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Bristowe 06-14-2001 11:42 AM

Spoilers Ahead
Right, if your soloing an archer or anything else for example, how the hell do you manage to beat (legitly):

Any of the dragons
Irenicus BEFORE hell (at the tree of life)
Any other tough enemies that people find difficult

(i'm asking cos i'm curious, i'm not looking for battle tips or anything)

Dunstan 06-14-2001 11:47 AM

I soloed a game not too long ago and beat the liches to form kangaxx by using protection from undead scrolls, they couldn't see me. As for kangaxx i waited until i got the flame tongue sword at the druid grove and used a protection from magic scroll on myself so his spells wouldnt work. I never beat any of the dragons except for the black dragon in suldessenar (spelling?), but of course i had taken the xp cap off so my fighter/mage/thief could actually get above 14th level. I tried to beat the dragons. They just were not high up on my list of things to do.

Bristowe 06-14-2001 12:04 PM

Ah, ok...yeah, dragons ARE hard if you don't use cheese I always have to have at least 4-5 characters to take down the BG2 dragons...What class were you tho Dunstan?

Bristowe, Master Assassin
"Everyone dies sooner or later, why not sooner?"

Dunstan 06-14-2001 12:09 PM

My first time solo i played a kensai/dualed to a mage, and i would only pick up the occasional NPC to do their side quests. At one point i had keldorn, minsc, anomen, ands aerie and after battling firkragg for what seemed like hours my character was the only one standing everyone else had been blown to smithereens, literally. My second solo was a F/M/T and i didn't pick up anyone for any quests. I played evil and decided to let the dragons live. I tried once with a group to beat the silver dragon and let me tell you +5 flesh armor is not worht the headache. Some people say you can beat them rather easily. I prefer to not cheese as well.

Haddar - Servant of Talos 06-14-2001 12:23 PM

I beat the dragons with Finger of Death (first I play Magic Resistance
on them). On Kangaxx I used Spell Immunity Abjuration on myself, then hit him with Melf's Minute Meteors. I used ALOT of meteors, then finished him off with Ring of the Ram. Cheesy, but hey, I solo a Cleric/Mage. Another nice tactic is to use Invisibilty with Blade Barrier. And a nice little Doom or Malison is not making that combo any worse.

Bristowe 06-14-2001 12:45 PM

Ah yes, Sanctuary/invis & Blade barrier, i use that too, cept kangaxx the bastard can see me for some reason and imprisons my ass...


Bristowe, Master Assassin
"Everyone dies sooner or later, why not sooner?"

[This message has been edited by Bristowe (edited 06-15-2001).]

SSJ4Sephiroth 06-14-2001 01:45 PM

well if ur an archer, i suggest Guerrilla warfare agsainst the dragons, try to get the Staff of the Magi for spell turning (even if its just temporary itll help), im not sure about Irenicus, Liches try to remove spell protections or somethin, and beholders try the Cloak of Cheating (mirroring). Illithids should be dealt with if you have a greenstone amulet cuz of Psionics protection.

I'll kidnap ya fer 100, reprogram ya fer 300, and kill ya fer 500! Oh come one! I'll throw in the killin' fer 250!

Gorgasim 06-14-2001 02:17 PM

I found irenicus incredibly easy with my Kensai/mage. I threw a bunch of minions at him, breach/pierced magic him then kicked his arse in with my swords. For the red dragon I did pretty much the same cept I had to use some cheese.....stinky cheese. But whatever works I can't solo with out being at least part mage

jabidas 06-14-2001 05:45 PM

For any soloing realated questions go to its the Baldurdash page run by Kevin dorner bloddy brilliant.


Haddar - Servant of Talos 06-14-2001 08:44 PM

Bristowe, if you are part mage, cast Spell Immunity Abjuration on yourself. That way you'll ignore all Imprisonment-spells he casts at you.

sunder 06-14-2001 09:39 PM

Yea, very hard to beat a dragon with a solo archer. You have limited summoining ability, only the figureings and such can be used, spider, beserker, lion, dog, etc)

Your arrows will hurt him, but you'r going to have to have full protection from the dragons attack, 100 percent or more vs fire of the red, protection from drain from the shadow dragon, protection from acid, etc.
Your going to be running alot, your going to need to be loaded up on healing potions, and definetly need boots of speed to keep the dragon from eating you for lunch.

For a solo archer, Id summon 5 creatures and send a couple against him, holding a couple back. Power up before hand, and start shooting. Send your other couple summoned creatures into the battle to keep him distracted.
Potions of invisibility would help out alot also. Basically its just going to be a running game. Staying away from the melee attack of the dragon will be your number one priority. IF you are protected right, his breath won't hurt you, but his melee will. Even if you get off one shot every couple rounds, overall it will wear him down.
STAY OUT OF MELEE! Your boots of speed should help you run from one side of the room to the other, allowing off a quick shot before running again.

Bristowe 06-15-2001 05:54 AM

Yeah, that's cool, you guys can stop now, i'll go an look up this stuff myself but thanks for replying yes?


Bristowe, Master Assassin
"Everyone dies sooner or later, why not sooner?"

[This message has been edited by Bristowe (edited 06-15-2001).]

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