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armageddon272 10-29-2004 07:15 PM

Alright, lets put it this way. I have a friend who i share my computer with, i of course, use the computer more than him. we have seperate administrator account on Windows XP, both are passworded. my friend got mad and used his administrator priveledges to change the password on my account so i couldn't access the comp. (some of you may notice i hacn't given any of my usual asinine replies lately) I would like to know how to by-pass this if he ever pulls a stunt like this again. and no, i dont know the password to his account, i cant guess his password, and its not the same as the one he eventually told me he put on mine. also, he may try to make my account into a normall user account instead of an administrator's account, can i bypass it with this on top of everything? this is serious, i need to know.

LennonCook 10-29-2004 07:30 PM

<span style="color: lightblue">This is the problem with sharing computers. If it is in a workplace, or a family, the answer is much more clear: one admin account (the boss at the workplace, or the head of the family), everyone else is limited. However, when there is only two people, and especially when they are close friends, the situation is alot more ambiguous: does either deserve more privaledges than the other? Having one "SuperUser" account (in other words, mimicing the Linux model as closely as possible) would also not help, because who would have the password?
And possibility of solving it depends on the answers to a few questions.
1) Do you share a house with this friend?
2) Is this the only computer that either of you have?
3) Is the main harddrive NTFS or FAT32 formatted?

EDIT: typo

[ 10-29-2004, 10:37 PM: Message edited by: LennonCook ]

armageddon272 10-29-2004 09:22 PM

1) yes
2) yes
3) i have no idea

Animal 10-29-2004 09:24 PM

Create a password reset disk.

EDIT: Before you ask, go to User Accounts, click your username, and choose "Prevent a Forgotten Password" and follow the instructions.

When you need it, click on "Did you forget your password" at the login screen and select "use password reset disk" and follow the prompts.

[ 10-29-2004, 09:28 PM: Message edited by: Animal ]

armageddon272 10-30-2004 10:04 AM

no, wont work. when we bought this comp, it came without a floppy disc drive, it says it needs one to work. is there any other way to get my passsword back or to keep him from changing it and my account in the future?

philip 10-30-2004 12:09 PM

I'd just install the OS twice ;) One for you and one for the other or doesn't windows have good separation to do this?

Beaumanoir 10-30-2004 12:25 PM


Originally posted by armageddon272:
no, wont work. when we bought this comp, it came without a floppy disc drive, it says it needs one to work.
*Thats ridiculous!*

I'm all for technology moving on but I hate it when they don't put floppy drives in computers. They may be old, and not too fast or efficient, but they're the easiest way of transporting small files from computer to computer..

philip 10-30-2004 12:28 PM

And you'll need your boot floppy for windows? How can you do a good old format C: without. Floppies are great. Every PC should have one.

Animal 10-30-2004 06:48 PM

Try an Emergency Boot CD then.

armageddon272 11-12-2004 04:04 AM

Alright, i know its bringing up a realy old topic but damnit! he did it again (pardon the language)! and that Emergency Boot CD didn't work, something went screwy with the program! Gah! DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY MORE IDEAS TO HOW TO STOP THIS MADNESS?

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