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Cloudbringer 09-02-2004 08:22 AM

the original thread used to be here

the previous thread is here:

<H2><font color="plum">Cloudy's Cafe</font></H2>

Come in, be welcome, be comfortable, be yourself

Welcome to Cloudy's Cafe, a place to have a cup of coffee or a good
darjeeling and the finest in conversation and camaraderie.

The proprietor asks that you follow a few simple guidelines:

<H3>this is a real conversation zone, not a role-play zone</H3>

* no flaming; if you disagree with a viewpoint expressed by any patron, please do so in a civil manner

* any topic is fair game, but keep posts to the standards that Ziroc has set for the entire forum, please (ie: foul language is not appropriate and things should be suitable for all audiences)
-a side note from Cloudy: I see this as a place for those short
conversations about a new baby or the latest soccer fiasco, not for things that are big enough to warrant their own threads, by all means give those things the space they need and post separately!

* Please, no one word or smiley posts (Ziroc has declared them 'real spam' and the proprietor doesn't want the reputuation of "good spam" to suffer!)

* do feel free to be serious or silly and enjoy the company of others while you are here. By all means POST if you have something to say, even to start another topic , we can handle multiple chats, we're a CAFE!!! But be courteous and don't disrupt a conversation just to disrupt it.

Come on in! The bar is stocked with coffees, teas, juices and waters from around the world. And purple napkins, of course!

<font color="pink">The lighting is low, the golden oak counters and tables glow with inviting warmth. Near the window, the lighting is brighter, as comfy, plush leather armchairs wait for those who'd like to read a book while relaxing to music or just lazily watch the world go by.</font>

[ 09-05-2004, 11:52 PM: Message edited by: Cloudbringer ]

Cloudbringer 09-02-2004 08:23 AM

<H1> <font color="plum"> PLEASE NOTE </font></H1>

This is a modified reminder that I've posted before in reply to someone asking "can we spam the cafe". It still holds true, so I'm going to repeat it periodically for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Read the first post of the thread, it's NOT a spam zone. If you want to discuss you grades, a problem with a teacher,the weather, your neighbor's new car etc.....etc.. (real life conversations) this is the place. I don't mind a SMALL amount of spam but when the Cafe gets to be 8 pages in one day and it's all one liner pure spam, I have to ask people not to do it because most of the members who would come to talk about their day or things that they want advice or sympathy or cheers on, will not post in that atmosphere. I want you to be comfy here, but not at the expense of other members.

So the answer is NO, I don't want to see page after page of roleplay spam or one liner spamfests that could be done on msn or aim etc. because our goal is to TALK WITH one another , not fill up a cafe in five hours. ;)

Bungleau 09-02-2004 08:49 AM

First post!

Aahhhh... another day starting off on just the right foot :D

I do hope Frances is smart enough not to irritate the cat-god Choc... but if she isn't, batten down the hatches, Z. Same goes for the rest of the Ironworkers in the Florida area.

One more day until the electrician comes to double the power down here! I'm really looking forward to it... spent last night cleaning the basement so I could take a lot of the stuff out of the office so he has clear access. Tonight I've got to take down the computers and network... tomorrow I'll probably be going through withdrawals [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 09-02-2004, 08:52 AM: Message edited by: Bungleau ]

Stormymystic 09-02-2004 08:51 AM

SPAMMER! [img]tongue.gif[/img] morning all, I am trying to figure out how I am going to do this, it seems I have 2 appointments today, one at 11:00 am, and the other at 11:30 am, the main problem is that one is in little rock, while the other is about 35 miles away, I will probably have to reschedule the second one, because the first one is more important :/

Hivetyrant 09-02-2004 09:37 AM

Hi all, well the movie just finished.....Strange, I had always enjoyed Neon genesis, but this was weird, anyway, how many ironworkers live in the florida are, just curious, well good luck Ziroc and good night all.

Cloudbringer 09-02-2004 10:06 AM

For all our Florida members and anyone in Frances' path, STAY SAFE and TAKE CARE! Stock up on water and basic supplies and please remember to keep your pets safe too.

