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Cloudbringer 02-13-2003 03:15 PM

the original thread is here: ]

the previous thread is here:

<H2><font color="plum">Cloudy's Cafe</font></H2>

Come in, be welcome, be comfortable, be yourself

Welcome to Cloudy's Cafe, a place to have a cup of coffee or a good
darjeeling and the finest in conversation and camaraderie.

The proprietor asks that you follow a few simple guidelines:

<H3>this is a real conversation zone, not a role-play zone</H3>

* no flaming; if you disagree with a viewpoint expressed by any patron, please do so in a civil manner

* any topic is fair game, but keep posts to the standards that Ziroc has set for the entire forum, please (ie: foul language is not appropriate and things should be suitable for all audiences)
-a side note from Cloudy: I see this as a place for those short
conversations about a new baby or the latest soccer fiasco, not for things that are big enough to warrant their own threads, by all means give those things the space they need and post separately!

* Please, no one word or smiley posts (Ziroc has declared them 'real spam' and the proprietor doesn't want the reputuation of "good spam" to suffer!)

* do feel free to be serious or silly and enjoy the company of others while you are here. By all means POST if you have something to say, even to start another topic , we can handle multiple chats, we're a CAFE!!! But be courteous and don't disrupt a conversation just to disrupt it.

Come on in! The bar is stocked with coffees, teas, juices and waters from around the world. And purple napkins, of course!

<font color="pink">The lighting is low, the golden oak counters and tables glow with inviting warmth. Near the window, the lighting is brighter, as comfy, plush leather armchairs wait for those who'd like to read a book while relaxing to music or just lazily watch the world go by.</font>

Kaltia 02-13-2003 03:16 PM

Heya! fair [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I wanted to be able to create a cafe and have an official position like Nessy and Jerome! WAAAAAAAHHHHH!

[ 02-13-2003, 03:16 PM: Message edited by: Kaltia ]

Horatio 02-13-2003 03:16 PM

1st post :D
EDIT: curses [img]graemlins/1disgust.gif[/img]

[ 02-13-2003, 03:19 PM: Message edited by: Horatio ]

Cloudbringer 02-13-2003 03:17 PM

<H1><font color="red"> HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!</font></H1>

<H1><font color="plum"> PLEASE NOTE </font></H1>

This is a modified reminder that I've posted before in reply to someone asking "can we spam the cafe". It still holds true, so I'm going to repeat it periodically for anyone who hasn't seen it.

Read the first post of the thread, it's NOT a spam zone. If you want to discuss you grades, a problem with a teacher,the weather, your neighbor's new car etc.....etc.. (real life conversations) this is the place. I don't mind a SMALL amount of spam but when the Cafe gets to be 8 pages in one day and it's all one liner pure spam, I have to ask people not to do it because most of the members who would come to talk about their day or things that they want advice or sympathy or cheers on, will not post in that atmosphere. I want you to be comfy here, but not at the expense of other members.

So the answer is NO, I don't want to see page after page of roleplay spam or one liner spamfests that could be done on msn or aim etc. because our goal is to TALK WITH one another , not fill up a cafe in five hours. ;) :D HOWEVER, I'm not gonna jump on anyone for a few of these kinds of things, only if it gets out of hand. :D

Cloudbringer 02-13-2003 03:19 PM

Sorry, Kat, but have a snack and listen to Horatio sing, while SomeGuy's penguins dance! [img]smile.gif[/img] BTW, I'm impressed! Only 6 posts on the last 3 pages of the last Cafe...not bad! ;)

Kaltia 02-13-2003 03:20 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Sorry, Kat, but have a snack and listen to Horatio sing, while SomeGuy's penguins dance! [img]smile.gif[/img] BTW, I'm impressed! Only 6 posts on the last 3 pages of the last Cafe...not bad! ;)
I just want to be known...I got first post, not Horatio [img]tongue.gif[/img] [img]tongue.gif[/img]
I was keeping spam to a minimum, didya notice, didya notice, huh? Didja?????? :D
When I come back can I open a cafe? Pwease? Pwetty Pwease with sprinkles on top?

Horatio 02-13-2003 03:20 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
and listen to Horatio sing
????????? [img]graemlins/idontwanna.gif[/img] Are you sure you've got the right person? :D

Sigmar 02-13-2003 03:26 PM

Well Cloudy I can't actually find my cookbook right, now but I have a website where I get loads of my recipes from (cooking is a hobby of sorts :D )


Arguably my favourite dish from the site (for when you're in abit of a hurry and yu've gotta mix something up)-

Submitted by Daniel B. Wheeler and C. Robert Brittain

4.5 Lbs. Chicken
1 22 Oz. Jar Uncle Ben's Creamy Mushroom Sauce
1 Cup White wine
1/4 Cup (2 ounces sliced) Oregon White Truffles or Oregon Black Truffles.

