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Sorcerer Dave 03-28-2001 03:21 AM

These are the quests I hae left on chapter II:

Full Quests

Twisted Rune
Kangaxx the Lich

Partial Quests (To Long to Do Whole Quest)

Edwin's Nether Scroll (Done 1st half)

Random Time Quests

Anomen- Anomen's Test
Jaheria- Harper Interactios
Jan- Jan's Old Flame & Her Child
Mazzy- Elixir of Love or Poison?
Nalia- After Liberating Nalia's Keep

My question is how do I get random time quests to happen. I want to do Jaheria's quest but it hasn't even started yet and I am on day 50 odd. I would also like to get the others for experiance.

Also Edwin's Nether scroll quest. I killed the Lich(what a wimpy Lich he was a gosh dang push over, instead of casing monster spells on the floor he cast them on me and they never appeared. His other spells didn't realy work.) and Edwin got the scroll. It takes so many days to translate it then so many days to get turned back to normal. I just want to know if you get and more significant exp off of this quest.

The 2 main quests I will do on my own. However the twisted rune quest is it worth me giving Minsc the sheild of Balduron (reflects Beholder Magic). Also for Minsc genraly should he use the armour of Balduron (gives extra HP and AC base set to -1).

Accord 03-28-2001 03:25 AM

1) For Jaheria's quest to be active, you will need to be attacked by bandits after you rest. Usually occur in outdoors in my games, although some says they have been attacked in inns and stuff. Try to rest outside, for example the wilderness area in Umar Hills.
2) No, you don't get much exp, just some laughs and an average loot when it ends.

Long live H22A1!!!!!

Sorcerer Dave 03-28-2001 03:33 AM

Damm that attack thing happened to me once. I slept quck saved then after that they appeared. I did something stupid cant remember if it was in a battle with them or not and my PC died. I went back to the quick save and they didnt appear. I am guesing the game forgot I had rested so they didnt appear.

What about the other random time quests I had Nalia with my party for a while and she never got called to her fathers funeral. Also what level is Anomen at cos to do his quest he has to be at Lvl 15.

Accord 03-28-2001 03:38 AM

Well, unfortunately, like you've said, these quest are random. For both of them if you want to speed up things, you can keep on travelling around, since the messanger will spawn when you enter into a new area (this might help), ie. you can travel out of town then back to town and travel around different districts. Usually, Nalia gets called a week or so when I returned to town after finishing her keep. As for Anomen, his quest usually appear quickly in my game (maybe due to the excessive amount of travelling I do) since if I am going to keep him around, he will only be around for the first part of the chapter.

Long live H22A1!!!!!

Sorcerer Dave 03-28-2001 07:11 AM


Lord Shield 03-28-2001 07:24 AM

I've found you need three things to activate Jaheira:

1) Complete Jaheira's Curse
2) Attack by Bandits in wilderness after resting
3) Kill Harper leader after questioning

Only after that did Jaheira start getting more cosy

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