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Mozenwrathe 10-30-2006 11:09 PM

When it comes to the Stone Items for the various teleporters, are you (Ziroc) going to start hiding them within more career ending creatures (better known to the populace as boss monsters) such as The Lizardman King of Level Ten? It might make it easier to make sure more players can get the items during one session of the Undermountain. Of course, we all realize that some of our favourite kick-around creations may end up twice to thrice as powerful as they are now if this happens. (Such as those Ancient Flying Black Dragons on Level Twelve.) It would also make it unnecessary for people to pray the server was brand spanking new in order to acquire the items they worked so hard to discover.

And on (specifically) the Ancient Flying Black Dragons on Level Twelve, can they be set up in the same fashion that the Blighted Zombies are within the Tradeways? I mean, after they are slain have them transform into regular Ancient Black Dragons (perhaps with a new title, such as Enraged or Enchanted or even Genocidal). I know the idea was posed to you before, but I didn't know if it was actually possible before I saw those zombies. (And for the record, that Infected Ooze thing grosses me out every time I face them. Urgh, that sound effect. Gah.)

When people are refering to parking characters, is there a way to have a legitimate flag for being Away From Keyboard? That way if someone with DM Access sweeps on through looking for people determined to just hold the server open, you could see how long the person has actually been "paused" before aceing them.

Ziroc 11-03-2006 06:17 PM

Yep! I'll be doing that, and also having a secondary area for some--but in hard fought areas.

Don't worry, you'll earn the upcoming stone items! [img]smile.gif[/img]

Mozenwrathe 11-08-2006 11:38 PM

bringing the ruckus with another question here:

what level of CEP are we supposed to be running with for the module? I have just found a version of the CEP known as CEP build 168 and I also located CEP v2.0. with all these out and about, which ones of these (if any) are we supposed to have running inside of the machine? just a little confused as I picked them up blindly but I have yet to install them.

Ziroc 11-09-2006 01:46 AM

EFU uses 1.51, and will never use CEP 2.0. (as Massive has everything it has plus MUCH more)--but if you need it for other mods, thats fine. [img]smile.gif[/img]

Last day here, got a few things to do. Gonna be a looooonnnng day. [img]smile.gif[/img]

I want this released tomorrow!

T-D-C 11-09-2006 02:05 AM

Yeah it doens't matter what version you have as long as its the same or higher than 1.51. Its all backwards compatible.

robertthebard 11-09-2006 08:27 AM

Up until 2. Version 2 is not backwards compatible. At least, that's my understanding.

Unglaublich Verwustung 11-09-2006 08:33 AM

I guess that means v2 is not a good idea, or have I got that wrong?

robertthebard 11-09-2006 08:48 AM

I have it, and some servers will be running it, Fates does, for example. As TDC posted, it can't hurt you to have "extra" haks installed, as the server you connect to will only call the haks it has, if any.

Mozenwrathe 11-10-2006 08:59 AM

Okay, I am looking through my *.hak directory now, and I see no sign of CEP 1.51 anywhere. I have CEP 1.52 and CEP 1.53, not to mention CEP 1.68. Should I just download the 1.51 patch and install that to see if that is what is causing numerous robes to not be visible? As right now I am sure I have everything working with the CEP 1.53 patch, but when I go into the toolset, I am missing a whole horde of robes...

robertthebard 11-10-2006 10:18 AM

If you seem to be missing something, by all means download and install, but I think the previous versions simply overwrote the stuff it already had, except for 1.53, which was a quick fix for 1.67 issues with tridents, amongst other things, I believe.

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