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Lord Shield 08-31-2001 02:03 PM

1. No flaming of other people. Friendly ribbing is ok, but don't get personal and don't take things personally.
2. No spamming. Single word or single sentence posts are out. This is not intended to be a chat thread, you are all welcome to go to the General Discussion Forum if you want to chat. Posting about non-BG2 issues does not belong here. This includes posting about fluffies, pillow fights that go for 300 posts, or anything else that I can't find a remote BG2 connection on.
3. No profanity. It amazes me that people can behave so differently here as in RL. Unfortunately some people have been pushing the boundaries of this so I am asking you to restrain from it altogether.
Lord Shield and Melusine are the proprietors of this bar, please respect their requests. Please let me know if these guidelines are not being adhered to.
Staff Roster:
Lord Shield - proprietor
Melusine - Head of Staff and Wedgie coordinator
Azurewolf - bouncer. Check your weapomns with him on entry
Sil, Gamora and Jaheira - Waitresses
Cheesy - Earth Elemental does the cleaning
Tiddles - Son of the Tarrasque. Cute puppy most of the time
The Nishruu - tends bar when I'm not there
Troll cook from Windspear Hills does the cooking
Lord Thought, another old one, lover of Melusine
To prevent earlier problems, NO GODS OR SUPER-BEINGS ALLOWED - I AM THE ONLY ONE HERE. Any problems and I start a character registering forum
And, before I forget - (Lord Thought hugs Melusine and gives her a big kiss)

The story so far:

God only knows. A mission was started concerning Rhazor's capture and a Drow psychic warrior but apparently we are so goddamned powerless against it until a plot device is used. I'm all in favour of forgetting it as it assumes we all have the 3rd Edition Psionics Book. As Nano has given up the idea too we are all safe in the bar now

<font color="yellow">
Link to the old thread here

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Tancred 08-31-2001 02:26 PM

OOC: I feel really old. I've made a post in every single bar thread so far... I wonder if after 500 Bars I get some kind of commemorative tankard?


Tancred, trapped inside the sword that once was his, waits urgently for Karnas - now trapped inside Tancred's body - to figure out some kind of solution by research.
Karnas, on the other hand, has about as much clue about how to get out of this as a fish trying to learn how to stargaze. The book he is reading is not, as Tancred thinks, a spellbook, but a copy of 'Things To Do In Athkatla When You're Dead - The Memoirs of Bodhidharma Irenicus'.

Neb 08-31-2001 02:30 PM

(OOC: Just a small suggestion, I think that more people in here have played 2nd ed than 3rd ed, so maybe if we wrote an OOC post telling everyone what the bloody hell you are jabbering about, whenever we use some 3rd ed reference.)

Neb leaned back in his comfortable armchair which he had created with his magic and enjoyed to pint of beer which he had just been brought by one of the waitresses.

Kivan was asleep in his room upstairs which he had rented a long time ago, during one of the early Bars.

Tiax had eaten some of Neb's spell components, because he mistook them for some spices and put some of them on the steak he had ordered, and as a result of that he was acting a bit wierder than usual, at the moment, currently, he was hanging from one of the upstairs windows, fighting some of his hallucinations with a coathanger.

Razzen was playing a game of poker with a couple of Radiant Heart paladins because he knew they were too honourable to cheat, he, however, was cheating mercilessly.

Lord Shield 08-31-2001 02:59 PM

Is Tiax winning?

LS has set up a pool table and is playing a game with Skye. Fortuna is having a nap in the garden section

Doesn't it all look quiet?

The bar shudders and shakes again - the older patrons are used to this and grab their drnks so they don't spill

When it lands, Jaheira looks outside - "Hmm!"

he sky is a blood red, the landscape is charred and blackened. Lots of metal shrapnel and debris is about the place with the corpses of many humanoids

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Ace Flashheart 08-31-2001 03:06 PM

OOC: Wow, a lot can happen in two days, I need to check back more often so I to can participate in the *drama*

IC: "All this running for nothing," sighed the warrior nursing another pint of mead in the relitive safty of the bar, " no gold either... what a waste."

