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dplax 09-16-2005 06:43 AM

This ad was banned by the US government. (I received it in a powerpoint presentation, and these are screenshots from it)

Picture 1:
Picture 2:
Picture 3:

[ 09-18-2005, 11:12 AM: Message edited by: dplax ]

krunchyfrogg 09-16-2005 07:23 AM

OMG I feel sick! Mtv should be ashamed of themselves!

Larry_OHF 09-16-2005 11:08 AM

<font color=skyblue>Their ads make it sound like we are not doing anything about the other three problems nor are we (the good people) united in our efforts. That's wrong. There was not much to do about the towers except unitedly mourn. But not everybody was mourning. A small few were rejoicing. Would those that rejoiced unite with us to help rid the world of HIV, hunger, and homeless? I am guessing that they have other agendas. So, who are they talking about when they say that the world should unite? Certainly, not all of the world even cares.

Besides, take all the starving, all the homeless and all the aids cases...and try to decide who is more important. They're all three important and should receive attention...but something comes to my mind when thinking about it. Let's say I give $10 a day to HIV cure, my neighbor gives $10 to hunger relief, and my other neighbor gives $10 to homeless shelter care. Now...after hearing one of those three commercials, I realize that I should unite the world in my efforts to cure HIV, and make them totally forget the other two problems. Therefore, I make more money for the HIV cure foundation, but now hunger and homelessness is worse for it. So how's a person to decide what to do? They cannot decide what needs are greater, so they continue to do as they have always done. Give what they can to their favorite charities and hope that they can help somebody with what they are able to do. Does this mean that I am therefore not united in my efforts to help the others? Should I not give $10 to one, but instead divide my money three ways and give $3.33 to each organization?

And what about Junior Diabetes?
And what about Cancer?
And what about...etc

There are too many problems in the world and not enough money to fix all of them at one time, and giving equal attention to all of them on the same day.

We do what we can and that is the best we can do. ~quoted from some cartoon that my daughter watches on PBS...

Another aspect to this whole Towers versus world problems...How dare they say that the Tower situation should not receive its five minutes of world attention. Sure, there are other problems,,,but they have been talked about for years upon years. Let those that died or lost someone in the Towers have their five minutes of world mourning. Damn.</font>

krunchyfrogg 09-16-2005 04:43 PM

I still get sick opening this thread a second time. Would you mind linking those pictures so we don't have to look at them?

Illumina Drathiran'ar 09-16-2005 05:56 PM

It does illustrate the fact that something needs to be flashy to be considered a tragedy. I just don't think they did it in a wise manner. Given the current climate in the country, the public clearly wouldn't be receptive to this sort of message.

Thoran 09-16-2005 07:44 PM

What were they an ad on? TV?

If so then they're fake, the images are 900 pixels tall, the text in the images is 7 pixels tall... the best a TV can do is 480 lines of video, which means if those were images from a commercial the text on those images would be 4 lines tall... unreadable.

If they were an ad for some print media then it may be possible, but I don't know why they'd be 4:3 aspect ratio if that were the case. If they were an ad to appear on then I doubt the gubberment would care (the internet is still pretty wide open for advertisers).

Personally, I think it's some idiot trying to make a point at the expense of 9/11 victims and MTV.

Chewbacca 09-16-2005 10:27 PM

We kill people in the name of fighting terrorism. Making that kind of sacrifice in the name of other problems that kill alot more people makes sense if for anything the sake of consistency. From that perspective I can agree with the statement this "ad" seeks to make though I doubt it's authenticity and question it's effectiveness.

I think an even stronger, even more effective statement comes from showing the throngs of malnurished people living in squalor or showing the Aids patients dying in hospitals, at home, or on the street.

No need for dramatic comparisons to the Twin Towers attack when the actual
images and scope of those problems is even more terrifying and awful than what happened on 09/11. Millions sick, millions poor, millions malnourished, millions displaced. September 11th was bad, very bad but it just doesnt compare.

Ziroc 09-16-2005 11:00 PM

sickening and evil.

Felix The Assassin 09-16-2005 11:01 PM

<font color=ccccff>How much profit does MTV produce? How much profit sharing does MTV give to any of these causes?
How much does the Federal Government hand out for ALL of these issues? And not just here, but worldwide?

A person with HIV did something (for the majority) to become infected with the virus.

A person that is hungry, has not attempted to grow a garden, fish, or hunt the wild critters that go well with garden fresh potatoes.

A person who is homeless, may be homeless for desire. Others may in fact be homeless, for they have no means of tying sticks together, and forming shelter. But, will sit on a street corner and expect you to help them. While they do nothing.

The cowardly events of 9/11 effected folks of all walks of life, health, and social status. Which cannot be compared to events MTV can help eradicate!

So, what is MTV going to do about it? Show live coverage of the next (insert whatever) Live Aid concert?

Krunchyfrogg, may the powers of healing and recovery be with you. God-Speed. </font>

krunchyfrogg 09-16-2005 11:18 PM

Thanks. BTW, is there a link somewhere showing that Mtv wanted to air this commercial? Also, if you got this in an e-mail, could you please forward it to


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