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ratchild 09-13-2002 11:44 AM

Just wondering what most people are choosing for the sorceress spells's list. I've gone with magic missile (in order to assault the darkness properly), sleep (way more effective early on than i thought) Melfs arrow at 2nd level... fireball and haste for 3rd, stoneskin for 4th, cloudkill for 5th...

kirdie 09-13-2002 12:33 PM

you mean wizard :)

1st: sleep, m.missile, chromatic orb! (stunns the enemy at certain levels is good as escape if a meelee is near your mage)
2st: melfs acid arrow
3st: of course fireball, haste, melfs minute meteor!! my wizard has 20dex and its amazing... by by trolls :)

flibulzbuth 09-13-2002 01:39 PM

Excellent topic!
I'm playing a with a sorcerer for the first time, and it's also my first time with 3E. Please include them in the order you selected them.

1: magic missile/identify/charm/chromatic orb...
...identify is useless because of my high-int wizard. sleep would have been better than charm.

2: melf acid arrow/web/A.'s scorcher/snilloc snowball swarm

3: minute meteor/fireball/haste

4: vitrolic sphere/ice storm(?)

5: ball lightning

I'm currently lvl 10 and focus on evocation. It's role in the party is to mass murder. My wiz is focusing on enchantment and my cleric provides the buffs.

ratchild 09-13-2002 03:28 PM

I chose magic missile and sleep first off, and sleep is definitely worth it, though i never use it anymore (lvl 10 now). the only lvl 1 spells i use anymore are MM, and flaming hands (to finish off trolls). for 2nd level i picked acid arrow first, because the continuous damage can interrupt casters, and the dmg itself is pretty decent. i took web later on, but haven't used it yet. 3rd level started with fireball, and it's still my most used spell. 4th, first thing was stoneskin, which was restored to it's previous functionality similar to NWN... as opposed to BG1 and 2, where it was self only. 5th level spells, i got cloudkill, though i haven't used it to effect yet. wondering if i should have gone with a summon, as this is where they start to get useful for the wizard spells.

flibulzbuth 09-13-2002 05:46 PM

You don't use web?!? it's one of my favorite.
web + cloudkill (+ fireball) is pretty devastating. Cast web in a chokepoint to slow monsters progression toward your group and pick them one by one as they unglue.

Summons are good, especially those that upgrade with level (ie. summon undead), but they are slow casting and sometimes cleric or druids get the same at lower level. The first round is determining, and both area of effect spells and summons should be cast at the very begining, i prefer AoE.

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