"Cheer up boss", said Theif who had been the anti-paladin's drinking companion, "tell you what... I'll even share some of the gold I stole from drunk punters... what do you say?"

Sniffing slightly and wiping, what could vaugely be described as tears, from his visor the black clad warrior raised his mug to the halfling.

"Your a true friend Theif, I only wish others would try to emulate the example we set..."

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 03:22 PM

A dark hooded figure looks through the decimated door and surveys the wreckage. He waves a hand and the bodies and debris clear away from the middle of the floor to offer him a clear path to a table in the corner. He pulls back his hood to reveal a surprisingly young looking man. He quickly scans the room taking everything in, then proceeds to his table.

Milamber- LS, and ale if you please?

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Encard 08-31-2001 03:24 PM

Encard: What a cheerful little place this is... Anyone want a strange looking blue thing that I found in one of my pouches and have no idea the effect of?

Encard sits down and begins to try to admire the landscape. It is very difficult. He turns his attention to Milamber.

Encard: Welcome! Want a strange blue thing? it might taste good with beer! Then again, it might explode in beer killing everyone here... err...

Encard tries to ientify the thing, but his spell recoils and knocks him down. He gets back up and tries to figure out what to do next.

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 08-31-2001).]

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 03:29 PM

Milamber looks over at Encard playing with his blue thing and his eyes widen slightly at the site of this "blue thing". The mystery blue thing is actually magically preserved stuffed blue bunny!! They were thought to be extinct. Milamber slowly rubs his jaw in thought, musing over this new revalation.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Encard 08-31-2001 03:31 PM

Encard tucks the blue thing (now known to be a stuffed blew bunny) away in one of his many pouches. he stares out the window for a moment, then says, "Thanks for getting rid of the corpses. They would probably have started to smell in a bit... hmm.... I wonder where we are..."

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 08-31-2001).]

Nanobyte 08-31-2001 03:32 PM


Originally posted by Lord Shield:
To prevent earlier problems, NO GODS OR SUPER-BEINGS ALLOWED - I AM THE ONLY ONE HERE. Any problems and I start a character registering forum
The Bar is falling apart.. For reasons that have been discussed earlier, I have no need of posting any more.. I had something planned for Rhazor, but now that I can't do it, I can't continue with him.. Just say that he leaves to return to Evermeet.

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 03:35 PM

Milamber to Encard: Odd to have such a rare item here. Where do you call home my friend?

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Nanobyte 08-31-2001 03:37 PM

Hmm.. Perhaps I will make a Dwarven character.. Everyone else seems to be playing Humans and Elves..

Encard 08-31-2001 03:42 PM

Encard thinks for a while before responding.

Encard: I don't really know anymore... I've been so many places I can't remember where I started. I can half remember it... I think it was some sort of city... Strange, for some reason I remember that almost all of the building were made of something or other unusual, but I don't remember what, maybe crystal or obsidian or bone. I know I hunted these (takes out the stuffed bunny) one time, but I don't remember where or when... Hmm... Do you know where these bunnies were last seen? And when?

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 03:49 PM

Milamber to Encard: They were last seen on the GD forum, but they were practically all killed off there, so keep that one hidden. Originally they were said to have been gated to Faerun by a powerful mage to act as his servents. I know little more then that. Whether your memories are from that world or this I can't tell you, but I urge you to think on it.

*Out of character* Yeah, be a dwarf. They are always a lot of fun.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

[This message has been edited by MILAMBER (edited 08-31-2001).]

Encard 08-31-2001 04:02 PM

Encard thanks Milamber for the information. This will hopefully help Encard in remembering. He sits down to think. In a few minutes, he hears footsteps, probably those of one person. He wonders who it is...

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

Neb 08-31-2001 04:41 PM

The shaking wakes up Kivan who picks up his Vorpal Blade and makes his way downstairs where he orders a pint of beer, after recieving his beer from the bartender he walks over to Neb and asks him "Any idea where we are this time? Looks like someone had a bit of a brawl outside" Kivan's nose wrinkles in displeasure, "Smells as though they burned the corpses afterwards" Neb stands up and walks over to one of the windows and studies the landscape, he then walks back to Kivan and says "Seems as though some great cataclysm has happened here, maybe some magical artifacts have survived the destruction!" at this last fact he seems to become a lot happier, Kivan says "They've probably left their gold and gems behind too! Maybe even a magical bow! I like the prospects for profit in this place!"