Fry chicken in a skillet for 45 minutes or until brown. Drain fat.

Add 22 Oz. Jar Uncle Ben's Creamy Mushroom Sauce, 1/4 cup thin-sliced Oregon
White truffles (Tuber gibbosum Harkn.), and 1 cup white wine. Simmer for
additional 10-15 minutes to let sauce blend.

Makes 8-10 servings, depending upon appetite

Another one of my favourite recipes, Chicken And Chick-Pea Stew

1 pound Dried chick-peas (garbanzo beans)
1 teaspoon Baking soda
3 tablespoons Olive oil
2 pounds Chicken legs and thighs
1 slice Whole-wheat bread
1 large Onion -- sliced
2 large Tomatoes, red ripe -- diced
1 slice Bacon
2 cups Chicken stock -- fresh or canned (do not use bouillon)
1 Bay leaf -- whole
2 Garlic cloves -- crushed
2 Hard-boiled eggs -- peeled
1/2 cup Dry sherry
Freshly-ground black pepper -- to taste
Salt -- to taste
Pick over the chick-peas carefully, discarding discolored ones, small stones, etc. Soak them overnight in ample water to cover, along with the baking soda. Next day drain and rinse the peas. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Simmer for 1 1/2 hours. Drain the peas and discard the water. Set aside. Heat a large frying pan and add the oil. Brown chicken pieces on all sides and remove from the pan. Fry the bread in the remaining oil. Remove and set aside. In the same pan saute onion, tomatoes and bacon. Cook until the onions are clear. Place the vegetable mixture in a 6-quart lidded Dutch oven and add the chicken pieces and the chick-peas. Deglaze the frying pan with a bit of the broth. Add the pan drippings and the stock to the pot along with the bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste. Cover and bring to a simmer. Simmer until the chicken is tender, about 45 minutes. In the meantime, crush the garlic in a small bowl. Break up the fried bread and add to the garlic along with the yolks of the hard boiled eggs. Mash the mixture along with 1 tablespoon of the sherry. You want to create a garlic-egg paste. Chop the whites of the eggs. When the chicken has been simmering for 45 minutes add the garlic paste, the chopped egg whites and the remaining sherry. Stir the pot carefully and simmer for another 10 minutes.

Sorry I couldn't find my book, the recipes in it are way better, when I do I'll drop you a PM OK. Give the website a look though its pretty good :D

Oh forgive my rudeness fellow denizens of the Cafe, hello everyone!

[ 02-13-2003, 03:30 PM: Message edited by: Sigmar ]

harleyquinn 02-13-2003 03:31 PM

Hi All!! Hi Arion. Antryg, I smacked you with a trout in the last cafe for that pun. Antryg, do you use that user name on any chats? (I don't need you to mention which ones). Just curious, because that user name seems familiar, but I can't figure out why.
So, how is everyone today? Only 1 1/2 hours and then I can leave work for the weekend!!!

antryg 02-13-2003 03:31 PM

How you doing Kaltia? Did you qualify for any British Olympic teams? I hear they are having the tryouts in PE classes. :D

antryg 02-13-2003 03:35 PM


Originally posted by harleyquinn:
Hi All!! Hi Arion. Antryg, I smacked you with a trout in the last cafe for that pun. Antryg, do you use that user name on any chats? (I don't need you to mention which ones). Just curious, because that user name seems familiar, but I can't figure out why.
So, how is everyone today? Only 1 1/2 hours and then I can leave work for the weekend!!!

The only chat I ever use is msn messenger and I do use antryg there most of the time. Remeber the only good pun is one that stinks like a trout>

Cloudbringer 02-13-2003 03:37 PM

Whoa, Sigmar, my significant other, Nachtrafe, is into cooking too. I'll have to show him this thread...of course he'll then get lost in your link and reading all the recipes! LOL :D THANKS!!!

arion windrider 02-13-2003 03:42 PM

hi all again... hi harleyquinn [img]smile.gif[/img] hugs ya and [img]graemlins/kiss.gif[/img] ... hey cloudy ;) .. cloudy did u read the funny on your rant thread???

[ 02-13-2003, 03:47 PM: Message edited by: arion windrider ]

Horatio 02-13-2003 03:45 PM


Originally posted by Cloudbringer:
Whoa, Sigmar, my significant other, Nachtrafe, is into cooking too. I'll have to show him this thread...of course he'll then get lost in your link and reading all the recipes! LOL :D THANKS!!!
Cloudy, you still haven't told me what 'Splurge' means! Is this some kind of American thing? Because here, to 'splurge' doesn't mean anything good :D

Cloudbringer 02-13-2003 03:55 PM

yup, read the joke there! :D

Horatio, it means to go all out- spend a bit more than you should or usually would for a special occasion.... like I might say, well, it's Nacht's birthday so I'll splurge and buy a really nice gift AND a cake..

