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Sengmand 09-19-2001 10:41 AM

I have picked about 25-30 pockets with my thief, but now can never succeed. What's this all about?
Do mages lose the ability to cast spells after a certain number or is it clerics that can't turn undead after a certain time?
This seems to be a really DUMB glitch, yes the thief can still do other things , but my thief wants to steal stuff.
And if if you get x.p. for unlocking stuff why not for stealing.
Is there a patch for this nonsense bug.
Any help appreciated.

I have eyes everywhere. Even one in my pants!

Link 09-19-2001 11:39 AM

First I want to know what you're thieving skills are.. how many points do you have for pickpocketing?

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst
Official Entertainer in Cloudy's Cafe

waverider 09-19-2001 11:42 AM

you have a big change you can have a good lock pick with a thieve poiten

say hail to the holi miaden Aerie ....


so sweat , you find them no sweater than this ...
no prettier than this ..

you can geus who it is

!!!!! AERIE !!!!!!

Sengmand 09-19-2001 12:03 PM

Thieves p.p. skill is around 160% with no potions. Have tried quaffing
up to 4 thieving potions but that doesn't help. Have tried stealing in
various places (outside, single npc's, black market sellers and reputable
ones). Just no joy!
Please help me rob you blind!

Sengmand 09-19-2001 12:43 PM

Any ideas anyone?

I have eyes everywhere. Even one in my pants!

Link 09-19-2001 01:30 PM

I would love to help, but you didn't answer my question yet, or did you by saying that Potions didn't help??? If you REALLY can't rob anyone anymore (which is a shame :hehe then it is a bug.. No big deal!!!!! You'll survive it, and so will your gang

I am committed to restore your faith in extreme violence...

Overlord Executioner, Slayer of Fluffed Beings
Member of Clan HADB
Supreme Warrior of Myst
Official Entertainer in Cloudy's Cafe

floyd 09-19-2001 04:23 PM

I've heard the more people you pickpocket, the lower the chance of pickpocketing again. That sounds stupid, and makes me glad I never spend points in pickpocket. Maybe baldurdash will make a patch for it? Email that guy.

Gabriel 09-19-2001 04:36 PM

Well I hsd 200 in pick pocket and never had this problem so here two suggestions:
1) how about waiting until you leveled up once and after putting a few points in pick pocketing trying again or
2)How about trying to pick your of your teams members pockets and then a passer by. (In case the computer causes you to fail on the that count, just a suggestion)


Skunk 09-19-2001 04:39 PM

I reported this one earlier (see "petty irritations" 09-11-2001):

"I created a thief and MAXED OUT his pickpocket abilities.
Now I figured that the thief (who has v. poor fighting abilities/armour class) could then make himself useful by making loads of cash to buy armour/weapons for the other party members.

In other words, he offsets his poor combat abilities by beefing up the other party members.

But! It turns out that the more times you pickpocket, the less chances you have of succeeding. Eventually, somewhere in chapt 2, I couldn't pickpocket ANYONE without getting caught anymore... That made him useless - so I had to restart the game..."

"...I confirm that, on two separate games with a pickpocket MAXED out, his skills eventually become all but useless (you have to pickpocket everyone in sight - probably around 150 times before this starts to happen). It gets to the stage that even with the pickpocket gloves AND the potion of master thievery, he always get caught - even when pickpocteting 'Commoners'!"

After two separate attempts I restarted the game with a regular thief and vowed never to be a pickpocket again. As far as I know, there is not fix for this 'feature' - sorry to be the bearer of bad news...

floyd 09-19-2001 06:15 PM

You know, skunk, you could have just used shadowkeeper to reallocate his thieving points to other disciplines.. Restarting your game twice seems a harsh price to pay for not 'cheating'.

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