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adam mage 02-13-2001 10:03 AM

(remember when someone starts a storyline and the person next in line fills in the story, and a person fills in the other person's following story, etc.... well, hopefully you know what I'm talking about and I hope you guys are not shy about joining in... serious or funny... I'll start)

the elderly man, with a lamp in hand, walking frantically across the town towards the hut. He pauses at the entrance, looks around to see if anyone seen him, and enters the hut. Gareth finds a lone figure noozing on the flea-infested bed.
Gareth walks over to the bed, reaches down and shakes the arm of the sleeping figure. "Wake up," Gareth whispers, "Warrior, you must awaken! Something evil had happened!"
Other arm strikes out and knocks Gareth away from the bed.
Gareth lays unconscious on the wooden floor.
The warrior slowly gets up from the bed and said.......

Serath 02-13-2001 11:39 AM

"Ooooh...I am never going to drink that much again."

The tall lanky warrior swung his legs over the bed and sat up. Blinking his eyes against the light from the lantern, he noticed Gareth lying on the floor. The man stood uncertainly, and took a tentative step forward. Nudging the figure on the floor, he said gruffly, "Get up, old man. What are you doing on my floor anyhow?"

Gareth stirred, then looked up groggily. A frown creased his brow. "I came to speak to you. Now what was it about? Ah yes! I have it now! Warrior, I need you to..."

Moni 02-14-2001 12:22 AM


Serath 02-14-2001 12:24 AM

...jumped back quickly to avoid a rush of people trying to push their way through the entrance to the inn. Ditka stumbled, nearly overbalanced and fell to the dirt, then managed to right himself.

"Having a little trouble this morning Ditka?"

Ditka recognized the voice behind him and turned to see his old friend Scronan, grinning broadly. Scronan was accompanied by Adam, also a good friend and a wizard of some repute in the town.

"Yeah, I think I overdid it last night," replied Ditka ruefully, rubbing his pounding temples. "What's all the commotion about?"

Adams eyebrows picked up. "You don't know?"

Ditka shook his head.

"Gerath is forming a party to accompany you on some grand quest," explained Scronan. "We were just on our way there to apply."

"Well, lets not keep the old fool waiting," mumbled Ditka. The three companions pushed their way through the crowd and into the dark interior of the inn.

Serath 02-14-2001 12:25 AM

Heh heh. Sorry to interrupt you Moni.


Moni 02-14-2001 12:36 AM

Ditka orders a mug of ale immediately.

"Ah!" he exclaims, smacking his lips, "nothing better than the hair of the dog that bit ya to get the morning back into proper perspective!"

He smiles broadly at his companions and ask if they'll join him in a drink of celebration.

They are not really sure. It is morning after all and none of them have had a proper breakfast.

Without giving them time to reply, Ditka calls out, "Bartender!" Another round!"

When the Innkeeper brings him a fresh mug, Ditka leans seriously toward the edge of the table and peeks at the bartender out of one eye. Grinning, he asks, almost in a whisper...

Serath 02-14-2001 10:24 AM

To the top with you, so someone else can contribute...

"Evil around every corner. Careful not to step in any."

adam mage 02-14-2001 10:36 AM

Warrior looks down at his bare feet.
Suddenly he looks up at Gareth, "Old man, if you do not tell me what it is then I shall throw you outside right into the pig slop."
Gareth ponders and.....

Davros 02-14-2001 10:49 AM

(thanks Serath, saw this thread this morning, but it was already off the page when I checked in again after work). Let's see - Gareth said :

"Warrior, I need you to assist me in a matter of utmost urgency. I need a special ingredient for my home brew..".

Gareth was interrupted by a roar of frustration from the highly annoyed Ditka, "You rush in here, yell something about Evil, attack my fist with your jaw, and then talk about booze!!! - it the middle of the night you old loon - nothing is as important as my sleep right now".

Wait stammered Gareth, "Last month, the learned Toad Shinwiki agreed to share with me the secret recipe for Ukabu Brew. We are talking the really good stuff here man".

"Keep talking" rumbled the warrior, "But you better get to the important part quickly".

The headman smiled, the expression on Ditka's face told him that he had made a good selection, this was the right man for the job. "I am missing a vital ingredient, and I want your help to track it down. The final ingredient is..".

Serath 02-14-2001 11:05 AM

...the crushed leaf of a dreaded Jungle Lily. This ingredient gives the brew a rich, full flavor."

"Hmmm..." Ditka frowned mightily. "No easy task, old man. Where might I find this fearsome beast?"

"I have heard tales of them inhabiting the western side of Ishad N'ha." replied Gareth. "Seek you the council of the wise sage Wyvern, who can give you the location of the mighty ranger Lily, who will aid you in your quest."

"Very well, I shall do so" said Ditka. "Right after I get a few more hours of sleep. Get out of my hut old man, and leave me in peace."

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