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Devulous 06-15-2001 05:06 PM

This guy kicks my butt everytime, any help would be appreciated. How do you kill this guy when he just eliminates your entire party within 30sec?

jabidas 06-15-2001 05:09 PM

This from Ways To Kill Your Kangaxx"


With heartfelt apologies to Paul Simon.

(Sung approximately to the tune of "Fifty Ways To Leave Your Lover," but with some liberties taken with the phrasing)

In old Athkatla in a house down by the dock
Lies an undead necromancer with a death trap on his lock.
If you should meet him you'll be soon deep down in rock
Sent by the Demi-Lich that they call Kangaxx.

If you're a brave one and your weapons are +4
And you've found the golden remains from the other tombs before:
With luck and skill you won't end up at Toril's core.
There must be fifty ways to kill your Kangaxx...
...Fifty ways to kill your Kangaxx.

So don't forget to pocket pick, Rick,
When he's just a plain lich, Mitch,
You'll get two Rings of Gaxx, Max,
Wear cumulatively.

You'll just get one to start, Bart.
And when the first lich is slain, Jane
He'll go to Demi-Lich state, Nate:
Act immediately.

Read your Protection from Magic, Vajic,
Or all read Scrolls of Undead, Fred,
But not until he's gone Demi, Remi,
Or he won't talk to thee.

Summon up a Wizard Eye, Guy;
Kangaxx can't imprison that, Matt.
Cast yourself a Spell Immune, June,
Abjuration's the key.

What sort of weapons does it take to fell this foe
Who's survived without a challenge since centuries ago?
Are they expensive and where do you have to go...
...To get rid of Kangaxx?

Some tools are pricey; perhaps you have no cash to spare
And you can't shoplift from Ribald as the Amnish Guard is there.
With all your abilities it doesn't seem unfair
To have a cheaper way of killing Kangaxx...
...Cheaper way of killing Kangaxx...

Wield the Improved Disrupting Mace, Grace,
Or the Sling of Everard, Gerrard,
You could use the Staff Of Rynn, Lynn,
Better than +3.

Knock him down with Crom Faeyr, Blair,
Or the Magi's Stave, Dave,
Could try the Withering Spear, Keir,
To kill him expensively.

But, the Carsomyr sword, Gord,
Soulreaver from the Demon Knight, Dwight,
Cutthroat from the tomb of Bodhi, Cody:
Can be had for free.

So make all the snares you can, Dan,
And every Fire Elemental, Yentl.
Get Hasted and Berserk, Kirk,
For 55K X.P.


Return to the Baldurdash Homepage


Mack_Attack 06-15-2001 05:10 PM

He sure is one tough guy. I am tryin to think what I did. Oh yeah I did a cheese thing I cast wizard eye and he just attacks the eye then send in the tanks with heavy duty gear and smash him. Try it I think it will work. Also If you have Minsc in your party. Try to send him in berserker mode with a good sword.

Give me Back my glasses.
Lord of the blind.

jabidas 06-15-2001 05:14 PM

I prefer the poem explanation.


Mack_Attack 06-15-2001 06:40 PM

Me too. But me and poems do not mix.

Give me Back my glasses.
Lord of the blind.

Ratweed 06-15-2001 06:44 PM

i just kept my guys continually hasted and had my mages casting a bunch of protection removal spell then once i got to the floating skull part i rehasted and he couldnt get a spell off on my three tanks

jabidas 06-15-2001 06:45 PM

Ah well Baldurdash for all.


Grinch 06-15-2001 10:05 PM

The last go around I had with Kangaxx I let him cast spells at the Wizard Eye hemmed him in with two fighters with the Protection from Magic Scrolls then Anomen slipped behind with Protection from Undead on and bashed him with the Improved Mace of Disruption. Swatted him like a bug...


ecko 06-16-2001 02:14 AM

if u have yoshimo and u know the place where he is appearing set traps

i used that


Ecko da mighty

samoza 06-16-2001 06:41 AM

The way i did it was cast protection on undead on all members of party except one, defeated him in lich mode and just as he is changing cast the last protection on the last member, who is probably stunned etc; by now. Then he will just sit there like a lemon while ure tanks use any +4 weapons (i used carsomeyer and staff of rym , i think,) they have to kick his ass. One dead lich!!!

Dundee Slaytern 06-16-2001 07:11 AM

Kangaxx... ... the only opponent to succesfully instill fear into me, until I learnt how to deal with him. In my opinion, he puts up a better fight then Irenicus.

I will split this into two parts, the lich part, and the demi-lich part.

P.S.: Pre-battle preparations,
Cast Remove/Resist Fear on your party.
Haste optional.
Make sure you have one Protection from Magic for each of your melee fighters in their quickslot.. There're only 2 in the game, so choose who's gonna face Kangaxx.
Cast Melf's Minute Meteors for all your mages if possible.
Get someone to wear Ring of the Ram( it's possible to get 2, but 1 can be enough).
Try to memorise Spell Immunity for all your mages.
If you have a fighter with proficiencies in Mace, equip him/her with the Mace of Disruption.

Before summoning him, spread out your mages and ranged units so that they are not within range of Kangaxx's Symbol Spells( Fear, Death and Stun), and Sunfire. The overlooking platform in the tomb is a nice spot for 2 mages to cast spells at Kangaxx without fear of being in range of his area of effect spells.

Try to have the spell True Sight activated at all times, this will allow you to target him with spells, and remove his illusions.

Make sure you have some disabling spells, Ruby Ray of Reversal and Khelben's Warding Whip are very very good for removing his Spell Protections. Secret Word can be used too, but it's not really necessary.

Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting is a nice spell too, try it out, you may get lucky and wipe him out in 1 or 2 hits.

Now that you soften him up, hit him hard, he should fall soon if your fighters are successfully hitting him for damage( disrupts his casting).

Kangaxx starts sneering and boasts to you how he's oh so powerful. As soon as possible, before he engages you, do the following,

Use the Protection from Magic scrolls on your fighters, cast Spell Immunity for your mages, choose Abjuration.

If all goes to plan, he starts casting Imprisonment on your fighters, but the spell will be ineffective. While Kangaxx is distracted, shoot the Ring of the Ram at him and pelt Melf's Minute Meteors at him. Oh and if you have it, one of your fighters should try swinging the Mace of Disruption at Kangaxx.

Good luck!

If not a Sorcerer, then a Paladin.

dafan 06-16-2001 07:27 AM

Use spell imunity abdjuration or something like that on one of you party members and make kangaxx attack him..then you go hack and slasch him with +4 or better with everyone else

I'm a protector of good
a seeker of truth
a symbol of light
a man of honor

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