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freudianslip 11-17-2000 09:17 PM

Ah, I remember it well, the early 80's, playing on my little Odyssey2 console. Programming my first BASIC program on a Timex Sinclair. Playing River raid on my Atari VCS. If you remember these games, you owe it to yourself to check out Classic Gaming . I just stumbled across it, and it is a great trek down memory lane. Viva la M.U.L.E. !

Wyvern 11-17-2000 09:25 PM

I must have been busy playing Rogue and Larn on my pc!

But it did get me thinking about which long gone games I would like to see come around again (and not just a collection which still wants to run in dos when you've got windows).
Anyone remember a game called Below the Root by Windham?? I loved being able to "shuba dive" in that game!!


freudianslip 11-17-2000 09:25 PM

Hmm.. it was supposed to show up as 20+ in the subject header, but it did not.. must be an unrecognized character.

Anyway, do you remember the first video/computer game you ever played?

What's your single favorite game of all time? If you can't pick one, define it like this; which game did you spend the most time with?

Wyvern 11-17-2000 09:28 PM


or maybe it was Larn

no, must have been Larn

Actually that is not my FAVORITE game of all time, just the one I probably spent most time playing. As for my true favorite - I will have to think about that over night at least.


freudianslip 11-17-2000 09:28 PM

Rogue!! That game holds a distinction as being, quite possibly, the only game I've ever "cheated" in.. backing up my save game files so if I died from a Troll on level 13 I didn't have to start over.. remember the great wands of polymorph? Oh, Mr. Vampire, you're a Kestral now! hehehe...

Gaijin 11-18-2000 02:31 AM

@. . . . .T

Oh no look it's a TROLL!!! Run for your life!!!

You know, I'm almost ashamed to admit it, but I still play NetHack from time to time. Got the nifty color tiles and everything, I do!

Anyone remember Master of Magic??? I think I probably lost at least one girlfriend to that game. Ooo and Civilization of course. Played The Bard's Tale into the ground too.

I've got the very first home entertainment system that was ever made, the Odyssey (just for collector's value). It's got these transparent plastic sheet overlays for each game that you stick over your TV screen that represent the "graphics". The interactive graphics themselves are little white dots that you move around with the controller. Top that!

freudianslip 11-18-2000 09:25 AM

Master of Magic! That's in my top 3 of all time favorites, Gaijin! What a game. I can't believe that it hasn't been updated.. we get MAster of Orion 3 coming out (real-time combat.. whee! *snort*) but not MAster of Magic 2. I still fire that bad boy up from time to time. What was your favorite race to play? I always loved the high-men (no double entendre intended.)

I think one of my favorite parts of the game was the ability to customize the items you find.. I remember spending about 3 hours one night modifying each and every one of the 100+ special items available in the game. Hehe!

Gaijin 11-18-2000 04:17 PM

Lizardmen. Nuff said .

Actually, Alan Emrich and the guys working on MOO3 have indicated a number of times that they'd love to do MoM2. I'm going to buy MOO3 for no other reason than that. Hopefully if it sells well, they'll remake MoM.

Got my fingers crossed, yup.

Vagabond 11-20-2000 12:34 AM

Wow! I was beginning to think I was the only gamer to suffer from nostalgia. All the games mentioned were great, Rogue, Bard's Tale, etc. I remember watching my dad play those games on our Atari 520 ST when I was about 7 years old. It wasn't long after that I took them up for myself. I loved MoM too, though that was almost a modern game! My favorite game of all time though was Phantasie. God I must have beat that game 20 times. Killing the Minor Diety and Zeus was the most fun I've ever had in a game, and God swords rule!!!!!!! I hope somebody out there knows what I'm talking about. Dungeon Master also has to go down as one of the greats.

Speaking of Phantasie, anyone know where I can get a working ST emulation? I have PaCifiST but the only emulation of Phantasie I've found doesn't seem to work.

Scronan 11-20-2000 11:49 AM

hey slip, gaijin

The best RPG I have played to date was called "Dungeons of Daggorath" was released for the Tandy Color Computer in the early 80's. Real time combat...and I must say, it was the most original, unique and utterly scary as hell RPG I have ever seen.

