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skywalker 01-11-2001 06:25 PM

This has bugged me ever since I met Torin. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but does anyone else think his accent could be considered just a little bit insulting to people of the Eastern persuasion. I mean the way "l's" are pronounced as "r's". Maybe I'm just being too PC, but jeez it seemed a little blatant to me. (I still like the game, though).


Moni 01-11-2001 07:08 PM

Yes, I was offended, but I am constantly accused of being too sensitive!
I also caught the fact that Hespheastus is Irish/Scottish (which could be possible but why in the accent) with total Romanian thrown in in the word "tragic"
Dwarf also caught mixtures of different dialects in Erasthmador as well.
I am sure the makers were trying to be politically correct, I mean whould you want Torin saying "Hey thar Bubba! You got sumpin fer me? Woo Doggy! I been lookin fer one these here thangs since I was knee high to a grasshopper!"
; )

Efreeti_Genie 01-11-2001 07:08 PM

You can always rip that tongue out .
The guy just creeps me out, I try to encounter him as little as possible. Let's see he has that creepy eye thing going, and he is looking for Burial Grounds (this is the right guy right, I don't pay attention to the names that much). I did have a good laugh though when the dragon gave him a little "sunburn".

Efreeti_Genie 01-11-2001 07:10 PM

Nope, wrong guy. But you know who I mean.

skywalker 01-11-2001 07:32 PM

Efreeti_Genie: You're thinking of Jathil. Speaking of eyes, Erzebette's eyes were oddly colored.

Moni: I would think they could do an oriental accent without the classic r&l insult in the inflection. I kinda thought Hephaestus sounded like an elf would, I was think he sounds like David Bowie (though I may be wrong, it's been awhile since I last heard him).

Overall though I enjoy the voice acting in the game.

My favorite voice was Scabban, my least favorite was Harespia, she got to be very aggravating pretty quickly.


Sazerac 01-11-2001 08:25 PM

Actually, I think Hephaestus' accent is what would be called "Scouse". He sounds a lot like a young Ringo Starr (Liverpudlian).

I don't think the designers were intentionally trying to be non-PC with Torin's voice. I think they were trying a little too hard to imply "Japanese". Notice that Grunaxe's voice (the father) is far less affected.

Other noticeable accents in the game: Both Bilbump and H'Thark are definitely Cockney, except for the rhyming slang. I kept waiting to hear H'Thark say "Oy! 'Op it, now!" or something like that. Gorthius' inflections were definitely annoying; too swashbucklery and "Robin-Hoodish" for words. Erathsmedor has something of a Welsh lilt to his voice. Interestingly enough, Rethpian's voice was more cultured than his brother Bilbump, for a ratcatcher.

Harespia and the gypsies definitely have a put-on faux "Rumany" accent; again more for effect than anything else, although I agree with Skywalker; it definitely gets old fast.

The most effective voice-over for me was Elyssia. When she intoned "Murderers!" for the first time, it chilled me. (Of course, I was playing late at night and practically in the about total immersion...)


Moni 01-11-2001 10:09 PM

Yes they could have done without the "l"'s & "r" thing...I did not find anything offensive about Grunaxe's voice, very well done without being insulting.
I was just being silly with the Bubba remark, I did not mean any offense.
Forgive me?
: )

skywalker 01-12-2001 02:41 PM

Moni: No offense taken, of course. Somehow poking fun at the bubba sort is not as offensive as poking fun at a whole race of people (ie Japanese). Though if Torin did speak like a redneck, I think it would just about ruin the whole game. The voice as it is, is like a speed bump that makes you trip a little when you hear him. Of course I forgive you, how could anyone here get mad at you. You're AOK.

Moni 01-12-2001 03:12 PM

Aw, that was so nice of you to say that to me!
Thank you for your forgiveness!
You are right though...poking fun at a whole race is offensive & Torin's voice took me by suprise too...I could not believe it but accepted it as the makers trying to be realistic in their roles of the characters portrayed.
I grew up around lots of "Bubba's" so to me it is a part of the American culture to have them around, heck, here in Texas, the word "Big 'ol" is probably in local dictionaries!

I'm glad they did not use the Bubba voice on Torin too, lol! I do hope in the future though that someone is reminded to tone it down somewhat, in spite of the fact that there are plenty of people of oriental descent who's English sounds that way.

I had a friend in Hawaii some 20 years ago, an ancient (90+ yr old) Japenese woman that I would walk to the market with every morning. Her influctuation of English words was not the best in spite of having been there for almost 40 years but she was a wonderful conversationalist & I will never forget my joy & anticipation as I waited for her to descend the hill she lived on just so I could enjoy her company, her stories and attempt to pay her back for the gifts she gave to me through them by carrying her packages home for her.
: )

emilyh 01-12-2001 03:13 PM

At least there is no "Jar Jar Binks" type character in the game.

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