As the Bar shuddered, Tiax had fallen off the Bar and hit the ground, raising a lot of dust and ash, the impact also returned him to the closest thing you could come to sanity when you were an insane gnome who had just eaten spell components, Tiax looked around to see where he was, one thought jumped through his mind, "A new place to conquer in the name of Cyric!", Tiax cheered up almost as much as Neb had at the prospect of finding magical artifacts, he walked a few feet away from the Bar to study this new place in which he found himself when one of the corpses stood up and walked towards him, Tiax was about to order it to follow Cyric and his chosen when it lashed out at him with one of it's arms, Tiax quickly dodged back, his current state doing nothing to dull his reflexes, he then stuffed the coathanger in his pocket and drew his enchanted warhammer, as the thing attacked him again, he charged forward and crushed it's kneecaps, after it fell on the ground he then smashed it's skull with his hammer.

The Radiant Heart paladins had lost all their money when playing poker with Razzen, Razzen was at the moment busy spending his newly acquired money tasting the Bars large assortment of drinks, and also buying drinks for the rest of the Bar patrons, Razzen didn't notice the movement since his senses were quite dulled by the amount of alcohol he had consumed, he had, however woken up a bit when the shaking had spilled a few drops of a very expensive drink he had just bought onto the Bar, he walked over to Neb and Kivan and said "Any idea were we are? Does it look like a profitable place?" Kivan responded "Aye, it looks profitable my elven friend, VERY profitable."

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 04:48 PM

Milamber gets up and walks over to Neb and Kivan to introduce himself and offer them a drink. Jerking his finger over his shoulder he points to Tiax and says in a conspiratorial voice "Your little friend there seems a tad off in the head, doesn't he."

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Neb 08-31-2001 04:57 PM

"A bit more than a tad I'm afraid" says Kivan with a smile "We met him in the city of Baldur's Gate, he's pretty crazy, he thinks that he's the Chosen of Cyric and that he will one day rule the world, we try not to get on his bad side, for all his madness he is quite powerful and who knows, they ways of the gods are mysterious and some day he might and up being the ruler of the world" "That'll be the day that I wrestle a Tarrasque to the ground!" exclaimed Neb with a snort, "He's probably just a crazy gnome, no need to worry about it."

Nanobyte 08-31-2001 05:12 PM

OOC: Um.. Just popping up another character doesn't feel right.. Until you guys get a little farther down the adventuring path, I can't really do anything.

Encard 08-31-2001 05:18 PM

The footsteps draw closer... and closer... and closer. Encard moves to the window to see who's outside. Several of the others follow him.

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

Lord Shield 08-31-2001 06:17 PM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
OOC: Um.. Just popping up another character doesn't feel right.. Until you guys get a little farther down the adventuring path, I can't really do anything.
OOC: You are in the Dmension of Carnage where Lord Shield and Lord Sword slaughter each other and clash armies - this is for balance and is why there are less wars elsewhere - souls being punished are sometimes put in this place. If your char comes from here he wll be a HARD character (from potentially any time zone or race)

LS recognises Milamber "well hi there my good friend - must admit having 2 dfferent Milambers on the forums can be confusing sometimes (I believe there are two)"

"Encard - put that away please - you won't be able to kill anybody in the bar but it will still hurt"

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Encard 08-31-2001 06:23 PM

Encard looks very confused. "Put what away? I don't think I'm holding anything. Am I? I'm not sure..." Encard looks around. The footsteps are now very close.

OOC: It would be nice if someone would fill in who or what is making the footsteps. I can't really think of anything/anyone so far...

Bow down to the Weasels of Apocalypse! RaBid Fruit Trees! RRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGHHHHH!!!!!! Miniature Exploding Demonic Demons of Doom, Death and Desruction!

[This message has been edited by Encard (edited 08-31-2001).]

