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MORDRICK THE MAD 03-10-2001 04:56 PM

Where is everyone?.
Did I miss some mass exodus from these hallowed boards or has everyone forgot how to type?.
The posts are few and far between today and instead of messages being answered by the dozen they are lucky to get a dozen returns.
Just wondered.

At an early age, Mordrick the Monk showed Promise!

turbovee 03-10-2001 04:58 PM

everyone has almost been spammed out there mordrick, this slowdown was forseen when everyone got the excitement of the new board out of their system.

I feel the need, the need for SPEED!
Peace and hair grease

LadyRae 03-10-2001 04:59 PM

I'm here, MORDRICK. This is a lot better than it was last night... The board was like a ghost-town last night! (shudder)


MORDRICK THE MAD 03-10-2001 05:02 PM

Now that would have been scary!

At an early age, Mordrick the Monk showed Promise!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 05:10 PM

I did run into Moiraine, though (she's gonna send me Yorick's CD's yippee, yippee, YIPPEE!!!). Ahem. And I'm thinking I'm the only one who got to read Relic's awesome story... So even though, over-all it was kind of depressing, those two things made it definitely worthwhile!


Stealthy 03-10-2001 05:10 PM

I believe that some people actually participate in other activities apart from BG2. I am afraid there is no saving throw for this curse called 'Going out with the Lads'

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 05:15 PM

You mean... (NO! Say it ain't so!) Some of them have... Lives???


Stealthy 03-10-2001 05:35 PM

Well I am the wrong person to ask, you have seen my sig haven't you LadyRae?

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

Cloudbringer 03-10-2001 05:38 PM

Work- yes, rl work reared it's ugly head and then of course, MULTI-playing with my pals. I'm going to be in sparse attendance for a few weeks, compared to my er, usual voluminous posting...sigh


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

The.Relic 03-10-2001 05:40 PM

is still hanging his helm at the old inn. Me thinks perhaps as was mentioned, that the feverish posting because we have the new board is finally settling down.

Stealthy 03-10-2001 05:40 PM

Say it ain't so Cloudy! How will we cope? Without my daily spam I shall whither away until I am even more emaciated than I already am. Feed me!

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 05:47 PM

Awww, Stealthy. Even though we could never take Cloudy's place, we'll give you enough to keep you from blowing away in a 'cloud' (har!) of dust! I'd watch out for WOLFGIR, though. I saw him eying dem bones of yours and he already has several holes out in the back yard to put 'em in!!!


Stealthy 03-10-2001 05:55 PM

Tell me about it! I learnt my lesson from the bring a BBQ he held last summer. Why do you think I look like this! As for Cloudy, you can substitute for her any time Is that a storm cloud on the horizon?

PS LadyRae, can we have a photo soon? I know Tobbin is anxious to see it! If you want, I could download the one from your site. Is it recent?

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

Cloudbringer 03-10-2001 05:59 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
Tell me about it! I learnt my lesson from the bring a BBQ he held last summer. Why do you think I look like this! As for Cloudy, you can substitute for her any time Is that a storm cloud on the horizon?

PS LadyRae, can we have a photo soon? I know Tobbin is anxious to see it! If you want, I could download the one from your site. Is it recent?

Stealthy: Humph! Jilted already...sniffle...maybe I'll run away and joing a Barbie doll board or something...yah that's what I oughta do! Humph! Replace me, will ya! Rain is predicted for all of Scotland in the near future. hehehe..wet kilts... BWAHAHAHA

LadyRae: Keep an eye on things for me, eh? I'll be back .... (so is that a threat or a promise?!) HAHAHA!


------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 05:59 PM

You have to be kidding, you mean people actually leave home for other things then work and shopping?? Outrageous!

Well I was here last night in Ghost town, didnīt happened to much so I started to write on my story instead, my fingers hurt from to much AoE2.. hehe well Mordrick, I try to be here now and then but I live in a to way off timezone sometimes..

