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Aectann 11-10-2000 08:13 PM

'Tis very-very strange, you know. Seems that Viconia doesn't flirt with elven males at all!
I restarted my game for 4 times with different elven males, and she did never started the lovestory! Is this a bug? I really like her (err... just virtually, you know )

Armisael 11-10-2000 09:47 PM

Well, no, not really. Viconia's a Drow elf, and the Drow are mortal enemies of the surface elves, so it's no great surprise that she doesn't like you very much. Try using the CLUA command SetGlobal("ViconiaMatch","GLOBAL",1). I'm pretty sure Viconia will only go for humans. (Ha!)

Draggor 11-11-2000 08:51 AM

Viconia goes for half elves too. At least they're only part elf. How can you be half elf anyway. It's not like Bhaal was human, or elvish. I can't believe Bhaal even lowered himself to being with an orc.

Orcdude 11-11-2000 09:18 AM

A half-elf would be possible if bhaal did it with a half-elf. Same story for a half-orc.
They are half half-elf and half bhaal. Whatever he was.

Do any of the possible NPCs go for a romance with a half-orc ?
Where do half-orcs come from if nobody is romantically inclined towards them. Let alone orcs.

Memnoch 11-11-2000 09:42 AM

Bhaal is the Lord of Murder so who's to say that he doesn't find orcs attractive. Maybe he saw qualities in Mrs Bhaal that he didn't find in the other Bhaalspawn moms (such as a willingness to conjugate). After all the orc, more than anything, exhibits behavior that most resembles all that Bhaal represents. Stop knocking orcs! After all, they can't help being big, brutish, loutish, hairy, smelly, vicious, ugly critters that they are

Aectann 11-11-2000 09:25 PM

Thanks, people
I forced her to love me thru CLUAConsole
BTW, there were NO word of what form Bhaal really posessed. He was a human? I mean, I really cannot be a pure elf then, but - I REALLY can't believe that Bhaal would ever sleep with gnomish or dwarfish (these even have BEARDS) females.... YOOCK...

Armisael 11-11-2000 09:29 PM

I find the idea of a female half-orc hilarious. I keep picturing that half-orc portrait with lipstick. Cracks me up every time. Anyway, Bhaal was mortal before he was a god. Maybe he was originally a dwarf? Or an orc? Or a xvart? Nobody will ever know. Anything's got to be better than a xvart female, at any rate.

Aectann 11-11-2000 09:59 PM

Yeah... But.. Hmmm... How do Baatezu breed?

Armisael 11-11-2000 10:09 PM

Same way fish breed?

Aectann 11-11-2000 10:14 PM

If otherwise... Can you imagine THEIR females?
Ghm... OK. Bhaal was just a pervert...

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