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wellard 02-29-2004 09:33 AM

<font color = lightgreen > IIRC in the past on IW there has been a time limit on the editing of posts within something like an hour. After being disappointed by someone modifying there post in the CE forum 24 hours after first posting I would like other IWorkers opinions to see if they too have seen this practice. What do they think of the people that do it? Should it be allowed for a certain time? Should it be allowed until someone else posts on the thread? I personally edit my posts often due to my piss poor spelling and dyslexia within an hour I guess many others do to, but to change the contents of that post and after many other replies is this fair?

Opinions please.


Lord 02-29-2004 10:46 AM

You mean if people have disagreed with you, so you decided to change it? Well, I'd just call that stupid and a waste of time, but I wouldn't say it's wrong...

RoSs_bg2_rox 02-29-2004 12:43 PM

Well it depends really doesnt it. I mean it depends on the thread. It may for instance a game thread, and you have accidently posted the wrong name or something, or a spoiler which needs to be headed. Then this wouldn't be so great.

On the other hand in the likes of the C.E forum this would be good, although if a post has been edited after 24 hours and opinions have been passed on it then all that need to know what was really said know. Just my opinion.

Pirengle 02-29-2004 07:10 PM

The reason they changed it was because people abused the privilege. But I agree with Ross. It's a handy thing to have on a game discussion forum, just in case you forget anything or want to correct a quick little something.

Luvian 03-01-2004 05:45 AM

First we changed it because people were changing what they said in Current Events. But then we realised that we were preventing people to edit their faqs, clan threads, picture threads and whatever other legit needs they may have. Why punish all of Ironworks over the action of one or two persons in Current Events?

It's easy, you can see the edit time. The person can very well edit the post, but other people in the debate will know. Editing your opinion when you lose a debate just make you look silly.

They can't edit other people's quotes of their text or comments other people posted about it, so they can't really pretend it never happened anyway.

[ 03-01-2004, 05:47 AM: Message edited by: Luvian ]

LennonCook 03-01-2004 06:02 AM

<span style="color: lightblue">Is it possible to make it so that the 'edited by' stamps give local time rather than server time? For example, Luvian's post above - to me it looks like he posted it at 10 PM on the 1st of March, and edited it 17 hours before that... which makes no sense at all.

Luvian 03-01-2004 06:08 AM


Originally posted by LennonCook:
<span style="color: lightblue">Is it possible to make it so that the 'edited by' stamps give local time rather than server time? For example, Luvian's post above - to me it looks like he posted it at 10 PM on the 1st of March, and edited it 17 hours before that... which makes no sense at all.
There's a place for time adjustment in your profile. Try that, and if you still get weirds things, email Ziroc about it.

andrewas 03-01-2004 07:17 AM

The edit time is put into the post text, you would have to edit the software to change it. Possible but not a 5 minute job.

InjaYew 03-01-2004 08:11 AM

I've seen this sort of thing happen all over cyber space. I always note who does it, and then quote their original response in my answer. Problem solved. If the person changes the meaning or intent with regards to content after that, then his or her credibility takes a hit, especially when pointed out.

Cloudbringer 03-01-2004 08:53 AM

That's what happened, InjaYew, but it became so prevalent (one or two people constantly changing their posts in serious debates) that any time the person(s) posted people immediately quoted them, only to have the person start badgering them to delete the quote after their posts were edited.

Now nobody cares if you are fixing spelling, left a word or name out in your hurry to post or put one too many "the's" in a line, but content was being changed or deleted, including flames that had sat around for 24 hours before being removed by the author and had copious replies and rebuttals. This had the effect of annoying many of the people in the thread and eventually it was decided by Ziroc that the edit times would be limited.

Wellard, I'm all for the 'edits' I mentioned first (spelling or grammar errors, forgot to put a name in or like some said, you used a spoiler and decided to fix it etc), as I tend to type quickly and often put one too many words in, mispell things or realize I left out a crucial word in a sentence, but I disagree with changing the content in a serious discussion UNLESS it's a flame and you acknowledge that's the reason you edited your post or in some way make note of it so that it's clear all around that you changed it and why. It's not unheard of for someone to post something very provocative or insulting and then have a change of heart, but most people say as much when they delete the offensive material.

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