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Moni 09-02-2001 02:00 PM

What is the first thing I hear when I go out this morning to feed the fish? A kitten in distress! I hate that noise LOL!
He was hiding under the neighbor's house across the street yowling while they sat out in their yard chit-chatting and ignoring the sound coming from underneath their house. (did I ever say that I hate people?)
I asked if it was theirs (since I knew their next door neighbor wanted a kitten and might have gotten one, but I knew she was at work so I thought I'd help her kitten while she was gone). No, it wasn't theirs, they shrugged and continued on as if the kitten did not exist. (did I say I hate people?)
I walked over to where the woman works to ask if it was hers. Before I could even say anything, she asked if we were missing any kittens. LOL
I informed her (for the umpteenth time) that we have no kittens, that all of our cats are fixed but that I would keep my eye out for this one and keep it for her until she got off of work. She said she had seen it that morning and had fallen in love with it but that she was late and could not take it home, not to mention that she did not yet have a catbox or food.
On my way back home, it was on the neighbors porch and I asked the girl there if she would bring it to me, not wanting to go into their yard to get it so she did and I brought him home and fed him and packed up some bowls and food for Marge when she gets off work, so all she has to worry about immediately is a catbox and litter. He has a pretty bad case of worms too so we are going to offer to pay for his first visit to the vet if she can't afford it.
He is beautiful...bob-tailed and crosseyed LOL. I hope he likes it over there because all my cats (except for the cuddly Mr. Snuggles) want to kick his a$$!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

[This message has been edited by Moni (edited 09-02-2001).]

Lioness 09-02-2001 02:50 PM

He's adorable Moni!!
I want a kitty! I want a kitty! I want a kitty! I want anoooooooooother one, Mommy, I want a kitty NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!!!

I have been begging for another, but Mom says 4's enough. Oh well.
Thanx, Moni, for sharing that.

Sword Saint of the HADB Clan
Waitress and entertainer at Cloudy's Cafe
Lil' Angel :angelwings:

Kaz 09-02-2001 03:35 PM

Awww... that's cute.
We can't have cats because my aunt, who lives with us, has two dogs
We probably wouldn't have enough time for a pet anyway


I am the great Kazara

[This message has been edited by Kaz (edited 09-02-2001).]

adam warlock 09-02-2001 03:59 PM

have too many kittens ....

SSJ4Sephiroth 09-02-2001 04:26 PM

i only have one cat, and its almost too much for me to handle...

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.

Aelia Jusa 09-02-2001 05:21 PM

One can never have too many kittens. My Tuppence is my baby, in fact, she's on my lap right now.

Blade 09-02-2001 05:45 PM

AA cats and dogs get along fine if raised around eachother. I have four cats and two dogs all living in the same house. Can you say fur everywhere? We started with only two cats and a dog but one cat adoped us walked right in our dog dore and got to know our other pets and the fourth one my older brother brought home from camp.

Grand-Ranger 09-02-2001 05:49 PM

I once had a total of 12 cats! 2 moms and 5 kitens each. it was quite a hand full. And at the time we had 3 rabbits and 2 dogs. Fun to have that many pets,but big responsiblty.

Hehe but now its reduced to only 2 dogs,LOL!


So if in the forest look behind you, because that where the ranger is going to be

The ranger looked at the place out side of the elven town near the river, he looked near the rocks, then they showed the way ....

Grand-Jester of Laghing Hyenas

Fljotsdale 09-02-2001 07:23 PM

Moni - you know how gypsies are supposed to leave signs on dorrs or fences to say the person living at a particular house is good for a hand-out?
Well, I reckon your house has the cat equivalent. It says 'sucker for felines!' ROFL!


Gwhanos, Lord Of Evil 09-02-2001 07:34 PM

I hate when I hear bunny or hazel crying.....

All your base are belong to us! How Are you gentlemen?

Welcome to your doom!!!
Official villain/demon of IW!

Blade 09-02-2001 08:33 PM

my cats are to lazy to cry they will just roll over and go back to sleep.

Moni 09-02-2001 08:43 PM

Well, he has gone to stay with Marge...she came and got him around 4:00.
(Thank Goodness! Gosh, he is a cutie though!
She can't afford a vet bill right now either so we are going to get him his first shots and de-wormed on Tuesday or Wednesday for her. She said she would pay us back, but I'd rtather her use that money to get him neutered LOL...I'll be sure to tell her.

Fljotsdale, ROFL, yes and this being a small town, people know who the suckers are. I can't help caring though. I cannot let a cry for help go unanswered if I can do something, be it animal or human!