We're thinking about you and hoping for the best!

Attalus 09-02-2004 10:40 AM

Yeah, and buy some bleach, j.k. Good morning, all.

LordKathen 09-02-2004 11:33 AM

<font color=lime>Mornin guys, coffee fresh?
Thinking of you guys down in the S.E.. Be safe guys. </font>

RoSs_bg2_rox 09-02-2004 12:06 PM

Hey everyone. How has your day been? Mine was great...until I got home and read an email concerning my MP3 player. This really pisses me off. But I really need some advice now, so I will be making a seperate thread. Look out for it! [img]graemlins/1pissed.gif[/img] :(

Sorry for posting this in the old thread btw.

Lady Blue03 09-02-2004 12:24 PM

<font color=pink>Well staying up until 3/4 AM 2 nights in a row is working against me *falls asleep in chair* must!
Lucky for me I have almost 3 hours for 5 short papers. Procrastination at its best!

Better get to work. Later all. Everyone in Frances path, stay safe!</font>

edit: thanks ross, I forgot to put the "/" in front of font [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[ 09-02-2004, 07:04 PM: Message edited by: Lady Blue03 ]

RoSs_bg2_rox 09-02-2004 12:32 PM

Hey LB, you might want to close your font tags... [img]smile.gif[/img]

Ilander 09-02-2004 12:46 PM

Jeez...Calculus II at Eight in the morning was a bad idea...especially considering how I am feeling now...but I'll least it's only at eight two days a week!

College life is still good, though...

Regardless, I only had one paper due today...itwas about the parallel between the conditions of the American inner-city and the Appalachian region, ie, how they are both crappy places to live...

Did I mention I'm from Appalachia?

(Yes, I know, I've said that numerous times)

Elif Godson 09-02-2004 02:20 PM

Orlando looks like it is going to get spanked :( then the thing looks to be going mine and Zirocs way through land bashing. Hopefully we will still be on the good side of it, if there is such a thing, and will only get rain and wind gusts of 40 to 80 mph [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] HAve my window gaurds out, just not up yet due to work. Have water and some basic supplies just need to get by the propane place and fill up my 2 canisters. The main bummer about this, I cant file for insurance for my Cougar :( nothing like owning a classic car after restoring it and have a storm come by and wipe it out.

Good luck all!! [img]graemlins/happywave.gif[/img]

Stormymystic 09-02-2004 02:24 PM

you can always send the car to me Elif ;)

Attalus 09-02-2004 02:26 PM

Good luck Elif and all that live in that area. Florida is great, most of the time, if you have roll-down hurricane shutters. Elif, some of those temporary storage facilities have garage-type doors. Couldn't you store your Cougar there?

Ilander 09-02-2004 09:07 PM

...Well, the "UK academic team" is something I'd LIKE to be a part of...but I'm too stupid for it, AND they make fun of the UK roleplaying club...and all who roleplay...(shakes head)

It's a shame when two kinds of dorks can't get along....

Dron_Cah 09-02-2004 09:23 PM

LOL! Yes, we dorksshould unite! The "wenching" shall continue as planned.
All you in Frances' path, stay safe!

Hoping to get to go to the movie tomorrow, so that's cool. I'm really tired, htough, and still got crap to do. I'll see you all later.

Lady Blue03 09-03-2004 02:42 AM

<font color=pink>Hey everyone. My new laptop came in today so I'm currently copying all my cds onto it, going to take it to Starbucks for lunch tomorrow and use the wireless to download some bigger files. It isn't the comp I thought I was getting: It's only a 64mb card...I've installed wc3 and have yet to test it, so I guess I'll just wait and see.