Night Stalker 02-13-2003 03:58 PM


Splurge means to spend extra on a treat, often on a whim ..... ie splurge for some desert, or all that bank breaking you plan on for tomorrow ;)

You are hinting at something that we refer to as .... well it looks and sounds almost like sponge.

Kaltia 02-13-2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by antryg:
How you doing Kaltia? Did you qualify for any British Olympic teams? I hear they are having the tryouts in PE classes. :D
Ha frikkin' ha...who wants to help me kill Antryg? [img]tongue.gif[/img] :D

Horatio 02-13-2003 03:59 PM


Originally posted by Night Stalker:
You are hinting at something that we refer to as .... well it looks and sounds almost like sponge.
I am? :eek: :D

And it rhymes wuth sponge? Can you expand on this point, for the benefit of those less informed? :D

arion windrider 02-13-2003 04:00 PM

well in response to valentines day, is have fun cuz i kno i wont :( , dont have anybody to call my i have to work 3rds that night anyways... kinda sucks.... any takers for me spendin money on em ??? :D

[ 02-13-2003, 04:00 PM: Message edited by: arion windrider ]

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:01 PM


Originally posted by arion windrider:
well in response to valentines day, is have fun cuz i kno i wont :( , dont have anybody to call my i have to work 3rds that night anyways... kinda sucks.... any takers for me spendin money on em ??? :D
Hey, you can pay for my date anytime! :D

Sigmar 02-13-2003 04:03 PM


Originally posted by Horatio:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Night Stalker:
You are hinting at something that we refer to as .... well it looks and sounds almost like sponge.

I am? :eek: :D

And it rhymes wuth sponge? Can you expand on this point, for the benefit of those less informed? :D
</font>[/QUOTE]Thank God, I thought I was the only one not in the know :D

If you're hinting at what I'm thinking then I don't see how it rhymes with sponge...

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:04 PM

Now I'm really confused...what was I hinting at again? :D


antryg 02-13-2003 04:07 PM


Originally posted by Kaltia:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by antryg:
How you doing Kaltia? Did you qualify for any British Olympic teams? I hear they are having the tryouts in PE classes. :D

Ha frikkin' ha...who wants to help me kill Antryg? [img]tongue.gif[/img] :D </font>[/QUOTE]I'll help you Kat. That antryg really burns me up. Lets string him up! Did you know that he made a female BG2 character named Kat that he used to romance Amonen? That baaastaaaard.

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:09 PM

An Anomen romance? antryg, you've over-stepped the line. I'd run. Now. :D If Kaltia sees this she'll be after more than you're blood ;)

Kaltia 02-13-2003 04:09 PM


Originally posted by antryg:
I'll help you Kat. That antryg really burns me up. Lets string him up! Did you know that he made a female BG2 character named Kat that he used to romance Amonen? That baaastaaaard.
'S Okay, Antryg the weedy sorcerer has currently announced his andying love to Aerie. Now she is patheticly wilting over him. She offered to sleep with him, but showing his usual social skills, he told her to stuff it and she's gone back to the circus. Oh dear [img]tongue.gif[/img]

EDIT: I did know 'bout the romance hon [img]tongue.gif[/img] Antryg, (Stats in everything:3. So far he's been killed by everything including kobolds. Oooooh boy, the kobolds.)

[ 02-13-2003, 04:13 PM: Message edited by: Kaltia ]

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:17 PM

Am I the only one who wants a music forum? :(
Oh well, can't have everything you want. SO, how is everyone?

johnny 02-13-2003 04:27 PM


Originally posted by Horatio:
Am I the only one who wants a music forum? :(
Oh well, can't have everything you want. SO, how is everyone?

You could always ask me to sing a song for you. :D

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:29 PM


Originally posted by johnny:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Horatio:
Am I the only one who wants a music forum? :(
Oh well, can't have everything you want. SO, how is everyone?

You could always ask me to sing a song for you. :D </font>[/QUOTE]Go on then. Surprise me :D

johnny 02-13-2003 04:33 PM

Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

antryg 02-13-2003 04:35 PM

Kat, I'm glad that you were able to generate a character that captures my manly, virile, essence.
<marquee><h3><font color=cyan>I WANT A MUSIC FORUM</font></h3></marquee>

WillowIX 02-13-2003 04:35 PM


Originally posted by Sigmar:
Perhaps Mrs Cloudbringer I should introduce you to the splendours of Meditteranian cooking? :D

Would you be interested in looking at a couple of recipes?

