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Dreamer128 06-16-2001 04:47 AM

How in the nine hells do you roleplay a monk?
It seems to me they are made just to please the powergamers among us.
Can anyone please enlighten me?

Leagle 06-16-2001 07:00 AM

Monks follow the strict code of their monastry.(sp?)
You would be like a warrior version of the monks at candlekeep, the pursuit of knowlage, your alignment dictation what for. Of couse, this is a personal quest, far removed from that.

Shadow 06-16-2001 08:35 AM

Another way to roleplay a monk is to not have a romance.

------------------ The Black Killer

Gorgasim 06-16-2001 12:47 PM

also monks kept very few personal items. They had a robe, a cup to beg with, and a holy book of some sorts. Something long thoughs lines.

Memnoch 06-16-2001 01:00 PM

Roleplaying's a way of playing. Donate money to Ilmater. Never use a weapon. There are lots of ways.


jabidas 06-16-2001 03:17 PM

Or just dont play as a monk if you feel its a powergamer toy.


caleb 06-17-2001 02:06 AM

Play him like a asskicking shaolin monk that doesnt take crap from anyone



RudeDawg 06-17-2001 02:35 AM


Originally posted by caleb:
Play him like a asskicking shaolin monk that doesnt take crap from anyone

Kwi Chang Caine


Nerull 06-17-2001 03:52 AM

Or play them as they would be, namely as honor-bound seekers of enlightenment. Even the evil ones fit this mold. Please note that I have some SPOILERS included in the text below, so you might want to skip this unless you have played a ways into the game before.

For example, a Lawful Good monk should be played like the Shaolin monks (at least the heroic ones) in the movies. They would help the needy, whether by giving excess monies to charities (i.e. temples, or giving to beggars and lost children) or by fighting for them (freeing the captives of the slavers, hunting down the serial killers, protecting people from falling for the Unseeing Eye scam, etc.). They would always keep their word, but would give it only involving good activities (i.e. they would never listen to a word that Tolgerias has to say about Valygar, since he wants you to give your word for suspicious activities). They would also seek to enlighten others, either by keeping them from falling into evil ways, or redeeming them from evil once they had fallen. For example, the monk would add Anomen to the party, seeking to guide him away from avenging his sister's loss. He would also give the guard who is ripping off Nalia's keep (stronghold quest) the benefit of a doubt, and give him the money for his wife's healing. In other words, he would act as a more humble, less rigid version of a paladin. He would view living this way as the path to his final enlightenment, and would endeavor to follow these principals regardless of risk to himself.

A Lawful Neutral monk, on the other hand, would be guided by one principal; honor above all else. Helping the needy (or helping yourself, for that matter) does not matter, only that you follow your code explicitly. They would always keep their word, even if it were to become inconvenient to do so (i.e. he could use Valygar's dead body to open the sphere, but would end up giving the body to Tolgerias, per his agreement). He would probably encourage Anomen to avenge his sister (he is honor-bound by his father to do so, and it is not illegal for him to do so). He would seek justice above all else when running Nalia's keep (and probably harshly so, by executing those that break the law). This character would be extremely rigid about following honor and loyalty, and would follow these principals regardless of the outcomes. Enlightenment is the final goal, and the only way to reach it would be to rigidly follow the path of honor, never deviating from the code.

A Lawful Evil monk, though seeking "enlightenment" like the other monks, has a different purpose. The monk seeks his enlightenment as a source of power, a method of both proving he is better than the rest of humanity and seeking control over others. He still believes in keeping his word, since (openly) destroying his honor could ultimately cost him his "enlightenment." Thus, he would only give his word if absolutely necessary, and then would "bend" it if given the chance. He would gladly destroy others for his own benefit (or just to destroy them, depending on what benefit it would have for him). He might keep Anomen in the party, purposely making him fail his test (the knights are a potential threat, and depriving them another member can't hurt). He would also do the same to Jaheira, getting her to betray the Harpers to defend you, then letting her know you are evil to the core. He would seduce Aerie (no vows of chastity in this game!), then kick her butt out of the party the next morning. He would tax Nalia's people into revolt, then take the money he made and run away. He would also keep Nalia in the party until she gets arrested, then leave her in prison to rot. In other words, he would be the typical evil guy, seeking power and destruction above all else (he does see enlightenment as power supreme, so by his view anything that increases his power brings him closer to that power supreme).

All of these are archetypes shown in any of the Chinese (and some Japanese) martial arts movies, especially those that are set in the past. If you need some inspiration, please rent one at your local video store (any one that makes a reference to a monastary, temple, or martial arts school will give you the best points of reference). Reviewing some of these films at websites will also point you in the right direction.

As a side note, is anyone else peeved that the monk gets Nalia's keep as a stronghold (same as a fighter)? They should get the cleric's stronghold. Who cares if it is a cleric or a monk that is giving advice to the flock! It just makes A LOT more sense than a castle (someone who is trying to live a non-materialistic lifestyle ruling as lord of a castle?). I guess they forgot to put a stronghold in for monks, so just gave them the fighter one as a spur of the moment idea. Oh well, just me venting...

Dundee Slaytern 06-17-2001 04:44 AM

Hmmmm... ...

Do not own any possessions, throw all equipment away( rings, belts, weapons, etc... ...)

And for that matter, give all your gold away( maintain 0 gold at all times)

Sleep on the streets.

Defend only, never start a fight.

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