I'd be playing KotOR, but that stupid Jedi in the ruins when you're trying to become a padawan is kicking my butt-I can get her down to about half health before she finishes me (using my dark power lighting storm). Thing is I'm a scoundrel so I'm low in the points and defense...any tips?</font>

Har'oloth 09-03-2004 03:09 AM

thats cool! i take my laptop too to hotspots in amsterdam and leiden. people always give me the look when i'm carrying my laptop through the city but, who cares! nothing better than IW and a fresh cup of coffee in the morning :D

T-D-C 09-03-2004 08:01 AM


Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>

I'd be playing KotOR, but that stupid Jedi in the ruins when you're trying to become a padawan is kicking my butt-I can get her down to about half health before she finishes me (using my dark power lighting storm). Thing is I'm a scoundrel so I'm low in the points and defense...any tips?</font>

Hey Lady Blue,

what level scoundrel are you? you don't have to fight juhani straight away, try some of the other quests like the manderlorian quests or the missing robot quest or clear out the crystal caves.

Also try taking some different NPC's with you. Equip Carth with Bendaks pistol and his pistol, upgrade them with parts that you have and fireaway. Get Canderous and Saalabar equip them with some vibroblades and hack away.

Things like this can help you win this battle.



Attalus 09-03-2004 10:34 AM


Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>Hey everyone. My new laptop came in today so I'm currently copying all my cds onto it, going to take it to Starbucks for lunch tomorrow and use the wireless to download some bigger files. It isn't the comp I thought I was getting: It's only a 64mb card...I've installed wc3 and have yet to test it, so I guess I'll just wait and see.

I'd be playing KotOR, but that stupid Jedi in the ruins when you're trying to become a padawan is kicking my butt-I can get her down to about half health before she finishes me (using my dark power lighting storm). Thing is I'm a scoundrel so I'm low in the points and defense...any tips?</font>

In addition, use some grenades on her. She is really stout, and you'll get a lot of use out of her when she joins your party. There is also some same-sex romance possible.

Stormymystic 09-03-2004 11:45 AM

I am posting an update on DEW, there seems to be some major problems with her ear. it is not bleeding, but it is not right either, so we have to go see a specialist on the 8th of this month, the doctor said that her tube is there, but it is clogged up :( this is starting to look more and more like she has my illness and will end up either deaf or hearing impaired and hae alot of surgeries. but I think if the doctor says she needs more surgery, I will call my cousin who had the same problem with her son, she saw a doctor who managed to fix her sons ears, and restore most of his hearing. please keep her in your thoughts. I am terrified for her :(

Bungleau 09-03-2004 12:07 PM

Wow! Sorry to hear that, Stormy. I hope everything works out well for her.

Elif Godson 09-03-2004 02:12 PM

Well I already pay for 3 storage units as is, anyone need any furniture or trains, oh and assorted junk?? Thats running me a house payment a month practically. So that is ruled out atm. :(
Work is a beautiful thing, you have to do it to live by todays standards but when youre at work all the time youre standard of life SUCKS!!! I have no time to empty those damn things and my family only wants the money from it. There are things I want out of them but I havent had the time to go through and pick any of it apart to get out what I want/need so I can say, Hey winner takes all, so to speak. Ah well such is life, TGIF :D

Xen 09-03-2004 02:50 PM

Hi ppl. It`s friday. [img]smile.gif[/img] I am currently enjoying myslef watching the Golden League. Today I decided to get a new mobile phone. Nokia of some kind.

Ilander 09-03-2004 03:33 PM

I'll pray for Dew, Stormy...I hope to goodness that it turns out for the better...modern medicine SHOULD be able to correct it, I'd think, but what do I know...I'm an aspiring physicist...

Stamp collectors are indeed of much use to society!

Oh, and PREACH THE GOSPEL Elif! TGIF! I hope you don't inadvertantly give up any of your IMPORTANT stuff.

<font color=white>Hey, Xen, what is this "the Golden League?" And more importantly, since this is the CONVERSATION ZONE, how was your day, dude? Anybody patronize you? Did you save the world in any way? Did you spill cheese sauce on yourself? PLEASE, c'mon, tell us something of SUBSTANCE!</font>

by golly, I'll train you to speak yet! ;)

[ 09-03-2004, 03:34 PM: Message edited by: Ilander ]

Xen 09-03-2004 03:50 PM


Originally posted by Ilander:
I'll pray for Dew, Stormy...I hope to goodness that it turns out for the better...modern medicine SHOULD be able to correct it, I'd think, but what do I know...I'm an aspiring physicist...