If Cloudy gets to see it so should I. [img]tongue.gif[/img] That link is great Sigmar! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] Mmmm if I can only get my courses to taste like the real thing. ;) Got hooked on fish during my visit to south of Italy. I have never tasted anything like that since.

Cloudy, you can of course remove the peas. The main reason I add them is for color. ;)

Horatio, since you are thanks, why don´t you sing some for us? I bet you have a lovely voice. Think of it as practise for tomorrow. ;)

Hi Kaltia. Only 6 posts in 3 pages? :eek: LOL!

Kaltia 02-13-2003 04:37 PM


Originally posted by johnny:
Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]
Okay, stop right there, PLEASE.
A kiss on the hand may be...quite continental, but diamands are a girl's best friend :D
A kiss may be grand, but it won't play the rental on your humble flat
Or help you feed your (umm) ■■■■■ cat!
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear-shaped these rocks won't lose
Their shape
Diamands are a girl's best friend!

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:37 PM

Willow, there will be no singing tomorrow, and you can take my word for it. :D

Johnny, carry on. [img]tongue.gif[/img]

antryg 02-13-2003 04:39 PM


Originally posted by johnny:
Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]
What a friend we have in johnny
All or beer and ale to bear
What a priveledge to carry
my bartab to johhnny's chair

Horatio 02-13-2003 04:40 PM


Originally posted by Kaltia:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by johnny:
Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

Okay, stop right there, PLEASE.
A kiss on the hand may be...quite continental, but diamands are a girl's best friend :D
A kiss may be grand, but it won't play the rental on your humble flat
Or help you feed your (umm) ■■■■■ cat!
Men grow cold as girls grow old
And we all lose our charms in the end
But square cut or pear-shaped these rocks won't lose
Their shape
Diamands are a girl's best friend!
</font>[/QUOTE]You're no nicole Kidmen. Maybe you and Johnny should duet Come What May :D [img]tongue.gif[/img]

arion windrider 02-13-2003 04:42 PM

hi everyone again, grumbles while entering the cafe and beats the hell out of the jukebox...

johnny 02-13-2003 04:43 PM


Originally posted by antryg:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by johnny:
Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

What a friend we have in johnny
All or beer and ale to bear
What a priveledge to carry
my bartab to johhnny's chair
</font>[/QUOTE]*whipes away a tear* That was beautiful dude. :D

Sigmar 02-13-2003 04:43 PM


Originally posted by WillowIX:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Sigmar:
Perhaps Mrs Cloudbringer I should introduce you to the splendours of Meditteranian cooking? :D

Would you be interested in looking at a couple of recipes?

If Cloudy gets to see it so should I. [img]tongue.gif[/img] That link is great Sigmar! [img]graemlins/thumbsup.gif[/img] Mmmm if I can only get my courses to taste like the real thing. ;) Got hooked on fish during my visit to south of Italy. I have never tasted anything like that since.

</font>[/QUOTE]I'm glad you liked it! Like I said to Cloudbringer when I find my cookbook I'll share some Gibraltarian recipes with oyu, including a Real paella dish :D

(for 12 persons)

A gigantic dish consisting of rice, chicken, beef/pork, oysters, clams, cuttlefish, peas, spices, fish and couple of nice peppers thrown in there for flavour... then we bring it up a notch...BANG!

We add a little parsley on the side [img]tongue.gif[/img]

WillowIX 02-13-2003 04:51 PM


Originally posted by Sigmar:
I'm glad you liked it! Like I said to Cloudbringer when I find my cookbook I'll share some Gibraltarian recipes with oyu, including a Real paella dish :D

(for 12 persons)

A gigantic dish consisting of rice, chicken, beef/pork, oysters, clams, cuttlefish, peas, spices, fish and couple of nice peppers thrown in there for flavour... then we bring it up a notch...BANG!

We add a little parsley on the side [img]tongue.gif[/img]

[img]graemlins/1drool.gif[/img] Sounds delicious! Of course I will have to edit out the clams (hubby is allergic). Lately I have rediscovered my joy of cooking. Of course it may have something to do with me being home all day. ;)

Hi johnny! I can sing something for you if you like. The problem is you won´t like me after my songs. ;) LOL!

[ 02-13-2003, 04:52 PM: Message edited by: WillowIX ]

antryg 02-13-2003 04:52 PM


Originally posted by johnny:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by antryg:
</font><blockquote>Quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by johnny:
Somewhere.....over the rainbow...... [img]graemlins/hehe.gif[/img]

What a friend we have in johnny
All or beer and ale to bear
What a priveledge to carry
my bartab to johhnny's chair
</font>[/QUOTE]*whipes away a tear* That was beautiful dude. :D
</font>[/QUOTE]no johnny.... I'm serious. I want you to pay my bartab.

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