I actually finished it, the hardest game I have ever completed on any video game system (and I've played many, let me tell you).

By today's standards it would be quite lame, but I just remember doing my save games on a cassette recorder that failed 75% of the time! It was so friggin scary, you could hear your heart beating, monsters approaching you. A god awful interface made playing it a real pain, and your character would pass out, faint, etc. I hope I could find it on emulation some day...a true classic.

I'm working on a new story for your site about the life of a teenage RPG player, and all the dumb thing me and my crazy friends did trying to play those silly games.

I dont think I've ever lost a girlfriend over a game, I'd gladly toss a computer out the window for a nice gal anyday.


freudianslip 11-20-2000 01:20 PM

Dungeons of Daggorath.. I don't think I've heard of that one! I used to have an old CoCo2.. the first one, so it was pretty scary. I remember painting all of the keys on the keyboard with glitter paint for some absurd reason.. remember the "rainbow" magazine, I think it was, that had all of the "one-liner" programs? They expanded it to 2-liners, eventually, because it allowed for so much more flexibility I was always amazed what people could do with 2 lines of code.. more than I could do with 50, most of the time, heh. I also remember desparately wanting a CoCo (was it Coco128?) because it could run the wargame construction kit.. hmm

No, I don't think I ever lost a gf over a computer.. with my best relationship ever, she would sleep in until noon on weekends.. so I would get up at 9:30, program until 11:59, then "slip" back into bed. Hehehe

Rellal 11-20-2000 05:10 PM

I guess it's time to come out of the shadows of reading the msg board.

Master of magic does have a successor... although not quite as good in my opinion... "Age of Wonders" by Epic and published by GOD games. Not a bad game in my opinion... just not quite MOM2 like I was hoping. They did a great job in making the game... take a look if you enjoyed MOM.

Dungeons of Daggorath... my very first experience in computer gaming... totally loved the game.. although it was as hard as hell. Ahhh the good old days of TRS 80. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who played those old and forgotten classics. For those who dont know about the 16K ram Tandy system's they were the biggest paper weights on the market till the Vic 20 was released. Horrible horible games in a side loading cartridge and saved on a tape recording machine. Takes me back to remember trying to load my save games from the tape... man what a pain. For those who have played the game how did you ever get past those knight's on lvl 3 or 4 I think it was... memory fades after 20 some years

I remember frantically typing "a-r" i think was the command for Attack right or "a-l" for a left attack.... the rest is a blur.

Thanks for the trip through memory lane.

freudianslip 11-20-2000 05:21 PM

Ah, Age of Wonders! I tried to like it, I really did, because it incorporated a lot of MOM's elements.. in the end, though, I couldn't because of 1) the tiny, tiny charcters (even on my 19" monitor, in 640x480, the elemental beasts look like a tiny brown smudge) and 2) the inability to make your own towns. That's why I had such a hard time warming to it (as well as the HOMM series)) favorite part of CIV and MOM was slowly expanding my empire, accessing the maximum potential of the surrounding areas for city growth, sending my delicate settlers out into forbidden wilds to start a new outpost.

Still, I found AOW for $15 in a bargain bin.. soon I shall pick it up, when I finally can't stand to load up the original MoM anymore *lol*

Scronan 11-20-2000 06:35 PM

Hi Rellal,

Another one of us is out there! Actually, type the DoD name into a search engine, there is a very nostalgic guy out there with a DoD site!

So far, there are only 21 people (counting me as of today) that have said to have finished that game...and I bet some used his walkthrough.

Check out the site, though his approach was different than mine...I used a cassette to save and got really lucky. Talk about hard...but certainly fun!

Another old favourite was called "Mail Order Monsters" for the C 64. Anyone remember this? Truly a great friend and would sit for days on end and kill each other...loads of fun. At least on this one we had 5" more cassette saves!


freudianslip 11-20-2000 07:02 PM

Ah, how about Little Computer People? Still remember that one... hmm..

freudianslip 11-20-2000 07:05 PM

Just for some nice painful nostalgia....

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