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Tobbin 03-30-2001 11:40 PM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Yeah it is nice... almost like a real conversation. My webmaster at work told me a day or two ago that one of our new agents was downloading porn on his work PC *SIGH* Kid about twenty who's an awesome agent. I couldn't get involved because this is a 'walked out by security firing offense' and I'm a manager. We decided (me and the webmaster) to put a notepad file open on his desktop and will check next week to see if it's gone... If not, I'll have to fink. Don't get me wrong, I really have nothing against the stuff, but it's like he was drinking or getting stoned on the job. *Bummer*

I can understand that. Where I work at, we have a similar rule. Nobody has been busted by it of course, but it is a rule. I'm surprised that they let us get away with searching the net. Every so often, they make a statement that the terminals and their internet connections are for business ONLY. But then everyone just goes back to playing games/searching the net. I don't know of anyone that does porn on the net though (at least at work). Guy that you are talking about is really lucky. If something like that happened where I worked at, he would have been gone. They tolerate a lot, but nothing that could break the sexual harassment rule. (Women have complained that this was a form of sexual harassment and won cases before - not at my company though - not that I know of anyways.)


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Tobbin 03-30-2001 11:44 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Fun stuff, Tobbs? Not a whole heck of a lot! Wish I had been. My multi-play games have been temporarily suspended (other players with rl stuff) and work has been hectic with no time to really do anything interesting...just the necessities and emergencies...sigh..

Am trying to find some missing tax records to do my taxes this week. Contacted TimeWarner to get RoadRunner installed...can't stand having my phone tied up all the time. Missed a good friend's birthday yesterday...gotta call her tomorrow.

Am thinking of writing some things for the forum, but half-ideas and dialog are all churning about my head at odd times and never get typed I spend too much time in the forums!


I've already done my taxes, sent them off, and already got the returns. I've always just wanted to "get it over with". I agree with you about the forum (not meaning you have been in here too much, but that I have). Although I haven't really been in here too much lately (Well, ceptin for today), I have spent a lot of time where I could be out and about. Maybe next week, right? LOL. I am getting so sick of my mom asking when I am gonna bring home a daughter-in-law. LOL.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

Cloudbringer 03-30-2001 11:44 PM

LR, that sounds like an unpleasant situation, to be sure! But it's true, that sort of thing is frowned on at workplaces as much as coming in drunk or sleeping on the desk would be. In my workplace (University) , we've had any number of people arrested for such things. Last two I know of were for child pornography. Pretty sick stuff. Most recent un-computer-related arrest was this week for sales of cocaine and guns...student in the dorms! Scary thing working at the university these days. A few years back a very disturbed ex-student took a class hostage (had a rifle) during exams. I was in the building next door and we were told not to leave our offices. The gunman was tackled by a student (who got badly wounded) and finally arrested. sigh... You should have SEEN the security when Clinton came a few yrs ago! SS everywhere!


Tobbin 03-30-2001 11:46 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
LR, that sounds like an unpleasant situation, to be sure! But it's true, that sort of thing is frowned on at workplaces as much as coming in drunk or sleeping on the desk would be. In my workplace (University) , we've had any number of people arrested for such things. Last two I know of were for child pornography. Pretty sick stuff. Most recent un-computer-related arrest was this week for sales of cocaine and guns...student in the dorms! Scary thing working at the university these days. A few years back a very disturbed ex-student took a class hostage (had a rifle) during exams. I was in the building next door and we were told not to leave our offices. The gunman was tackled by a student (who got badly wounded) and finally arrested. sigh... You should have SEEN the security when Clinton came a few yrs ago! SS everywhere!


I could imagine all the agents around Clinton. They didn't want to give him a chance to get something started with another woman. LOL


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

IdiotRogue 03-30-2001 11:49 PM

You asked for it...

Back in high school, I played football (American) in the fall and baseball in the spring. I absolutely loved baseball but was (somewhat) better at football.

