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Erekose 03-29-2001 08:50 AM

Out of curiosity, what would you describe as the most difficult (but still playable) computer RPG? For me it was on something from a long time ago (LOL) called "Wizards Crown" on the semi-ancient Commodore 64 The graphics were little better than stick figures but it was a fantastic experience to play.

Memnoch 03-29-2001 08:55 AM

Most difficult or best? They're not necessarily the same thing.

Best would have to be BG2, with BG1 coming a close second. BG2 is just an awesome game, endless options, excellent replayability, great interaction. BG1 though was incredible in terms of immersing you in this epic story. I still remember how exciting it was to finally get into the city of Baldur's gate.

They got the "feelgood" feeling right with BG1.

------------------ Memnoch - Custodian of the Order of the Holy Flame

Sir_Tainly 03-29-2001 08:57 AM

I'm find IWD hard, but the best would probably be Might and Magic 2 on the Amiga or BG2. M&M2 really got me into CRPGs properly.

Holy Avenger of the OHF

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Erekose 03-29-2001 08:59 AM

IWD was pretty tough the first time though, it was like lets through one more difficult opponent at them until they crack.

Accord 03-29-2001 02:09 PM

IWD with HOW or BG2. Either one will do for this import.

Long live H22A1!!!!!

Dramnek_Ulk 03-29-2001 03:07 PM

that old game Mordor 1.1 deeps of djenol and its demo sequal infintie worlds or mordor 2 or whats ever its called now, so good was the first one that i considered buying it!, but no i just downloaded a hacked full copy. it is a flick screen one, with loads of monsters and A MASSIVE dungoen on both.

L'elamshin d'lil Ilythiiri zhah ulu har'luth jal

[This message has been edited by Dramnek_Ulk (edited 03-29-2001).]

Jerome 03-29-2001 03:08 PM

TORMENT, now and forever!

[Insert witty phrase here]

Black Knight 03-29-2001 03:14 PM

I think that the Might & Magic Series was the hardest. I love BG etc, but I took 4 months to beat M&M. And I played damn near every day to do it, too. It was my first first person kind of game, though, so it was slow going in the beginnings . . . but worth it . . .


The Black Storm Cloud of the Night
PartTime Bartender of Moon Hope's Inn
Dry Humor Deliverance of the Laughing Hyenas
Captain of the Knights of the Golden Dragons
3 Man for Life

Wah 03-29-2001 04:02 PM

I think it has to be Torment too! So cool as to play a nameless creep and trashing around weird places with a bone head!

I love that bone head! It's voice is so damn sarcastic and funny!

Greetings mortals, my name is Wah, Arch Lich Wah.

Tobbin 03-29-2001 04:27 PM

I would have to say that my favorite CRPG of all time is:

Are you ready for this one?

I bet you won't expect it.

Especially from me.

But I really do think it's the best for playability.

My favorite CRPG would have to be StarFlight (Game from way, way, back).
It's a game set up on Earth as we are running out of resources and you
have to go out and explore the galaxy in your own ship. As you travel
from one area to another, you mine planets for items (or ore) that you
can take back to starfleet and sell. You can trade with other species
that you come across too. Here is the one cool part of the game, there
are various levels to how effective your characters are. You add skill
points to them to bring them up (you get skill points by paying for them).
The game has a message too. It allows you to land on other planets and go
out and explore them (graphics are kinda cheesy though). Also, depending
on the statistics of the planet, it is fairly realistic about the effects
on your party. As an example, if you go to a tropical climate planet, then
you could end up in thunderstorms and such and even be struck and possibly
killed by lightning strikes. Also, when you meet up with alien species,
they do not speak the same language as you do, so you are restricted to
whatever your communication officer can handle (those skill points, remember)
It's really similar to what we do on here when someone speaks in their
native language than using English, we break out a translator program and
try to make out what they are saying. It's pretty funny in the game too, as
translations are not very accurate. When your comm officer gets up to max
score of 250, then they understand everything. You can pick from more than
one type of race. Even a dinosaur. LOL. I liked the android, but didn't like
that you couldn't upgrade them. They were cheap and durable though. The game
has really cool weapons (besides laser and photon torpedoes, they had plasma
torpedoes, really cool, you did have to go through a lot to get them though).
Man, for it's time, that game had it all. It had a pretty weak storyline at
first, but really meant something by the time you got to the end of it. I
think it would be a really cool game to re-do for what graphics we have. You
could even teleport in the game (only onto and off of the ship though).

Other games I have liked are TORMENT (#1 for this day and age), Dune (both 1
and 2, but preferrably 2). I love BGI and BGII, but they didn't have as good
a storyline as Torment (or playability for that matter as I had a really old
computer). Well, there are a lot of others, but I'll leave it at that for now.


Protectorate of the OHF
Death Waits 4 U ALL

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