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:06 PM

Oh, god Wolfies here! Down boy, no I haven't any more spare ribs, put that spicy sauce away you bad wolf.


Stealthy: Humph! Jilted already...sniffle...maybe I'll run away and joing a Barbie doll board or something...yah that's what I oughta do! Humph! Replace me, will ya! Rain is predicted for all of Scotland in the near future. hehehe..wet kilts... BWAHAHAHA
Trust me, we are used to rain here. Do you have another sister you have lost touch with? I could never jilt you, but with so many beautiful ladies, what is a gentleman to do? The honourable thing would be to keep them all entertained. I am spanish after all and you know what they say about Latin blood.

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 06:09 PM

Careful, Stealthlove! I'm seeing little black clouds outside my window even as I type this! The photo isn't so recent but, other than some well-earned gray hairs (no wrinkles yet, thank Goodness!), I look pretty much the same. I've let my bangs grow out as my hair grows very fast and I was tired of spending an arm and a leg (WOLFGIR! Stop looking at me like that! It's just an expression!) to have it cut every 6 weeks or so. I can send you a good one of me and my little boy next week from work as I still can't get attachments through my 'effing' firewall... (Must fix firewall... *SIGH*) Was that a bolt of lightning??? Whoops!!!


Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:12 PM

LadyRae, you do like to live dangerously! First StormBringer and then you use the nick Ladylicious gave me! Boy are we in trouble! Good job she doesn't seem to be around tonight as she gets very jealous. I casually mentioned a beautiful french lady once and she pratically flayed me alive!

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 06:14 PM

Say now all this talk about food.. Hmm, I feel my stomache aching for a little midnight snack here

Have about that rib and that spare arm? Eh?

Hey why all of a sudden these jokes about my feeding habbits eh? A wolf gotta eat too you know..

So Stealthy, how is you webpage doing?
LadyRae, thanks for the pointers to my story!

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:21 PM

Thanks for asking Wolfie, I have about 44 photos up now. Added a few in the last few days, Sir Taliesin, KDogRex and Asphyxiate. Yours is coming along really well, I love the story section. Any more since Thursday? Try and get Relic to put his story back up, as I believe it is very good, but I haven't seen it. Your story telling skills are all excellent, puts my pathetic attempts on the LadyWendy post to shame.

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 06:29 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
Thanks for asking Wolfie, I have about 44 photos up now. Added a few in the last few days, Sir Taliesin, KDogRex and Asphyxiate. Yours is coming along really well, I love the story section. Any more since Thursday? Try and get Relic to put his story back up, as I believe it is very good, but I haven't seen it. Your story telling skills are all excellent, puts my pathetic attempts on the LadyWendy post to shame.

You are way to nice and way too humble about your own skills my boney friend!
Well I havenīt received much from you guys out htere! Shame on you! LOL
Well I hope that Melusine will see it and send some of her poems along with some of the others there at the poems thread, they are really good. Hopefully I can at least add my own storys first chapter later this week. On monday I will rip Yoricks cds and start working to get them up on the page. There is going to be a download limit though..

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Tobbin 03-10-2001 06:30 PM


Originally posted by LadyRae:
Careful, Stealthlove! I'm seeing little black clouds outside my window even as I type this! The photo isn't so recent but, other than some well-earned gray hairs (no wrinkles yet, thank Goodness!), I look pretty much the same. I've let my bangs grow out as my hair grows very fast and I was tired of spending an arm and a leg (WOLFGIR! Stop looking at me like that! It's just an expression!) to have it cut every 6 weeks or so. I can send you a good one of me and my little boy next week from work as I still can't get attachments through my 'effing' firewall... (Must fix firewall... *SIGH*) Was that a bolt of lightning??? Whoops!!!