Any of you that think a bunch of pets is fun or easy, check out the link in my sig and (especially) the one at the bottom of that page titled "On A Serious Note". We are on a year round basis putting our vet's kids through school LOL! As soon as we hit the end of the line with updated shots, it is time to start at the front again.

Blade, LOL! I know exactly what you mean! We have ten cats indoors and three dogs outside. There should be a market for cat & dog hair...we could be millionaires!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

AzureWolf 09-02-2001 08:47 PM

Awww I love your cats
I love cats in general.
As soon as I settle down somewhere i plan on getting a small horde of the cute buggers
I just love them!

"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Moni 09-02-2001 09:21 PM

Aw, Thanks Az! I hope you get some!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

AzureWolf 09-02-2001 09:52 PM


Originally posted by Moni:
Aw, Thanks Az! I hope you get some!

Well the last cat I had was a stray I offered to take in but after being here for 6 months it got run over
And I havent had another since then, i didnt have much time handy and didnt want to have a cat I would neglect. But I hope soon I can get a whole litter of them

"I was born of darkness. My fathers eyes closed before mine opened. I am not of this world or the other, and I have the right to be what I am..."

Moni 09-02-2001 10:01 PM


Originally posted by AzureWolf:
Well the last cat I had was a stray I offered to take in but after being here for 6 months it got run over
And I havent had another since then, i didnt have much time handy and didnt want to have a cat I would neglect. But I hope soon I can get a whole litter of them

Yeah, that happens.
Good for you that you haven't obtained a pet that you think would be lonely. They do like company.
I hope you get your litter LOL, just remember to spay & neuter or you'll end up having more than you can afford!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Blade 09-02-2001 10:33 PM

I agree pets like others to play with and to care for eachother. Our dog thinks our cats are her babys and the cats think our dogs are older or bigger brothers/sisters

Liliara 09-02-2001 10:41 PM

I could never be without my kitty, Chuck !(female)

She's been with me for 5 years. I found her at a breader's farm when she was just a kitten, I went there to find out about a golden jungle cat (30lb), but he didn't have any kits at the time. He had bengals though, (not the tiger)
and one kept following me around. It was the most pitiful looking thing ever! He told me that she wasn't show standard and she had been bitten by one of his dogs. She was dirty, sick, and had a wound that stretched from the back of her front leg, over her ribs, to her back leg.
(What was that about hating people, Moni?)
He offered her for $100 and I did it just to get her out of there! She pulled through, and she is still with me. She even managed to chase my pitbulls out of the house when she had kittens! Talk about a tough cat! They won't go within 10 feet of her now! LOL


Proud new member of LH!

Lifetime 09-02-2001 10:52 PM

I'm asking for a mauling but..

Resident Lurker Guy

Moni 09-03-2001 01:21 AM


Originally posted by Liliara:
I could never be without my kitty, Chuck !(female)

She's been with me for 5 years. I found her at a breader's farm when she was just a kitten, I went there to find out about a golden jungle cat (30lb), but he didn't have any kits at the time. He had bengals though, (not the tiger)
and one kept following me around. It was the most pitiful looking thing ever! He told me that she wasn't show standard and she had been bitten by one of his dogs. She was dirty, sick, and had a wound that stretched from the back of her front leg, over her ribs, to her back leg.
(What was that about hating people, Moni?)
He offered her for $100 and I did it just to get her out of there! She pulled through, and she is still with me. She even managed to chase my pitbulls out of the house when she had kittens! Talk about a tough cat! They won't go within 10 feet of her now! LOL

*yawn* Well that was a nice nap! I'm headed back offline in a few but while I am up Liliara, I'd like to address your post.

First off, Chuck! LMAO That's cool
Thank you for taking in that kitten! I am glad you have the heart to love the unwanted and that you have gotten so much pleasure out of owning her.

As far as hating people, I don't literally hate anyone really, but I do hate the fact that people turn their backs on animals in need like my neighbors did with that kitten this morning. If you could have seen the way they carried on like it didn't even exist while it hid under their house and cried, your jaw would have dropped too.

Check out the link below...scroll down to the paragraph above the pictures and read the rest of the page. It is heartbreaking to know that I have thirteen pets only because other people would throw them aside to die orthat they would rather see them put down than to take care of them.
I have seen more animal neglect in this section of Texas than I had in 37 years of growing up in and travelig across this beautiful country of ours. No one cares here. No one.

