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Reeka 07-19-2002 06:02 PM

Well, I have always been a big proponent of our "on line community" but I have not been practicing what I preached. I am rather private about my private life; my closest friends know what is going on most of the time with me. I'm telling you all this now because I need your support and I am going to need your support. I also thought some of you may have noticed my absence from the forum and my absense from MSN chat. I don't want anyone to worry (being presumptious, aren't I) or think that I don't care about you anymore.

I'll have to give some background. I have a very rare autoimmunue disorder call "anti-phosolipid antibody syndrome." This disorder affects my blood; it hyper-coagulates. It causes blood clots, strokes, heart attacks. etc. I take blood-thinning medication daily to treat this condition; there is no cure. I have to have my blood checked regularly to make sure that it neither gets too thick or thin, This condition also effects anything other thing going on with me. Enough of the background.

May 6, I was admitted to hospital in extreme pain where if was discovered that I had a large tumor on my ovary. On May 7 I had surgery to remove the tumor and ovary. I was in recovery five weeks.

I went back to work and two weeks later was in pain again. My blood had gottwn too thin and I was bleeding into my remaning ovary. They cut my medication and it cleared up.

Then on July 2, I was admitted to hospital with breathing difficulties. They diagnosed me with pneumonia-like stuff (fluid in my lungs).They worked on clearing this up and continued to perform tests. The tests revealed a congenital heart defect----I have a messed up aortic valve. It has to be replaced. They released me from the hospital on Sunday after being in two weeks this time.I see the cardiologist this Tuesday and I guess we will decided when to do the open heart surgery.

And to top it all off I got fired from my job yesterday.

I am not posting this to say that I am back---I'm not. I just thought it was time I shared what has been going on. Am I at the lowest point of my life? If this isn't it, it is damn close. I need your support. Prayers. positive energy, good thoughts--------whatever you do, I need it. I'll try to keep you better informed in the future. Thanks, guy! I love you.

Neb 07-19-2002 06:05 PM

Reeka, that sucks :( I hope that things take a turn for the better soon. Even though it might not help much I'll pray for you and hope for the best [img]smile.gif[/img]

skywalker 07-19-2002 06:17 PM

Oh Reeka. I'm so sorry to hear all that is happening to you. You've always been so kind to me, and I love you for it.

Please stay strong, you have to get through all this and get better.

I don't know what else to say except that you will remain in my thoughts and though I do not pray I will wish that things work out for you (I know that sounds lame, but what else can I do?).

I had wondered why there were no birthday threads from you and now I know.

Please let us know how things go, whenever you are able to do so.

***Big Hugs, Reeka***


MagiK 07-19-2002 06:17 PM

<font color="#00ffcc"> Im very sorry to hear of this Reeka, I had noticed you weren't around but I just figured you had moved on. My best wishes and prayers are there for you. Take care of your self kiddo and try to keep a positive attitude...attitude is very important when facing such dire circumstances...just have faith that you CAN and WILL over come them. </font>

Lord Shield 07-19-2002 06:18 PM


get better lil one :'(

Ladyzekke 07-19-2002 06:19 PM

That's terrible news Reeka, I had no idea, was wondering where you had been this past month. Just know that you do have my thoughts and prayers. You are a wonderful and a good friend to many, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who noticed your absence. I hope that all goes well Tuesday, and that your eventual surgery is a success, I hope that after the surgery things get better for you. If you need any one-on-one support, please feel free to contact me via e-mail or PM or MSN, and I'll be there for you any way I can. What's that saying? Things are darkest just before dawn? In other words, things may look worrisome right now, but in the future things could be brighter than ever. Glad that you had that heart condition spotted in time before anything serious happened, that could be considered a good sign. [img]smile.gif[/img] Please take care.


Talthyr Malkaviel 07-19-2002 06:57 PM

Wow.. that's bad news if I've ever heard any.
Best wishes and hope you get better.

[ 07-19-2002, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Talthyr Malkaviel ]

Melusine 07-19-2002 08:45 PM

Can't tell you how sorry I am to hear this Reeka.
I'm amazed at your strength, that must have been a terrible ordeal to go through. Of course you can count on my prayers and thoughts sent your way. I wish you so much luck and strength of mind and body! Hang in there! *hugs*

dizzy 07-19-2002 08:54 PM

My goodness, I will be sure to include you when I [ray, if you don't mind? I am sorry to hear about all of that.

Epona 07-19-2002 09:11 PM

Reeka, I'm sorry to hear you have been having a rough time lately. wishing you all the best, and big hugs.

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