Nanobyte 08-31-2001 06:31 PM


Originally posted by Lord Shield:
If your char comes from here he wll be a HARD character..
Hmm.. Perhaps.. I'm thinking a Bezerker, that would go good with the scenario. I don't want to start out with a god-like character, as from previous posts, you see that it is annoying at the same time boring. Perhaps level 5.. I will have to pull out my DMG to find some subraces of Dwarf. I'll post back later on what I have found.

jabidas 08-31-2001 07:38 PM

A small cloud of smoke blows outward in a corner of the tavern and jabidas is sitting on the arm of a wooden chair, he glances around in suprise and wonders where all the undead have gone, isnt this the negative material plane anymore or perhaps it was all a dream as are all such cliches when you need an entrance but then thats a nightmare for another day.

The Sorcerer jumps up and lands both feet planted firmly on the edge of the chair and hops sideways onto the table as the chair topples to the ground and announces in a singsong voice, I have become a giant-monkey-lich or perhaps I am merely a Sorcerer who thinks he is one who knows? perhaps that other posssible me who is bored somewhere typing nonsensical garbage for amusment, but then thats highly unlikely.

Jabidas looks closely at a man and his wands and pauses, what a strange looking undead, he isnt even decomposing yet, weird. Anyway its going to be another fight soon isnt it, oh good I brought my bananna. He looks out the window while peeling the said bannana and mutters gloomily thats changing rooms for you bloddy long haired weirdo alway recking the place, ah well it will make a good battleground being all black and red, it'll hide the blood anyway.


Nanobyte 08-31-2001 07:59 PM

<font color="red">OOC:</font> When will the party be moving, I have things worked out, and am ready to bring in my new character. He is a Mountain Dwarf Bezerker. If you all can just get down the path a little, you'll encounter him.. Just some tidbits, he doesn't like Elves, and he thinks that magic is for pansies.

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 09:28 PM


Originally posted by Lord Shield:
OOC: You are in the Dmension of Carnage where Lord Shield and Lord Sword slaughter each other and clash armies - this is for balance and is why there are less wars elsewhere - souls being punished are sometimes put in this place. If your char comes from here he wll be a HARD character (from potentially any time zone or race)

LS recognises Milamber "well hi there my good friend - must admit having 2 dfferent Milambers on the forums can be confusing sometimes (I believe there are two)"

"Encard - put that away please - you won't be able to kill anybody in the bar but it will still hurt"

Milamber to LS- Well met my old friend. How fares our mutual friend, Fortuna?
Anyways, let me have a round for my good friends here Encard, Neb and Kivan.

*Out of character* Are there really two? As far as I know I'm the only one here and on MH. If there's another, that sucks and I was here first

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Encard 08-31-2001 10:17 PM

As Encard thanks Milamber, a thud is heard on the roof. One of the bar patrons goes to investigate, and somes back carrying what looks like a vry badly burned, wounded, and soot-covered human. People begin quietly talking about how he could have landed on the roof.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

Skydracgrrl 08-31-2001 10:28 PM

At the moment, Skye was winning spectacularly at billiards against Lord Shields. Finally tiring of taking his money, Skye wandered around the tavern, bored. She noticed some new faces hanging around the bar, but she payed them no mind, and finally settled dejectedly in a corner, and ordered some ale. (Hey, sounds like the first post i ever made here, eh? Boy, Skye's changed a bit since then...) "Anyone have anything interesting? A quest, or something? How bout some entertainment... wait a sec, I'm a bard, that's my job... oh well." Skye slumped backward in her seat, and disapeared into the surrounding shadows.
OOC- ya know, belonging to this thread sorta makes you get used to the odd explosions and death and gore and living dead... boring... what's gonna happen now? ?_? <-- *questioning look*


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
My Website!

MILAMBER 08-31-2001 10:37 PM

Milamber creates a glowing red rose out of thin air and sends it floating over to Skye.

Milamber looks over with interest at the charred human laying in agony on the floor. "We need a cleric here, stat" he says. "Until he gets here let me have 15 cc's of Goldschlager in a hurry...and leave the bottle."