Stamp collectors are indeed of much use to society!

Oh, and PREACH THE GOSPEL Elif! TGIF! I hope you don't inadvertantly give up any of your IMPORTANT stuff.

<font color=white>Hey, Xen, what is this "the Golden League?" And more importantly, since this is the CONVERSATION ZONE, how was your day, dude? Anybody patronize you? Did you save the world in any way? Did you spill cheese sauce on yourself? PLEASE, c'mon, tell us something of SUBSTANCE!</font>

by golly, I'll train you to speak yet! ;)

Golden League is a competition in athletichs. I did actually spelt something on my shirt but can`t remember what it was. A sauce for all I know. I am wathing here on my screen like I did 2hrs ago. I made a new friendship wich is good isn`t it?

Lady Blue03 09-03-2004 03:58 PM

<font color=pink>I think my scoundrel is lvl 8. Thing is I can't use other party members because she stuns them, so it's a one on one battle. I use my lightsabre and an enchanced dmg vibroblade...grenades might work, but isn't that kind of close quarters? Or should I chuck them at her before she comes to fight me.

Anyway, laptop is being gay now, it won't read either of my wc3 cds -_- dunno why, it loaded them fine when I was installing them [img]tongue.gif[/img] . Just finished transfering all my pics from the digital camera too :D If I could just get the games working this would be a sweet machine...</font>

Ilander 09-03-2004 04:07 PM

I'm glad you're liking your laptop, LB...personally, I don't mind them as much as some of my performance hungry friends do...what they lack in utility, they make up for in mobility!

It's good to hear you made a new friend, did you meet this person?

Xen 09-03-2004 04:11 PM


Originally posted by Ilander:
I'm glad you're liking your laptop, LB...personally, I don't mind them as much as some of my performance hungry friends do...what they lack in utility, they make up for in mobility!

It's good to hear you made a new friend, did you meet this person?

Well I got into new class and I tought that I know certain guy with whom I used to play basketball but I was not sure because it was like 5 years ago. Then I introduced myslef and asked him if he knows me. He said that my name rings a bell to him so when he got back home he took out his basketball album and saw my pic in it. [img]smile.gif[/img]

[ 09-03-2004, 04:12 PM: Message edited by: Xen ]

Ilander 09-03-2004 04:22 PM

I didn't even know you played basketball, man. I'm glad you found a new friend. You can never have too many people to hang out with!

Reminds me of MY basketball playing experiences in elementary school...gosh I was lousy! Two points in a SEASON!

Dreamer128 09-03-2004 05:27 PM

Evening guys. Just got back from a week at college(no internet). Boring stuff. Just a few workshops a day, and no challenging assigments at the moment. Sorry to hear about all the rather sad events taking place down here. I wish your daughter the very best Stormy. I really hope it works out. As for those WC3 CD's not loading; if you still have this problem, just use a NOCD. It's completly legit as long as you own the game [img]smile.gif[/img] Btw. Congrats to Attalus for finishing Dreamcatcher. Glad to see you liked it. I am curious though, did your character cheat on Anera in DC3?

[ 09-03-2004, 05:28 PM: Message edited by: Dreamer128 ]

RoSs_bg2_rox 09-03-2004 06:10 PM

Hey everyone! How are you all? Im great. Had a nice evening, Rachel (gf) came over for dinner, then we watched van wilder (DVD) and then I had a couple of games of WC3. Can't really get too much better.

Jees, a laptop is worthless if WC3 doesn't work!...Well, for me anyways :D

Xen, that post of yours made me laugh for some reason. It's like you give us a summary of your day (and your life really :D ) in a couple of lines. You must have a great life! LOL.

Attalus 09-03-2004 09:13 PM


Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>I think my scoundrel is lvl 8. Thing is I can't use other party members because she stuns them, so it's a one on one battle. I use my lightsabre and an enchanced dmg vibroblade...grenades might work, but isn't that kind of close quarters? Or should I chuck them at her before she comes to fight me.

