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Bahamut 06-01-2001 01:19 PM

just a question about life...

do you believethat, "no mans an island"? hell, i dont

anyways, give you opinions on why it is or not thrue (the phrase "no mans a island")

get ready to test your wits, as for your posts that has this aura that it hasnt been thought of is detected, mediocrity enters my mind, and it also supports, that its not true...

please, answer. its serious business for me...

based on technicalities, of course it true literally. i mean, we need our parens for support, etc... thats literal. im talking about spirituality and sometihing of the higher level.

so what do you think, i say its not true, i feel it right here and now. prove me wrong

We have merged... and now we are called Chiharumut..wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...

Fljotsdale 06-01-2001 01:25 PM

Maybe you should put this on User Polls forum??

Bahamut 06-01-2001 01:38 PM

it is a general discussion, im not just looking for a yes or no answer, i want them to share word with me. its not a poll rather its a question of their principles and defending it. well, i see it that way.

We have merged... and now we are called ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...

Wah 06-01-2001 02:16 PM

Is this some psychological theory?

I think it is talking about morality and us, as human beings.

Do a search for my previous "Homework" thread bahamut! - It has somethings about having people in your life and not being separated.

(Is that what "no man's an island" all about?)

Or are we talking BUSINESS here?

= No man waits for his customers - he invites them himself.

Greetings Mortals. My Name Is Wah, Arch Lich Wah.

Epona 06-01-2001 03:54 PM

Bahamut, this is a very deep and philosophical question!

I won't answer right away, as I have to go in 5 minutes, and cannot give it enough thought to do the question justice in that time. But I will answer probably tomorrow. OK?

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas

bilqis 06-01-2001 04:50 PM

"No Man Is An Island" means, to me, that we all need other people to survive. That our actions don't impact only ourselves. And that we should always keep this in mind as we go through our days.

That's all. 'Nuff said.

Sometimes I think I
understand everything,
then I regain consciousness.

Gaelic 06-01-2001 05:15 PM

So what you are saying is that some men are, in fact, "islands." I would argue that the phrase rings true. Even people that are physically isolated from society have psychological ties to someone or something to keep them going. Take, for example, Mr. FedEx in the movie "Castaway." He had Helen Hunt and his volleyball to keep him going. Even sociopaths, serial killers, and the like tie themselves psychologically and emotionally to parts of the world outside themselves. The other side of the coin are the strong, independent types. I would not consider them as "islands" as they demonstrate their strength relative to their surroundings. They show that strength in their interpersonal relarions. The only people I could think of that could be fully considered to be "islands" would be those in such a catatonic state that they could neither respond to stimulus nor could they form coherent thoughts. However, people that can't be considered sentient should probably not be included in this discussion.

(Gaelic returns to his seat)


Bahamut 06-02-2001 05:21 AM

great point gaelic... hmm.. now.

i somehow believe that no man is an island indeed.... but,

i seem to have a hard time looking for a reason why i am not an island. give me an obvious reason first...


You know what happened. We are ONE, WE ARE, ahh.. er... I AM ...wehehehe and... Stay ahead of the Avalanche or risk being buried...;)

Charean 06-02-2001 06:57 AM

If you were an Island, you would not be interacting on this board, for one!!

For every action you take, you impact another - and that alone makes you NOT an island... get it?

Defender for the Light -
Goodness knows there is a lot of Dark out there!! - Where are my matches?!?
Wandering Soul - Finding my life's calling is Bodhisattva
Looking for lost brain - I left it only for a moment....and there it goes... rolling under the table!!
Noticing that the Light has gotten further down a Dark Tunnel than expected... Time to get the Lantern... Knowing sooner or later - I will get to the End of this Tunnel to the Open Air once again...

Gaelic 06-02-2001 08:03 AM


Originally posted by Charean:
If you were an Island, you would not be interacting on this board, for one!!



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