Gray hairs? Has a child? And here I thought you were in your early 20's from seeing your pic on your homepage. Stealthy, I have already seen her picture, but yes, I would love to see more. My good dear sweet LadyRae, my but you carry your age well. And here I was thinking that if I flirted with you, I would be robbing the cradle so to speak. My lovely LadyRae, my opinion of you has just reached a new level. Stealth sir, I believe that we are going to have to go to the field of honour. *pulls out glove and slaps Stealthy with it* Oh, Stealthy, I did tell you I was Latin as well, right?


Death Waits 4 U ALL

Moiraine 03-10-2001 06:31 PM

Wolfie, Hi !
I haven't had the time to read your story yet - but I will tomorrow, sure.
About the songs on the CDs, please ask Yorick which ones he is OK to put on your site - some of them may not belong only to him, and maybe he doesn' want them on the Net.


Tobbin 03-10-2001 06:32 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
Thanks for asking Wolfie, I have about 44 photos up now. Added a few in the last few days, Sir Taliesin, KDogRex and Asphyxiate. Yours is coming along really well, I love the story section. Any more since Thursday? Try and get Relic to put his story back up, as I believe it is very good, but I haven't seen it. Your story telling skills are all excellent, puts my pathetic attempts on the LadyWendy post to shame.

Stealthy, my good sir. Do not belittle your talent as you fit in with everyone and then some (you added pics to your story). I would say that we have a fair amount of good to excellent talent here on the board. You included.


Death Waits 4 U ALL

Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:35 PM

Oh God, not another duel. First the Ramon triplets, then Gabriel and now Tobbin! How is a man meant to find time for the ladies if he is always dueling? You have Latin blood too? No wonder LadyRae flirts with you! I must agree she looks remarkably good for her age. Dare I ask how old you are LadyRae, indelicate though it is? For the record I am 38. Tobbin you?

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

Tobbin 03-10-2001 06:38 PM


Originally posted by Stealthy:
Oh God, not another duel. First the Ramon triplets, then Gabriel and now Tobbin! How is a man meant to find time for the ladies if he is always dueling? You have Latin blood too? No wonder LadyRae flirts with you! I must agree she looks remarkably good for her age. Dare I ask how old you are LadyRae, indelicate though it is? For the record I am 38. Tobbin you?

I am 33.


Death Waits 4 U ALL

Tobbin 03-10-2001 06:42 PM


Originally posted by WOLFGIR:

You are way to nice and way too humble about your own skills my boney friend!
Well I havenīt received much from you guys out htere! Shame on you! LOL
Well I hope that Melusine will see it and send some of her poems along with some of the others there at the poems thread, they are really good. Hopefully I can at least add my own storys first chapter later this week. On monday I will rip Yoricks cds and start working to get them up on the page. There is going to be a download limit though..

Sorry friend Wolfgir. I've been really busy with the change at work. What with the new hours and all. I'll be back at the grindstone soon though. Seems I can only get on the web in spurts. So we'll have to wait and see for now. I'm about to head out to the market soon, so just wanna wish you a pleasant evening. And that goes out to everyone (LadyRae especially ) We will have to postpone the duel for now, Stealthy.


Death Waits 4 U ALL

Ladyzekke 03-10-2001 06:44 PM

StealthLLLL - Think I'm not around do you? Mayhap I am watching your behavior whilst you think me gone! Uh huh. Yep. Now I see...


WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 06:45 PM


Originally posted by Moiraine:
Wolfie, Hi !
I haven't had the time to read your story yet - but I will tomorrow, sure.
About the songs on the CDs, please ask Yorick which ones he is OK to put on your site - some of them may not belong only to him, and maybe he doesn' want them on the Net.

I will do that Moiraine or is it Wolfraine now?
I also would like him to write alittle about himself and well "explain" himself why he is so good and not the rest of us mortals.. Well almost like a small fan shrine for him. Hopefully he will agree to this.

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:47 PM

33 Tobbin, you are not too bad yourself . Why has everyone got more hair than me and better looks? Ok, enough fishing, my bait is well past it's sell-by date.

