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Larry_OHF 09-09-2001 08:59 PM

<font color="white">When I was in Mexico, I met a guy who believed that Black was evil, and that the more a person succomed to the enticing lure of the evil spirits contained in black the more black you would need to feel ok.
Yellow was it's opposite. Yellow fended off the evil of black.
So nothing in this guy's house was black.
He only had bright happy colors.
He shunned us for having black suits, saying that we brought death and horror with us.
Does anybody feel this way on here?
Are there any of you wearing black right now?
I am</font>

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

[This message has been edited by Larry_OHF (edited 09-09-2001).]

G'kar 09-09-2001 09:44 PM

Color symbology is a part of mystical teachings worldwide. The exact symbology varies between culture and individuals, though there are similarities. Some Mystical paths ( Buddism, Hindu, Native north/south American, Wiccan, Gnostic, Kabbalah to name a few) around the world teach the human aura has color and related symbology. It can be percieved by learning to see with the minds eye. Black or dark is a common color for a foul mood or disease. Blue for healing and health. Check the "new age" section in any bookstore for a full range of beliefs in color symbology.

Grand-Ranger 09-09-2001 09:56 PM

I, personally do not belive it, a color is simpley a a color. But colors I think can be used to prove a point more, like if you wear going to do somthing happy you wouldnt but black every where and so on.


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be

The ranger looked at the place out side of the elven town near the river, he looked near the rocks, then they showed the way ....

Grand-Jester of Laghing Hyenas
Currently in service for the Red Wizards

Moni 09-09-2001 10:00 PM

I am wearing a pair of black work out pants (thin cotton, tie waist) and a light blue t-shirt. Is that symbolic of balance between good health and bad health? LOL, I dunno, but it is comfortable.
I have no problem wearing black, the same as I have no problem wearing lighter colors (with the exception that reds & yellows make my skin look sickly unless I am tanned ).
There is a "Rainbow Coalition" that uses colors through visualization to create inner balance, among other things...then there are others who see black as a definitive projection of evil, the same as they see white as a definitive projection of me there are certain associations that I will not deny colors and their effects on our moods but I won't allow them to rule what I wear or the color of my furnishings...if I like it and it looks good with everything else, I'll let it stay around.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Sazerac 09-09-2001 10:05 PM

Interesting point, Larry. I think colors mean different things to different people, after all. Red to someone may mean valour or bravery, to another passion and romance, and yet to another may mean anger, violence, and bloodshed. I know of cultures who view yellow as "illness" or "poison". Here in the states, we use yellow signs as caution signs (or yellow-orange signs, that is).

Color symbology varies from culture to culture, and person to person. I for one like black as an attire, just because it looks "sharp"...but my entire wardrobe is not black. I tend to like blues and purples, just because that complements my own coloring. Others do well with yellows and oranges, which make me look like I'm dead if I'm wearing them. A female friend of mine would never touch purple, because she said it made her look like a corpse. I didn't believe it, until she held up a purple shirt next to her and...well, let's say it's good I wasn't a coroner. Whew, that was frightening!


Fljotsdale 09-09-2001 10:05 PM

Personally, I do not see any colour as evil or good. They are colours. They are natural, and cannot be evil or good, imho, though I am aware that some people give them such connotations.
I do prefer paler or brighter colours to darker or duller ones, myself.
Wearing black clothes is ok, but I think a black interior in a home would be deeply depressing! And a ferociously yellow interior would be nerve-jangling after a while!


Larry_OHF 09-09-2001 10:11 PM

I feel stronger when I am in black.
Black looks very good on me.
In fact, all winter colors look to be my style, like dark colors.
But my favorite is black.
When I train with my teacher in martial arts study, I feel better in black.
Weird, eh???

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

Moni 09-09-2001 10:15 PM


Originally posted by Larry_OHF:
I feel stronger when I am in black.
Black looks very good on me.
In fact, all winter colors look to be my style, like dark colors.
But my favorite is black.
When I train with my teacher in martial arts study, I feel better in black.
Weird, eh???

Not really.
I used to wear a lot of black for that very reason so its not weird to me LOL!

I agree with Fljotsdale about the all black interiors being depressive though and yellow...ick, unless it is pale does not belong in furnishings...accents sure, but not walls and such! I prefer light interiors, pale walls with furnishings that range from pale and soft to dark and contrasting depending on the room they are used in.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Fljotsdale 09-09-2001 10:29 PM


Originally posted by Moni:
Not really.
I used to wear a lot of black for that very reason so its not weird to me LOL!

I agree with Fljotsdale about the all black interiors being depressive though and yellow...ick, unless it is pale does not belong in furnishings...accents sure, but not walls and such! I prefer light interiors, pale walls with furnishings that range from pale and soft to dark and contrasting depending on the room they are used in.

Yellow is actually my favourite colour - ANY yellow! But I can't wear it 'cos I have sallow skin. So.... I have a yellow kitchen/dining room instead! It is very bright and cheerful and I like it - but because I have pale grey carpeting and doors, and light-wood furnishings the yellow is not overpowering.
You'd like my lounge, though, I think. Pale mossy greens and blond wood furnishings with very pale pinkish/greenish/natural upholstery. And nice piccies on the walls, and bookcases crammed with books.... my favourite room!


