but that from BG1 was better... it had much more ambiance. Ofcourse, with BG2 I had this déja-vu feeling, becasue it as original as BG1.

I think all of this might come from one source... BG1 "encanted" me much more then part 2...

Your opinions please.

Wow, Dude... I feel Dizzy...

Yorick 03-21-2001 07:50 AM



(please note adequate distance to avoid confusion)

Where were Hamlet and Horatio when I needed them?!
A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Charean 03-21-2001 07:54 AM

Interesting view...

I liked BG2 better for the interaction with the NPCs... you could use your own party and not miss anything in BG1 - but in BG2, they are a much bigger part of the game. I find that for myself, that is what makes it so replayable (as opposed to BG1, which is basically the same every time). All you have to do is grab different characters and you are on different quests and it changes the dynamic of the party considerably...

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?!?
Wandering Joke of the Laughing Hyenas
Aquisition master of the Finest of Humours - and the Killer Joke :D

migosh 03-21-2001 08:01 AM

I think BG1 had more of an adventurus spirit to it, there was lot more outdoors and what seemed like a lot more places to explore. BG2 was all inner city stuff, almsot all the quests revolved around a city or a tomb.. and the underdark is a pretty boring place to look at (it didnt have to be). I much prefered the whole atmosphere of BG1. If BG1 had all the extras that BG2 had I think I would have much prefered it. It also had less powerful weapons, half way through BG2 I wouldnt even bother picking up a +1 sword to sell. Early in BG1 it was like "+1 wow!!"

Reminissing on BG1 has made me miss it.. think I might go and play it again..

Azreall, Master of War 03-21-2001 08:29 AM

Indeed, Migosh...

In BG2... Characters get 2 big for my liking. In BG1 everything is much more... Cozy. I know BG isnt meant to be cozy... I know its no Tamagotchi... But I like it.

Oh, and its a good idea to replay BG1, just for the feeling of it...
At least, when I hear the CandleKeep tune, I imediatly get goosebumps.
I'm so sentimental...

ecarletti 03-21-2001 08:50 AM

BG2 is FAAAAAAARRR better than BG1.

One of the worst thing in BG1 was the monster
spamming : Kobolds Comando (or others) pot out of
thin air with no reasons (even in a closed room,
just inside the ring formed by your party).
The path finding was awfull (I had to do A LOT of
micro-management too keep my characters from
True, BG1 has more screens than BG2, but a lot
of them are empty (except from wandering monsters),
and you had to map all the screens (just in case ...).

BG2 has erased most of the drawbacks of BG1.

Yorick 03-21-2001 08:53 AM

Migosh! How the hell are you? long time no see! Hey man, check a thread by Moiraine called "the sojourner" in the Gen discussions thread. I've been away a while.

How's your course?

Where were Hamlet and Horatio when I needed them?!
A fair dinkum laughing Hyena!

Throntar 03-21-2001 09:22 AM

Good thread Azreall...

I think that the *only* thing I like better about BG1 than BG2 is the amount of wilderness adventuring. I get kind of tired crawling through buildings all of the time. When you are outdoors, you get more of an opportunity to play with sneak attacks and missile weapons/distance attacks, which I enjoy. I think that I'm a thief at heart although I never play one!

One good example of this is that one of the best Druid spells (Call Lightning) can only be used outdoors. Doh! So, how often can you use that spell.

The only good giant is a dead giant!
---Throntar the Battlerager---

Azreall, Master of War 03-21-2001 09:35 AM

Why thanx, Throntar...

Though it seems most people dont agree with me, its very intresing to hear... much more than those endless discusions about "Use Korgan, he's Good" or "Dont use Anomen, he sux" or "Lets talk about how NPC excrements look".

Mhhh, I also love that sneaky aspect from the Thief... So I usually play Ranger. Hey, R U a fighter ??? they seem 2 be very rare here...

"Strength and Honour"

Throntar 03-21-2001 10:03 AM

Yup. I typically play fighter-types. I like Inquisitors, but also play Rangers, Clerics, and my two new favorites...Human Ranger dualled to Cleric and a multi-class Dwarven Fighter/Cleric (preferably Berserker).

I don't care what anybody says...with a good bow and high DEX/STR, you can disrupt almost any spell from a mage and whoop his a$$ before he can fry you! I haven't met a mage yet who can touch me...if I know he's there and he doesn't sneak up on me.

The only good giant is a dead giant!
---Throntar the Battlerager---

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