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freudianslip 11-13-2000 12:51 AM

I'm wondering if there's a level break where you start to get more than 1 hit point per level regularly; if it indeed does even out. I've not reloaded the game trying to get better rolls; I've stuck to a "making do with rose thorns and glue" approach. As a result, my 10th level rogue has 38 hit points.. hmm. I wonder if later on he'll start seeing a higher bonus? As it is, he keeps getting smacked around.

I ran into the man traps for the first time tonight.. Those things are gorgeous! I was impressed with the animation, and just how awesome they look. That is, the 5 seconds I had to enjoy their fine animation before they killed me. Whee! However, next time I found them, I strategically withdrew and got the drop on them; long distance magma bombs make a wonderful herbicide.

Gaijin 11-13-2000 03:05 AM

I'm doing it the same way, no re-loading for better HP rolls. Here's how my party is currently shaping up:

lvl 12 Samurai (Human) - 89
lvl 12 Barbarian (Lizzord) - 138
lvl 13 Priest (Human) - 79
lvl 12 Ninja (Ratling) - 57
lvl 12 Warlock (Human) - 42
lvl 13 Wizard (Elf) - 40

Looks and plays perfect for me, I have absolutely no complaints with the leveling system thus far. I've seen several threads with people moaning about how HP's are calculated. I don't see what all the fuss is about really. Wizards and Rogues are SUPPOSED to be physically frail; and even though it looks like my Samurai could use a few more hit points, his acquired traits and abilities allow him to afford the lower HP's. He doesn't get hit NEARLY as much as the barbarian so it evens out in this respect if nothing else...

freudianslip 11-13-2000 03:46 AM

I'm just curious to see if there actually is a method to the rolls; or if it just random. Either way, it does make for a nice challenge to have lower HP; the same with the gold. You really have to make sure you want to pay for that training, heh.. With the monster difficulty on Hard, and Seldom Spawn, it works out just about right for me; I like to have fewer, tougher encounters.

My Hit Points are as follows:

10th level Lizzord Warrior 76 HP
10th level Whiskas Priest 42 HP
10th level Ratling Rogue 38 HP
9th level Oomphaz Warlock 44 HP
10th level Oomphaz Wizard 40 HP
9th Level Oomphaz Wizard 41 HP

Wyvern 11-13-2000 11:33 AM

gaijin - what a wealth of interesting information you are!!!

I do have a question about this though - WHY are wizards and rogues supposed to be frail? Who thought that rule up and what is the logic behind it? I don't see that it makes sense. I've always considered it a law passed down by D&D which seems to remain unquestioned.


Elara 11-13-2000 11:45 AM

Well, maybe because apprentice wizards were back in the lab training in spell casting so didn't exercise much, though all the energy channeled into mentation precluded getting fat, while rogues spent their formative training with slight of hand, picklocking, dagger expertise and being light on their feet for spurious attack and retreat. Too much muscle would lower dexterity and slow them down?


Scronan 11-13-2000 01:29 PM

hey slip,

have you seen my old posts about HP bonuses? It matters a lot with class, but becoming a paladin or barbarian for a time can net you at times, 30-40 hp in one level.

at the end of the game, my party was as follows:

Dwarf Valkrye: 191 HP
Whiska Zenmaster: 180 HP
Human Zenmaster: 174 HP
Elf Zenmaster: 151 HP
Gnome Zenmaster: 168 HP
Pixie Zenmaster: 145 HP

So, as you can see thats all I got...but it was more than enough. the Pixie was given a boost from the magic lamp once. changing class a lot will make those little 1 hp's add up. But do try a class with a A or better rating for HP...and you will eventually be rewarded. As you know, the Barb gets the most HP in the game, even more than a Zenmaster!


Wyvern 11-13-2000 03:38 PM

So why do I think Bruce Lee would have been an excellent rogue??

And if the wizards are so good why can't the whip up a ironnem potion to add 40 lbs. of muscle??

Now I'm guessing, but I think they were designed originally to be frail because they are more powerful in the long run (well maybe not the thieves but certainly the wizards) and this was a way to sort of balance things out for the monsters. Pernemally, I'm not on the monsters' side and do not care about making it a fair fight!


litebrite2k 11-13-2000 03:58 PM

just a little tip for the re-rollers out there. when its time to level up leave town and re-enter. go to the inn and level up. if you dont like the results, click on revert game and try again. rinse and repeat. this spares you the long load times for saved games.

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