G'kar 09-09-2001 10:36 PM

Color belief can also be relative. While black on one occasion can symbolize mourning and death, it can also symbolize renewal through destruction. Black can also stand for what is hidden, secret, or out of sight.

We attach alot of color symbology in modern culture. One could see an underlining symbology in Defining skin colors as black and white, and then look in the dictonary for the definitions, there are all sorts of implications and double meanings. The colors of a nations flag can bring a patriotic or rebellious feeling. Hospitals, prisons, and mental health institutions paint walls green to have a calming effect. We have gender roles assigned to color. Pink for girls, blue for boys, ect.

Larry_OHF 09-09-2001 10:39 PM


Originally posted by Fljotsdale:
Yellow is actually my favourite colour - ANY yellow! But I can't wear it 'cos I have sallow skin. So.... I have a yellow kitchen/dining room instead! It is very bright and cheerful and I like it - but because I have pale grey carpeting and doors, and light-wood furnishings the yellow is not overpowering.
You'd like my lounge, though, I think. Pale mossy greens and blond wood furnishings with very pale pinkish/greenish/natural upholstery. And nice piccies on the walls, and bookcases crammed with books.... my favourite room!

The same with my wife!
She loves yellow(our bedroom is yellow, but it looks bad on her, for her complexion)

Father of the wicked but cute child known as MaryBeth
Padre de una niña bien traviosa pero guapa
Aisukuríimu ga tabetái desu.

Moni 09-09-2001 10:45 PM


Originally posted by Fljotsdale:
Yellow is actually my favourite colour - ANY yellow! But I can't wear it 'cos I have sallow skin. So.... I have a yellow kitchen/dining room instead! It is very bright and cheerful and I like it - but because I have pale grey carpeting and doors, and light-wood furnishings the yellow is not overpowering.
You'd like my lounge, though, I think. Pale mossy greens and blond wood furnishings with very pale pinkish/greenish/natural upholstery. And nice piccies on the walls, and bookcases crammed with books.... my favourite room!

I love yellow too, but like you, I can't wear makes me look like the living dead heh heh heh!
Your lounge sounds like a dream!
Our kitchen is blonde wood cabinets, pale yellow counter tops and old black & white paneled walls that never got re-done when the counters and cabinets were installed (I wasn't here LOL) so I am not sure exactly yet what I want to do with it when given the leeway to go that far. The dining room is all dark wood everything, everywhere except for the reddish-brown satillo tile that goes throughout the is one of the most depressing rooms here, but oddly enough, not when we are all seated around the table. Dinner-time is always fun when Grandpa joins us...otherwise, we all sit in our TV rooms and eat while we watch movies or the news.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Rikard 09-10-2001 02:35 AM

I'm wearing grey does that count????
i could remember when i bought it it was white

I Am The SunGod
Here To Enlighten You

Fljotsdale 09-10-2001 06:11 AM


Originally posted by Moni:

I love yellow too, but like you, I can't wear makes me look like the living dead heh heh heh!
Your lounge sounds like a dream!
Our kitchen is blonde wood cabinets, pale yellow counter tops and old black & white paneled walls that never got re-done when the counters and cabinets were installed (I wasn't here LOL) so I am not sure exactly yet what I want to do with it when given the leeway to go that far. The dining room is all dark wood everything, everywhere except for the reddish-brown satillo tile that goes throughout the is one of the most depressing rooms here, but oddly enough, not when we are all seated around the table. Dinner-time is always fun when Grandpa joins us...otherwise, we all sit in our TV rooms and eat while we watch movies or the news.

Yes, when all is said and done, it is people that make or break anything. A hovel with a mud floor can be a delightful place if you have a loving family there. And a palace can be a nightmare if you don't.
Gosh - am I getting all profound, or just spouting cliche's?


WOLFGIR 09-10-2001 03:38 PM

WIB´s Rule the galaxy! Hehee, every time that wolf wants to feel a bit cooool, it´s the black is beatiful suit on.. hehehe.. OKI, kidding.. I don´t own a black suit, only a mob like one with lines in ti, don´t know waht you call it

Well, colors do mean alot in dofferent cultures/religions. Blue in Japan symbolizes death whereas here up in the north we use it for freedom, or more popular insanity after the psychology studies that showned that a man that spent a day in a totally blue room went mad, well a different story

Believe in it? Nah,but I use it daily subconsciously when I do designs. Have to have the right colors for a company..

Be vevvy qwiet..I´m hunting wabbits...
Wolfgirs lair

Neb 09-10-2001 03:40 PM

I am wearing black, black is my preferred color, I only have two other colors for my clothes, gray and white, the exception is my shoes which are brown, but except for that, mainly black, with a few gray and white things.

Worshipper of Tiax.

Wielder of the ancient Lawyer spells.

Member of the HADB clan.

Ally of the Fluffy Queen and the Dreaded Red Fluffy

DragonMage 09-10-2001 03:47 PM

I'm more of the colors reflecting moods type.

I tend to like "royal" colors: amethyst, emerald, ruby, sapphire and gold.

I always feel good when I wear them. I also like black - I look very good in black. It makes me very confident for some reason.

Also interesting: all of my pets are black or black-and-white. What does THAT mean?

"Allright! We'll call it a draw."

"I'm INVINCIBLE! ... You're a LOONEY!"

Dare to dream. Be bold enough to try.

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