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

Skydracgrrl 08-31-2001 11:56 PM

OOC- Aw, you know the way to a girl's heart Milamber... <3 ^_^*
IC- Skye smiled in Milamber's direction, who was busy with the, er, remains of some supposedly still alive person. As she twirled the rose, her thoughts drifted back, to before her appearance at this tavern. Friends and family, come and gone, some here and there... adventures, troubles... one person stood out in her thoughts the most clearly. An elven boy, with tussled black hair, who looked unnaturally skinny, but amazingly lithe and agile,... she remembered especially his eyes. Those liquid green eyes, of that beautiful, rare shade of jade. They were always full of mischief (sp?) and hidden jokes, usually played on me... at this thought Skye frowned. Shade could be a real jerk sometimes. But, he did always do something to make her forgive him... she shook her head, trying to forget her old memories. 'They are from the past, and that's where they'll stay,' Skye thought fiercely to herself. 'I look towards the future, never back.' With that thought, she wandered out onto the desolate surroundings outside the tavern, with drink in tow, and rose still being twirled absentmindedly. As her eyes drifted over the horizon, they settled on a particular body in the midst of the other dead and dust around it. Amazingly, it looked still to be in one piece, though in rough shape. She wandered towards it, and drew back with a gasp when she was at a closer distance. 'No, i-it couldn't be...' Skye went up to the body, and examined it more closely. The male elf had a scar above its left eye, and had beautifully tanned skin. He seemed to be around the age of... 21, Skye guessed, and was very slender, but also nicely muscular. There was only one way to be sure... she lifted up the eyelids of the unconcious elf, and gaped at the jade colored irises, staring up at her, unseeing.
*~moments later~* (yes im almost done people, hold yer pants on...)
Skye rushed into the Bar as fast as she could, lugging a body behind her. "Who cares about that charred person, we don't know him. I know this guy, help him first!" Skye screams, as she placed the unconious body on an unused table. People rush to obey, as they get freaked out by Skye's unnatural angry behavior.
OOC- ok, i think im done... *rushes off to put hands in buckets of ice* owie! too much typing!!!


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
My Website!

Nanobyte 09-01-2001 12:17 AM

OOC: *Angels scurry by* HALLELUJAH!! And so my next character is born!! He is an Elven Assassin. His name is Laith Stargazer, also called Shadow Elf. He would prefer you call him by Shadow Elf, rather than Laith, and some close friends call him Shade. Shadow Elf is sorta like a business name. A trademark..

I would really like to RP with this guy, but I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow. I have a great uncle in Cali. that has been diagnosed with cancer. I won't be back till Wednesday, or possibly Tuesday night

[This message has been edited by Nanobyte (edited 09-01-2001).]

SSJ4Sephiroth 09-01-2001 12:24 AM

Mui Vistage walks in, and begins challenging random people in the bar to a duel. finally, a drunkard stands up and challenges him. after a few hodge-podge punches are thrown, Mui slashes him across the throat and punches him a few times in the gut. he does a spin move to dismember everyone who approaches to break it up, and then stands up to say:

sorry, but im pretty sure they were all dragons in disguise!

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.

MILAMBER 09-01-2001 07:11 AM


Originally posted by Nanobyte:
OOC: *Angels scurry by* HALLELUJAH!! And so my next character is born!! He is an Elven Assassin. His name is Laith Stargazer, also called Shadow Elf. He would prefer you call him by Shadow Elf, rather than Laith, and some close friends call him Shade. Shadow Elf is sorta like a business name. A trademark..

I would really like to RP with this guy, but I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow. I have a great uncle in Cali. that has been diagnosed with cancer. I won't be back till Wednesday, or possibly Tuesday night

[This message has been edited by Nanobyte (edited 09-01-2001).]

Very sorry to hear about your uncle. Hey, if you're out in soutnern cali, send me an email and we'll figure out a way to get in touch if you have time. If you have some time to kill I'll show you around a bit if you've never been out here before.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his."
-General George Patton (1885-1945)
Member of CLAN HADB

[This message has been edited by MILAMBER (edited 09-01-2001).]

