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Charlie 03-26-2001 10:02 PM

Just picked this up for a fiver. Anyone know anything about it?

One love, peace.

Jerome 03-26-2001 10:06 PM

[shrugs shoulders] loada crap i guess....


Moiraine 03-26-2001 10:07 PM

Did you play the previous Ultimas ?

'Cause for me Ultima is THE game ...

Is the hotmail address you gave me eons ago still valid ? If so, I will forward to you this evening a mail I sent to Yorick about U-IX.

In the meantime, you can find a (long) interview of Rickard Garriott (aka. Lord British) here :


Charlie 03-26-2001 10:16 PM

Moiraine, that's great thanks, the add' is still the same.
Jerome, Highly detailed, incredibly informative and totally unappreciated, duh.

One love, peace.

Charlie 03-27-2001 03:53 AM


I just quickly ran through things to get to Brittania.....Jeez.
The Dragon at the start is a "real" Dragon.....Awesome, it could use the BG2 Dragons as toothpicks. Have you completed this game? The only real problem for me atm is the size of the damn thing, it requires 1Gig of space that I don't have available. I've just installed/tried it on my brothers machine and, well I gotta have it on mine now. BG1, TOTSC and DSOTSC have definitely got to go now unfortunately but I still don't think there's going to be room....waaahh what a dilema

How long did this take you to finish btw (assuming that you did of course.)

One love, peace.

Ziroc 03-27-2001 03:57 AM


Originally posted by Charlie:
Just picked this up for a fiver. Anyone know anything about it?

Oh no... Hope you have a P4/1.5 gig with 512MB Ram, and a 64 mb video card! (Serious) it's slow as hell, buggy, and the story is lame.

It was SO buggy, that they had to remake/reburn the 1st CD and send it to everyone that registered. (This was also the mistake that caused Origin and Lord British to be fired).

If you got it REAL cheap, then it may be worth it.. (5 bucks?)


Charlie 03-27-2001 04:29 AM

Hi Ziroc.

I got a PIII 850 with 192 MB RAM. It seems to run ok and apparently the available patches rectify the known problems. To be honest as soon as we start talking about ROM, RAM, TOM and BOB and any other terminology you care to mention then I'm lost from the off anyway It seems ok to me atm but if it looks moody or bores me in any fashion then I'll bin it. I think I can probably run to lose $3 (£5)

One love, peace.

Davros 03-27-2001 05:17 PM

Hi Charlie,

The game certainly has its share of bugs, and installing the latest patch is the way to take care of most of them. I played it on a P3 with 128 MB Ram - the Ram is pretty important to this game, so with 192 MB I expect that you won't have too many difficulties. The game has a tendancy to slow down if you play for a long while, and an occasional power down and power up, and a fortnightly defrag of the hard disk seemed to work wonders.

I will still be surprised if you don't run into one or two bug problems, but most of these will be known by one of the better discussion boards. I used the forum at, where Hannibal Smith and Eldritch are the local gurus. I got away without having to manually alter my Options.ini file - many didn't.

Despite the bugs, and a somewhat disappointing ending, I loved the game. It gave me probably 2-3 months (yes I work) of pretty good gameplay. For 5 bucks you got it at a bargain - enjoy.


Charlie 03-27-2001 05:24 PM

Thanks for the info' Davros, that's real kind and appreciated.

One love, peace.

Jimbo 03-27-2001 10:38 PM

Hey go read over at Lum the Mad
his site is acting up, but it has the news from another site that Richar Garriott is due to be up from his no-compete clause when he was canned from UO (yeah I know they say he left...sounds way to fishy to me) and EA. He is brilliant, just that he has a hard time getting things done so they ain't buggy.

Anyway, be on the look-out as he probably has something cooking. Especially since EA and Origin canceled UO2 and let go of a ton of people (talk about more or less droping a design team into his lap).

Who knows, maybe we will have something that has learned from the mistakes from the first attempt and we will have a sweet game sometime in the future.

Drink and be merry
"Renegade, Rebel, and Rogue"

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