Anyhow, we had a pretty good baseball team. The coach said the only way I was going to get to play was to be the catcher. Bad news for me as baseball practices would begin before I was completely healed up from football. However, I did love the stupid game so I became a catcher (to this day, my knees have never forgiven me

Well, one fine New Jersey June day (temperature near 100 degrees F, 90% humidity), we were playing in the first round of the state playoffs. Things were going great: our best pitcher on the mound, everyone (except me) healthy and feeling great. By the top of the sixth inning, we were still tied at nothing (nil). My pitcher walked the other team's catcher (who was about 6 feet and 300 lbs) with two outs. Instead of just pitching to the next batter, my pitcher decides to get cute... he decides he is going to "pick off" the "runner" on first base for the las out. Now keep in mind the alleged runner weighs 300 pounds and is so slow you can time his 40 yard dash with a sundial.

The first time my pitcher throws to first, the guy wasn't even taking a lead! I figure, "Okay, my guy is trying to discourage the hit and run/waddle." I give him his sign and HE THROWS TO 1ST AGAIN!!!

Remember, it's hot, my knees ache, my back's killing me and my shoulder is a little dislocated from a collision at the plate the previous inning. I call time go out to the mound and point out the obvious to my pitcher: the guy on 1st is too big, fat and slow to steal more than a breath, I'm whupped so let's get this over with. I go back behind the plate and the miserable &*@!? throws to 1st AGAIN!

I yell at my pitcher, "You do that or THINK of doing that again and I'm coming out there to kick your sorry ass!"

He did... I did... I got tossed from the game for "charging the mound." If my coach had had a better sense of humor, I might have got in the record books. I believe I am the only player in New Jersey history to be ejected for attacking a team mate

Sorry about the length but you asked for it... LOL

Next time I send some damned fool, I'll go myself...

LadyRae 03-30-2001 11:52 PM

He would/will have been imediately fired if my webmaster wasn't an awesome guy and had gone to our team mananger instead. I'm hoping the kid will clean it up because we will have to report it next week if he doesn't (even if we didn't, someone else will catch him)... *SIGH* He's getting through this garbage they run on our network called Surfwatch by using The rest of us are using safeweb too but only for getting to our webmail (only way I can get to my Crosswinds account) Stupid! Like I said, like drinking and getting stoned, he should keep it at home! BTW, I don't think of it as sexual harrasment, but inappropiate in this environment... Ah, well. I'll be optimistic and just assume he'll take our warning and clean it up.

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Conspirator...Um, I mean, member of the Ladies Guild
Smitten by The.Relic

Tobbin 03-30-2001 11:56 PM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
He would/will have been imediately fired if my webmaster wasn't an awesome guy and had gone to our team mananger instead. I'm hoping the kid will clean it up because we will have to report it next week if he doesn't (even if we didn't, someone else will catch him)... *SIGH* He's getting through this garbage they run on our network called Surfwatch by using The rest of us are using safeweb too but only for getting to our webmail (only way I can get to my Crosswinds account) Stupid! Like I said, like drinking and getting stoned, he should keep it at home! BTW, I don't think of it as sexual harrasment, but inappropiate in this environment... Ah, well. I'll be optimistic and just assume he'll take our warning and clean it up.

Oh, I wasn't meaning anything by that. Just saying what our company policy is. We had a guy fired because he came up to one of his fellow co-workers and put his hand on her shoulder to get her attention. She felt this was a sexual advance and got him fired. I really don't have a steadfast rule about the situation you described either. I figure that if you can talk to someone and let them know what they are doing, that's as much as you should need to do. If he values his job, he will stop. You did good gal.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

LadyRae 03-31-2001 12:02 AM

Yeah. I think we did. And as you said, it's up to him now. I know that sexual harrassment is a very real issue, but I also think people tend to go way overboard with it. It's like a polite man not holding a door open for a woman because the last time he did he got chewed for being a chauvenest! Stupid! I think it's a courtesy to hold the door for someone and do so myself whenever possible. I wish people could just chill a little.

Proprietor of The Moon's Hope Inn
Conspirator...Um, I mean, member of the Ladies Guild
Smitten by The.Relic

[This message has been edited by LadyRae (edited 03-31-2001).]

Cloudbringer 03-31-2001 12:04 AM

IR, don't run away...I'm still reading!


Tobbs...keep Clinton from another that could have been done?

------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

Cloudbringer 03-31-2001 12:10 AM


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ROTFL! You really did that! (I read in the cricket or Memny's other thread where you mentioned it)

Time him with a sundial.....Too funny!

Good story, and nowhere near too long, so don't apologize! I love it!


------------------ Storm-Queen
StormCloud of the Black Knight

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