Anyway, laptop is being gay now, it won't read either of my wc3 cds -_- dunno why, it loaded them fine when I was installing them [img]tongue.gif[/img] . Just finished transfering all my pics from the digital camera too :D If I could just get the games working this would be a sweet machine...</font>

Jen, hide behind your "frozen" party members while you chuck grenades at her. Worked for me against Darth Malak.

Lady Blue03 09-03-2004 09:19 PM

<font color=pink>I hear ya Ross. It's working now, all I gotta do is download the patches.

Got myself a ncie new setup. Some speakers, desklamp, nice new leather swivel chair and a wireless mouse ^^. Since I've been sitting here my snake likes to sit next to the glass and watch me (my laptop is right next to hs cage). Strange reptile [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>

Animal 09-03-2004 09:56 PM


Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>I hear ya Ross. It's working now, all I gotta do is download the patches.

Got myself a ncie new setup. Some speakers, desklamp, nice new leather swivel chair and a wireless mouse ^^. Since I've been sitting here my snake likes to sit next to the glass and watch me (my laptop is right next to hs cage). Strange reptile [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>

Snake? You know that you can call pest control to take care of that for you? :D

EDIT: next time through KOTOR, and trust me there will be a next time, once you hit about level 2 or 4, don't level up anymore until you get to the Jedi Academy and then you can get about 5 or 6 levels of Jedi immediately! :D

[ 09-03-2004, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: Animal ]

Attalus 09-03-2004 11:07 PM


Originally posted by Animal:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>I hear ya Ross. It's working now, all I gotta do is download the patches.

Got myself a ncie new setup. Some speakers, desklamp, nice new leather swivel chair and a wireless mouse ^^. Since I've been sitting here my snake likes to sit next to the glass and watch me (my laptop is right next to hs cage). Strange reptile [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>

Snake? You know that you can call pest control to take care of that for you? :D

EDIT: next time through KOTOR, and trust me there will be a next time, once you hit about level 2 or 4, don't level up anymore until you get to the Jedi Academy and then you can get about 5 or 6 levels of Jedi immediately! :D
</font>[/QUOTE]Funny, I've never replayed it, or even finished it after saving Bastila.

Lady Blue03 09-03-2004 11:08 PM

<font color=pink>Mitch is no pest, he's my expensive baby ball python ;)

Not leveling sounds tempting (next time I'll probably go warrior) but for my scoundrel I need the skills and stuff you get with leveling or I drop like a stone when I fight. Stupid weak class, this is the first time I've had trouble using her! I wish you could be a different race besides human too. Ah well.</font>

Animal 09-03-2004 11:20 PM


Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>Mitch is no pest, he's my expensive baby ball python ;)

Not leveling sounds tempting (next time I'll probably go warrior) but for my scoundrel I need the skills and stuff you get with leveling or I drop like a stone when I fight. Stupid weak class, this is the first time I've had trouble using her! I wish you could be a different race besides human too. Ah well.</font>

That's why you use your NPC's if you're a scoundrel and equip yourself with a blaster, and let 'er rip.

I've replayed KOTOR multiple times, just to see the different effects that happen with each particular character image when you go dark side!

EDIT: You actually named a python and keep it as a pet? I suppose that's not so bad, but you named it Mitch? Mitch???

[ 09-03-2004, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: Animal ]

Animal 09-03-2004 11:21 PM


Originally posted by Attalus:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Animal:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Lady Blue03:
<font color=pink>I hear ya Ross. It's working now, all I gotta do is download the patches.

Got myself a ncie new setup. Some speakers, desklamp, nice new leather swivel chair and a wireless mouse ^^. Since I've been sitting here my snake likes to sit next to the glass and watch me (my laptop is right next to hs cage). Strange reptile [img]tongue.gif[/img] </font>

Snake? You know that you can call pest control to take care of that for you? :D

EDIT: next time through KOTOR, and trust me there will be a next time, once you hit about level 2 or 4, don't level up anymore until you get to the Jedi Academy and then you can get about 5 or 6 levels of Jedi immediately! :D
</font>[/QUOTE]Funny, I've never replayed it, or even finished it after saving Bastila.
</font>[/QUOTE]Then you've missed some interesting replay value. [img]smile.gif[/img]

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