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Animal 06-11-2003 09:35 PM

This was inspired by a certain mods (she will remain nameless) sig, so I took a quick look to see what the fuss was about and began to wonder...

How many different forums do you post in on a regular basis? Personally, I only visit this one to post, although I do on occasion scour a few others looking for information.

What attracts you to different forums as opposed to just one? Looking at a certain mods (she will continue to remain nameless) other locale, I see a lot of familiar names so what makes one different than the other, if the majority of the people on both are the same?

Luvian 06-11-2003 09:53 PM

I visit about 6-7 different forums, but all of them are on different topics.

wellard 06-11-2003 09:54 PM

I'm registered at 3 forums, but only post in 2. I guess the oasis is just a different mood. I cannot quite put my finger on why oasis is so good [img]graemlins/1ponder.gif[/img] I still spend 75% of my time on IW. Reading peoples opinions from 13000+ members all around the world is one of IW best features. Ziroc runs a tight ship here on IW and the end results speak for itself, a very successful forum.

I guess maybe oasis is like going to the bar after work with your work mates, you are still talking to the same people but the different surrounds bring out a different conversation and 'sillier' behaviour.... [img]graemlins/heee.gif[/img]

Judas Maccabeus 06-11-2003 10:02 PM

Here; the forums for game company Paradox Entertainment; a split-off of that called the Languish Forums; the forums for the in-development game Civil War: War Between the States; a general-purpose place called the Alturas Forums; and some forums for Age of Empires II.

*gasps for breath*

Sigmar 06-12-2003 03:32 AM

I post in 7 forums, and visit ten (altogether).

[ 06-12-2003, 03:51 AM: Message edited by: Sigmar ]

johnny 06-12-2003 03:39 AM

12, i think. Kinda lost track.

Indemaijinj 06-12-2003 04:37 AM

Hmm, three right now.

Doomworld (I'm called Little Faith over their)

This one

Oldgamersforum (Part of an abandonware site, friendly people)

I spend most of my time at Doomworld.

Memnoch 06-12-2003 05:39 AM

Two years ago I would have said 20 that I visited at least once every couple of days, of which I posted actively at 10. That was back then when I had more free time. [img]graemlins/awcrap.gif[/img]

These days it's dropped right down - I only really visit 5 regularly - one gaming/social one (Ironworks), one small social one, two sporting ones (rugby & cricket), and one motoring one - and post regularly in 2. The others, I probably only visit once a month or as required (eg the official NWN board).

I just don't have the time these days to be online as much as I want - too much work (taking away from time that I used to post from work) and too many other offline priorities when I get home. :D

Still, I reckon I'll keep on visiting IW till the day I die. It's a part of me now. ;)

[ 06-12-2003, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: Memnoch ]

Chewbacca 06-12-2003 06:02 AM

I read and post regularly here at IW, at the Bioware NWN boards, and a couple of AD&D forums. I'll check in on various forums relating to games as well. I typically like small and well-moderated forums that encourage diverse discussion. I like to read some at roleplay and creative writing sites.

I usually read alot of posts at a forum before I post myself, in order to get a feel for a forum's atmoshphere. I would probably visit a few more forums if I had the time, if only because its a facinating way to both meet people as well as people watch, not to mention gather information.

Faceman 06-12-2003 06:08 AM

been to a lot of game related forums but none stuck
That's also how I started out on IWF but after sometime (1 months) I "discovered" the General Discussion and right now I'm probably spending more time here as on the BG2 board.

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