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 06:49 PM

Stealthlo... Oops! I mean, Mr. Stealthy (You don't think she read my last post, do you?) That lightning was awful close!!! I haven't read any of yours yet, but you can bet I'll go hunting for them now!

WOLFGIR! Hi! (And LadyRae scritches the big gorgeous wolf behind the ears, handing him a bag of wolfie treats -Just in case!) Your welcome on the pointers. I'm more than willing to give pointers, especially when I see such potential!

My, knight! Flattery will get you everywhere! My, my, it has been a while since two such handsome knights fought over lil' old me! (flutter, flutter, titter, teehee) Ahem.


Moiraine 03-10-2001 06:52 PM

Stealthyjewel, one is only as old as his/her own heart - I think that we make us all around 8 !
Wolf-yyy, good idea to ask Yor to share some insight ! Will you scan the she-wolf postcard on your site ?


Stealthy 03-10-2001 06:52 PM


StealthLLLL - Think I'm not around do you? Mayhap I am watching your behavior whilst you think me gone! Uh huh. Yep. Now I see...
oops! Ladylicious it wasn't me, she started it! Anyway, I was lonely and you weren't around. Cloudy was chaperone honest!

<marquee> <font color="red"> SORRY SORRY </font> </marquee>

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

[This message has been edited by Stealthy (edited 03-10-2001).]

WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 06:53 PM

Hey come now Stealthy, I think you look *yummy* hehe, all BONEY and Ribs all over hehe..

Damn just watching Palerider on the TV, They donīt do pictures like that anymore..

Chin up Stealthy! Beauty is only skindeep and the mind is deep like an ocean!
Hey donīt you have a GF/fiancee/wife or anything?

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

WOLFGIR 03-10-2001 07:00 PM

Moiraine I will definately do that!!
SHeīs just sooo huggable!

LadyRae, thanks for the wolftreats, yummy! You do make me happy having alot of hair in my face so no one will se how red it can get

Do electric wolves dream of electric sheep?

Stealthy 03-10-2001 07:03 PM

Thanks Wolfie, I think

Moiraine, in that case its waaaaaaaaay past my bed-time!

LadyRae, well if you want to read them, check pages 5 onwards of Black Knights Ladywendy post. My attempts were tounge in cheek and I will not insult any of you by pretending it to be anything other than spam, but it was fun. Still waiting for Gabriel to respond. You out there?

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

LadyRae 03-10-2001 07:03 PM

Stealthy! Were you born in '62??? Me too! (year of the tiger, YAY!) And LadyRae gives her age without really saying it, as is proper for a lady... (har!)

My knight, does that make me a cradle-robber??? (My, my, only 33? Shame on you, LadyRae!!!)

Cool marquee, Stealthy! Never thought of doing that here!


Cloudbringer 03-10-2001 07:08 PM

Watching LadyRae, LadyZekke, Stealthy, Tobbin and Wolfie, among others, the CloudBabe sets up her lounge chair and and grabs a gin n' tonic to catch a bit of the show before she goes off to attempt multi-play gaming this evening. Seeing as how it's a very complex plot, she figures she'll have to pop in for the late show or catch the re-run in the morning...

--LadyRae...Tobbin...ooooh I've missed something?( BIG POUT)I hate when that happens!

BK? You out there? I'm going to multi play a bit...see ya, lovemuffin

------------------ Storm-Queen
Purple Rose of the Black Knight

Ladyzekke 03-10-2001 07:08 PM

StealthLove - Past the sellby date? I beg to differ! I suppose I'll forgive you this time. I know how that kilt photo draws the ladies in! To be expected I guess.


Stealthy 03-10-2001 07:09 PM

LadyRae, you are 38! Jeez why is it just me who looks their age Just how old is that photo, did you colour up a black and white one in photoshop? Not only am I aa tiger, but gemeni too boot. Which apparantly makes me a terrible flirt. Can't see it myself

Never accept an invitation from Wolfgir to a BBQ!

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