My Pets


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Epona 09-03-2001 06:28 AM


Originally posted by Moni:
No one cares here. No one.

Awww Moni! If no-one cared, then Marge(?) would not have taken in the kitten. It is great of you to help out with the shots and all that.
Loads of people like you give up their lives to look after animals in need. I agree that there are some complete b*stards around, but if I felt there was no hope, compassion or love in the world I would just curl up and die. People like you prove that there is hope for us all.

I have a friend who has 14 cats, all rescued. She devotes every moment to them and I really admire her for that.

I love cats - I can't have one though, because I have a pet bird. A cat would be terrifying to my bird, and bacteria in the cat's saliva is deadly to parakeets. I suspect the bird would also be torture for the cat - soooo tempting - a small feathery thing to play with !!

Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.

Epona of The Laughing Hyenas

Moni 09-03-2001 12:26 PM

Thank you Epona.
I guess it would do me well to remember that as few of us people that care who exist in this town, means that we do at least exist.
It is discouraging though to know what kinds of attitudes everyone else here take towards their pets. If I were more sensitive a soul, I'd spend my days crying.
As it is, I have thirteen of the best and most loving pets I have ever owned. That is something to feel good about.

& Thanks


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Ladyzekke 09-03-2001 08:47 PM

Used to be the same thing when I was growing up. My mom had so many cats, and it being such a small town, everybody knew it, and would drop off their kittens along side the road near our yard, or actually on our yard, knowing my mom would take them in. My parents even at one time had peacocks, and somebody dropped one of THEM off, had to have been, cause one day my Dad goes out to feed the peacocks in their pen, and there is another one sitting there, looking like he's always been there, staring at my Dad with that spacey birdlike stare. Was kinda funny actually LOL...


Moni 09-03-2001 09:23 PM

That's both funny and sad.
I know people around here will be saddling me with their throw aways for as long as I live here. God help the animals when I get old and die you know?


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Moni 09-07-2001 11:40 PM

Bump...Ladyzekke, here is my explanation for why I said "I hate people" in this thread.


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

Zeeke75 09-08-2001 01:06 AM

Moni, I'm with you all the way. In the last 4 years, I have rescued and placed a total of 45 animals (32 cats and 13 dogs). I've got 2 cats and 1 dog of my own (well, now 4 cats since my GF moved in a she has 2). I am a total sucker for animals in any kind of distress, and all of my friends know it. I get asked at least once a week if I want to take a cat, or a dog, or a lizard (yes, I've even rescued a few of them). I don't mind it in the least, but I do wish more people were responisble pet owners (like AZ)...if you don't have time for them, DON'T GET ANY!!!

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that you weren't alone in the fight to find a home for every cute little animal out there!


Always listen to your heart, for it will never lead you astray.
Good guys CAN get the girl, if they only have a little patience!

[This message has been edited by Zeeke75 (edited 09-08-2001).]

Moni 09-08-2001 01:49 AM


Originally posted by Zeeke75:
Moni, I'm with you all the way. In the last 4 years, I have rescued and placed a total of 45 animals (32 cats and 13 dogs). I've got 2 cats and 1 dog of my own (well, now 4 cats since my GF moved in a she has 2). I am a total sucker for animals in any kind of distress, and all of my friends know it. I get asked at least once a week if I want to take a cat, or a dog, or a lizard (yes, I've even rescued a few of them). I don't mind it in the least, but I do wish more people were responisble pet owners (like AZ)...if you don't have time for them, DON'T GET ANY!!!

Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that you weren't alone in the fight to find a home for every cute little animal out there!

That is an amazing number of animals for one person to take in each year! We are up to 12 in a year & a half already and have kept the majority. We just don't have the room or the money to take in any more cats or dogs!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I really need some emotional support on this issue right now because my attempts to get the media to take a role in educating the public have gone bust. Now, I have to figure out a way to light a fire under the hiney of someone who actually lives within the city limits of San Antonio in order to get the city to take notice since they are the engine that euthanizes those 50,000 animals every year.

I almost got a turtle today He was crossing the interstate but by the time I got to a safe place to backtrack down the frontage road, he had gone over the side and it was too overgrown for me to want to take a chance of getting bitten by a snake. He got off the interstate...that is good enough I guess.
If I ever see him out there again though, he will come home with me and live here at the pond! There are plenty of dirt dweling worm-like creatures around here to keep a turtle fat & happy!


You know childhood is over when a puddle seems like an obstacle instead of an opportunity.

Is Too! Is Not! Is Too! Is Not!

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