Encard 09-01-2001 02:15 PM

Encard reaches into one of his pouches and begins to toss various powerful healing potions and salves to Skye. Then a table suddenly appears out of nowhere and lands on him, pinning him to the ground. Encard growls at it and sets it on fire with a minor cantrip, and then screams in pain and pushes the table off of him (it turns out it's made of some sort of very light wood) when he realizes he's lying under a large, burning legless table.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

Neb 09-01-2001 03:40 PM

Suddenly, from outside, an insane laughter can be heard, the Bar patrons back away from the windows and doors in case some horrible creature storms into the Bar and starts killing people, instead, a now merely dead, instead of undead, zombie flies through a window and crashes into the bar of the Bar, two skeletons, a mummy and a lich follow it, then, the door opens and in strides....
Tiax, with his warhammer covered in little pieces of undead and his platemail splattered with things that are probably also pieces of undead and if they're not then they're probably something that you don't want to know what is, Tiax stops in the middle of the room and says "Something is approaching, I do not know what it is, but it has very loud footsteps which can be heard in the Bar are very annoying to hear all the time."

Ace Flashheart 09-01-2001 04:16 PM

Readying his axes and taking up position at the door, the black knight drew his axes back, ready to take a swing at whatever emerged from the door. Noticing the thin ebbing of red smoke eminating from the crack in the bottom of the door the anti-paladin's visor drained somewhat in color, impressive concidering that said armour was pitch black, and took a long step back.

"This won't end well..."

Lord Shield 09-01-2001 06:28 PM

LS flashes a look of anger when the new guy annoubces himself as Shadow Elf, but it passes. He mumbles "long time ago"

The lich surveys the room - LS appears to be dressed like an army officer

IT hisses "SIR! Sword's forces come across the border. He has harnessed the Tarrasque for his use. Tiddles' ears prick up and his tail wags.

OOC: Tiddles is the son of the Tarrasque - looks like a puppy but has a less friendly form

LS makes his way to the door. "I shall lead it off. You fellas take the reins. BTW, folks, the undead forces are mine because Sword killed he living on this world. He commands the robots - Seeya later"

Fortuna walks over to Milamber. "Long time no see, old boy. I think you know my manga avatar better, here I'm just your average, devil-may-care elven avatar Fighter/Psionic" and grins

In the kingdom of the blind, the one-eyed man is pimp.
Lord Raptor's Site

Encard 09-01-2001 06:56 PM

Encard thinks for a moment, then rummages in one his bags until he finds his Miniature Typhoon Wand.

Encard: This should be useful againt robots... Bwahahahaha...

He thinks for a moment more, then starts rummaging again.

Lord of the RaBid Fruit Trees. ChAos rules all! Bwahahahaha...

SSJ4Sephiroth 09-01-2001 10:47 PM

Mui stands next to the door and holds his shield in front of him and his sword to his side. "Bring it on, thing that Tiax found! Ill wipe your arse all over this place! err... is that what i meant to say?"

It's simple. Once the Planet is hurt, it gathers Spirit Energy to heal the injury. The amount of energy gathered depends on the size of the injury...What would happen if there was an injury that threatened the very life of the Planet? Think how much energy would be gathered! Ha, ha, ha. And at the center of that injury, wil be me. All that boundless energy will be mine. By merging with the energy of the Planet, I will be come a new life form, a new existence. Melding with the Planet, I will cease to exist as I am now. Only to be reborn as a 'God' to rule over every living soul.

Super Sephiroth, slayer of the Uber Fluffy, and battle co-ordionator and defender of the HADB clan.

Skydracgrrl 09-01-2001 11:00 PM

After dealing with her unconcious friend, and getting a room for him to recuperate, Skye ordered a few ales to relax. By the time Tiax walked into the bar, she wuz, er, very relaxed. ^_^;; "Heehee, bring'em on... I'm ready for'em... lemme at'em..." Skye slurred, as she stood up unsteadily. It seems that seeing her old "friend" had some bad after effects on her... -_-;;


What power would Hell have if those imprisoned there could not dream of Heaven?
My Website!

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